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Batman vs. Superman

Started by KYGOTC, December 24, 2006, 02:16:34 PM

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Following the Batman phase we seem to be having here, I picked a question that has plauged nerds of all ages for decades: Who is better overall, Batman or Superman??
"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"


Superman has Lois Lane and Lana Lang (obviously the writers were a little strapped for coming up with original names).

Batman has...uhh...Robin? ewww



I don't like either of them, really, just their villains.

Batman is ok as long as his stories stick to the psychological thriller mould with otherwise human psychos for villains.  He's not too convincing taking on someone like Solomon Grundy or other such "super" bad guys.

Superman is a bland and boring character.  I wish that, just once, he'd grab Luthor by the throat, lift him off the ground, and say something like, "Look, Luthor, quick $#!ing with me.  I'm Superman.  BAD THINGS will happen to you if you keep $#@!ing with me!"
Kneel before Dr. Hell, the ruler of this world!

Jim H

In the one Justice League ep, Superman fried Luther with his eyebeams.  It was an alternate universe or something though.

Better overall is kind of meaningless.  They're very different.  However, Batman can easily beat up Superman with that pair of kryptonite gloves he has.


Bats is the winner by default. Uses his purely human strength, plus a few gadgets - btw he has invented by himself, or through his ability to make money. Superman's greatest invention is a lead suit, which he probably borrowed. Superman never seemed particularly smart, using his strength and invulnerability to get his answers.

Batman can die, so I tend to think he thinks about what to do.


Batman. He's got the best Rogue's gallery, with Spider-Man having the second best. Though they exist in two different universes/companies.
Now it's time to sing the nation anthem IN AMERICA!!!

Bandit Keith from Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series (episode 12)


Superman always had the close combat skills of a thrown brick.  Find somebody to teach him Judo or Kempo and he would be fearsome.  Imagine him driving a fist through a villain or kicking a tank into a building.  Of course, that would go against part of his nature as a character.  Still, some sort of martial arts training would do him good.  He could even screw with the teacher by levitating the first time he meditates.
Andrew Borntreger


Quote from: Menard on December 24, 2006, 03:24:53 PM
Superman has Lois Lane and Lana Lang (obviously the writers were a little strapped for coming up with original names).

Batman has...uhh...Robin? ewww

What? Dude, Bats has CATWOMAN. Dig that. I would take Catwoman over lois ANY day.
"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"


I like both for different reasons. Superman is like the ultimate boy scout, a lonely guy with pure heart that just happens to be able to push planets around. 

Andrew is right, he seriously needs some fighting skills. When I saw "Superman Returns" I was startled at the way they portrayed him when he's poisoned by Luthor's new Kryptonite continent.  He flailed around and squawked like a little girl.  Then I was talking to friend who told that he doesn't know how to fight since he mainly just uses brute force all the time. It made perfect sense to me.

I like Batman (when he's done right) because he is human and has made himself through his own determination. I also think he's more than a little nuts. Batman Begins was a good rebooting of the movies mainly because Chris Nolan made Batman the dominant personality. Bruce Wayne is the sham.

And you thought Trek isn't cool.


I liked the Batman movie more than the Superman movie mainly because of Danny Elfman's score.


Overall , I have to choose Batman, in-spite of all his skills and abilities he's really just a normal person, he gets hurt, suffers injuries at the hands of the villians, so over all there is just a little more of a thrill and a little more suspense in a Batman story. Batman knows that he's only human and maybe even a little bit crazy. Superman on the other hand is,  well, super, he can only be harmed by Kryptonite or sometimes magic. He really only needs to be smart enough to avoid those 2 things, nothing else can harm him so all he needs to use is brute force to defeat the bad guys.
What I would like to see is a movie that deals with Superman's conscience, in reality even Superman can't be two places at once so if he's in Paris preventing a terrorist nuclear bomb from destroying the city who's going to save the president when Air Force I crashes, (I know, 2 different movies, but it's only an example) even with all his powers he can't save everyone, this is something that would prey on the mind of anyone, some people more than others and I would like to see a film that deals with this aspect of superman's life. 

Reach for the heavens in hope for the future for all that we can be, not what we are. Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.