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Liquid Sky

Started by stavner, January 12, 1999, 06:12:53 PM

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I saw this movie about eighteen years ago.  I still think about it now and then.  I liked it then, and the fact that I still think about it means something.

Jim C

My favorite example of movies that seem to separate people into distinct camps is anything by Monty Python, and their first movie "And Now for Something Completely Different" is the perfect description of why I walked out of the theater enraptured with Liquid Sky.  I had walked in with no preconceptions about it and found a visual and aural experience, leavened with an outrageous campiness, that left me wanting to call everyone I knew and tell them to go see this movie.  It's about aliens who walk among us, but it's not science-fiction.  It's not a "great" movie, but it IS a movie that rattles your senses as it whacks you on the side of the head, and that is something worth experiencing.


I really don't remember much about this movie....I saw it about 15-16 years ago under the recommendation of the owner of this little video store I belonged to (you USED to HAVE to be a member)...he also recommended Videodrome and RepoMan, so he wasn't too bad.

The main thing I remember was how much I hated the music. I thought my ears were going to bleed. Geezus.

Anyway, about 10 years ago, I got remarried. I happened to mention this terrible movie to my wife....and she tells me that her step-sister did the soundtrack to it. Her pay for the music? A free copy of the soundtrack on LP and a VHS copy of the movie. Her name is Brenda Hutchinson, she has a degree in Music Composition from Carnegie, among others. Everytime she stops by to visit, I have to give her some crap about that horrible music. She laughs....she's gotten a LOT better.

I LOVE this website.


My wife and I are mad about this movie.  We now live in a very rural area and are unable to find the film.  We went back to the video store where we originally rented LIQUID SKY.  Their copy was worn out from use.  We helped by viewing the movie over 15 times.  What a great flick.  In this day and age when everything is formula, bang, bang, shoot to kill, it was refreshing to find a movie that we could not predict.  One of the aspects of the movie that intrigued us was the sound track.  Adrian's voice, what a hoot.  We would laugh every time we saw the movie.  WATCH OUT FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE IN SAUCERS.

Jane Doe

I stumbled on it in '83 with a boyfriend in a Denver theatre.  We had no idea what we were going to see.  Totally BIZARRE is the only way I can describe it.  I actually was quite entertained.  Twenty years later it is still on my mind - enough to do a search for it.  I guess I run with the mainstream because nobody I've bothered to ask has even heard of this movie.  Gosh I guess that means I'm not an "artsy" type and am just a boring average consuming middle to upper middle class American.  Well gotta go get in my SUV and pick up my 'tweens from soccer practice and the mall now.........


I loved this movie just because it was different from all the rest of the stuff that was out there at the time.  It is great to find a site that has other like minded people. Since I saw it I have never found any one that has ever seen the movie. I loved the colours of this movie, the movement, the clothes and the make-up.  The music was different a mind trip. I have the Lp and just looking at the cover brings back great memories.
There are three types of people, those who love LS, those who don't and those who will never know what they have missed.


  Back before in the "bad old days" before there was satellite TV in Antarctica, picking up this movie at the tape library and putting it in the lounge VCR was a sure fire way to clear the drunks out of the lounge so you could watch a movie you wanted to see without a peanut gallery.


I saw this film about three years ago and couldn't really figure out what it was that appealed to me so much. I'd really like to see it again, or own it. There's something about Liquid Sky..........

circkle k

If you like 'Me and My rhythm box' from Liquid Sky, there is a CD out called Death Before Disco that has I Am Spoonbender (with Jimmy/Margaret) doing "My Rhythm Box Has Teeth", a cover (of sorts). Really awesome take on it, with great vocals. Very different for I Am Spoonbender too 'cuz they use a drum machine on this one i think (they have a super bad-ass drummer usually, but the drum machine fits this song perfectly- go figure). If i remember right, I think they did this cover years before the revival of this kinda stuff. Anyway it's cool.

ordinary guy

I saw this little weird thing in '82 & felt invaded.  Probably the music.  Loved the time lapse street scenes in NYC.  I'd heard a Russian guy did most of the filming.  One of my favorite films because it is so wacko, but with relentless sound and images.  Of course I loved Baraka too which is both wordless & plotless.


