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Why are Bad movies so good?

Started by James Bailey, February 08, 2007, 05:30:48 AM

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James Bailey

To all you bad movie lovers

why are brain dead, bad taste and evil dead 2 (never one) so good when all they are, are
terrible messes of gore infested film stock?

Answer me this...

Dr. Whom

"Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone's problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor."

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.

Doc Daneeka

Because it's a ludicrous amount of gore, to the point of satire. Some people still just like these amounts of gore! There are other reasons for others types of B-Movies too, but you didn't ask for these.
For the latest on the fifth installment in Don Coscarelli's Phantasm saga.


Because alot of "good movies" suck. And bad movies are junk food for the brain.
"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."

Slobber, Drool, Drip!


For the same reason William Hung is so successful. They are funny.


For me, B-Movies show more imagination and creativity than any big budget film ever could.  Each one is truly unique, and they're fun.
"The greatest medicine in the world is human laughter. And the worst medicine is zombie laughter." -- Jack Handey

A bald man named Savalas visited me last night in a dream.  I think it was a Telly vision.


They're fun, you can't take them seriously.  Too many mainstream movies take themselves too seriously -- I just want entertainment.


they give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. the same reason people like apple jacks, they dont taste like apple but i like them anyway just cause i do.


B-Movies are just plain fun to watch.  Watching a great director with a huge budget is okay but watching a third rate director with a shoe-string budget is waaay more entertaining.

I mean, look at movies like "Gone With the Wind", "Saving Private Ryan", or even "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy".  Monster budget.  All-star casts.  Top-notch directing.  Honest to god set and costume designers.  Solid script.

Then look at the sheer level of ineptitude of "Manos: The Hands of Fate", "Killers From Outerspace", or "Bride of the Monster".

The defense rests.   :teddyr:
He learned almost too late that man is a feeling creature... and because of it, the greatest in the universe........
-Dr. Paul Nelson (Peter Graves)

That gum you like is going to come back in style.
-The Man from Another Place


A lot of B-Movies from the 60's forwards relay on gratuitous nudity to fill the "we don't have a script" time which is reason enough for me to watch them. Watch "Kiss me, Quick" or "Please Don't Eat My Mother".
From the early 60's and before (and after) the special effect were so cheap and so cheesy you just had to laugh, the over acting or no acting is priceless. Watch "The Mighty Gorga" and see plastic toy dinosaurs fight a really bad crosseyed ape costume.

Even a lot DTV movies made today fall into the cheap FX department, case in point watch SHOCKWAVE!!


I think it just fun enteriment. Where you don't have to think much to get "it" and just have fun making a film letting your imagination and vision go.

With that some people have painfully almost boring imaginations and want to share that pain with others.

"Misery loves company"  :bouncegiggle:
Most of all I hate dancing then work,exercise,people,stupidpeople


I love the stories... and I like to make fun of them, and I like to know that I can make a better movie if I tried.  Bad horror movies are always fun, usually have a few good lines, or will stimulate conversations with people who have no idea what you're talking about (like when I suggested to my friends that  the Driller Killer could have easily fit as a character in Rent).

Just the cheeziness is good.  It makes you laugh.  Why rent some crap like Date Movie, when you could be laughing your ass off at Jason X?


they are meant to be viewed in a different way.  In a normal movie when something doesn't make sense you get perplexed trying to make sense of it.  In a bad movie you look for things that don't make sense and laugh when you find it.  Basically you need some levity to enjoy bad movies.


I would add the enjoyment of creating alternate takes on the intended action.
Like when Joel and the Bots turned the monster battle in "Godzilla Vs. Megalon" into a WWE grudge match, with words alone.
And i LOVE singing the gangs lyrice to the Jet Jaguar fight song!
" He jock it- made of steel. Eat sushi from a paaaaaail!..."
Its the standing of the movies intened...intended..reality, on its head and giveing it a through tripple jock lock.
"Aggressivlly eccentric, and proud of it!"


Oh forgot one main thing that makes a B-movie:


I mean we have internet, porn and strip clubs but nothing beats gratuitous B-movie nudity. Plus it makes you feel less dirty if your excuse is actually watching a movie instead of porn.

Watching a old 80s horror flick? is it boring the hell at you but your eyeing that hot blond?

Law of Probability says she whips those funbags out in the next scene.

You don't get that with "Normal" Film.
Most of all I hate dancing then work,exercise,people,stupidpeople