At some level, this film really isn't so bad. When I saw it a few years after its release, I understood it as a numbed but negative reaction to the whole arty NewWave culture of the time. Some of it is also quite beautifully shot. Unfortunately, the screenplay is underdeveloped, the dialog is terrible, and the acting is even worse. By far not the best arty/junkie/New York movie - that prize goes, of course, to _Trash_ (which I suspect inspired this film).

Keith Koenig

I saw LIQUID SKY at a Midnight Showing here in Kansas City, back in 1983 or 84. I was in my late teens and just discovering Independent and Foreign films. This was a far cry from most of the schlock I was paying to see at the multiplex at that time. To each his own, but I LOVED LIQUID SKY! The cinematography and use of color were incredible and in retrospect, I think the film is pretty much a harbinger of what was to come into the mid-late 80's. It's look at excess and style over substance more or less defined that period in time.

About two years ago, I bought the dvd from and although the packaging and content could have been better, I was just glad to finally have a copy of the film in ANY format. Until that time, the only place in KC I could find Liquid Sky, was a beat up copy on VHS from my local Library(!!). I probably checked that tape out a dozen times, just to show friends, many of who, depite what you might think of us simple folk here in the Red States, absolutely loved it! The film made New York and it's hip, arty inhabitants, seem as if they were from another planet. They were no less strange than the alien, or whatever the hell that thing was in the film.

Like many others here, I am curious to know what ever became of Anne Carlisle and Paula E. Sheppard. There is almost zero information about them anywhere in Cyberspace. I did want to pop in to say, after viewing the film again last night on DVD for the umpteenth time, that I am crazy about this weird, beautiful little film. It captures everything that was cool about Independent film in the 80's. Colorful, bizarre, risque, dark, smart and yes, even funny. I can see how this film would divide people, but if you like it, that's cool. If you don't, well, that's also cool. That I still have it etched in my brain over 20 years later, to me, says a good deal about it's appeal.........    

reina roja

I saw this on video in the 80's, and it's stayed with me. Very enlightening reading some of the other comments - thanks. I must say, bad or not, I liked it.


I saw this twice at an "Art House" theater in 1983 (once altered, once not!).  I though it was fascinating, disturbed entertainment.  Perhaps a lot of the folks who really disliked it saw it too late (i.e. post 1990's).  The soundtrack of relentless altered synth version of Ravel's "Bolero" is simply perfect in context.  There again, it was produced in a pre-"midi" environment on analog instruments (before your time).  I think, absorbed in context of time and social realities, this stacks up.  I do think that it should be categorized with Eraserhead, etc. rather than "Sci-Fi???"


ME AND MY RHYTHM BOX = The quintessential song of the whole arty-burnout-postpunk-electro-deathdisco asthetic. Best song from the early 80s i've heard so far. It is a rant about where music was inevitably headed, it is music of complete isolation. It is in effect one person's heart beat which is then embellished by machine music from this rhythm box which "doesn't eat or s**t." By this time (1983? the future? it rerally doesn't matter; everything is cyclical), bands are played out; this is an isolated, masturbatory world where one cannot be bothered to put up with other people long enough to start a group, compose songs, sing on any key, or clap at the end of a performance.

I first saw this movie when i was about 10. My father and I went to the video store to see what we could see and we picked this up based on the cover. I didn't quite understand it at the time, but i know it shaped me somehow because i remembered it for years after. I liked the visuals, and the profanity, and the jarring out and out perverseness of the whole affair. And the thing that stuck with me most was that beautiful Me and My Rhythmbox song. I am 22 now and have watched it again, and the song is just how i remember it. Now that I am older and have discovered bands like Public Image Ltd. circa 1979-80 and Young Marble Giants, this song makes all that much more sense. Whoever composed and/or improvised this song, thank you, because this song is one of my favorites ever.