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Started by ulthar, April 01, 2007, 03:21:39 PM

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HIDE AND SEEK (2005): Deniro and Fanning "thriller" with a "twist" that we all NEVER saw coming....   :lookingup:  Pretty good buildup, not so good resolution.  Sigh.

STRANGER FROM VENUS (1954): Reminiscent of THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL without Gort to set the mood; lady "falls" for mysterious spaceman.

TWISTED (2004): Ashley Judd as a slutty female cop who is convinced by a serial killer that SHE is the killer; Samuel L. Jackson in a role beneath himself.

CRASH (2005): I had to see what all the fuss was about; pretty good flick that continued to beat "racism is bad" over our heads; Don Cheadle is always fun and shines here.

TRAINING DAY (2001): Denzel as a baaaaad cop - is he corrupt though or just doing his J-O-B?  This one had me hooked for a while, but just became a bit too unbelievable.

MANOS: HANDS OF FATE, MST3000 Version: What can be said about Manos that has not already been said?  In the words of Joel, "DO SOMETHING!!!"

TRUST THE MAN (2005): Romantic comedy showcasing the "Men From Mars, Women from Venus" stereotype.  Started out good with some fun humor, but in the end, what was the point?  Got kinda cliche there in the last act.

NIGHT CREATURES (1962): Grand Moff Tarkin as priest with Emo Phillipps hairdo; really, though, I throroughly enjoyed this Hammer production.  Well conceived, well directed and well acted, and the visual fx of the phantoms were top-notch for the time and even by today's standards. I highly recommend this one.

THE EVIL OF FRANKENSTEIN (1962): Another Hammer film with Cushing in title role.  This is a sequel to THE CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN and involved the monster hypnotized!!  Great stuff, and Cushing's Doctor is sympathetic rather than abhorrent.

CHERRY 2000 (1988): Melanie Griffith kickin butt.  Okay, well maybe not so much, but still a fun flick.  The highlights were Tim Thomerson's Lester character's over-the-top psychopathology (and touchy-feeley leadership style) and of course Ben Johnson.  Worth a look if you like (a) sappy 80's romantic movie music in a sci-fi, (b)a blown out Ford Mustang, or (c) Melanie Griffith with red hair.  And who among us wouldn't like all those in a movie?

Professor Hathaway:  I noticed you stopped stuttering.
Bodie:      I've been giving myself shock treatments.
Professor Hathaway: Up the voltage.

--Real Genius


STRANGER FROM VENUS (1954) is a good British film. It might even be better than THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL (1951) in some respects. Note that Patricia Neal co-stars in both films.

Joe the Destroyer

I actually enjoyed Hide and Seek.  I'm not sure what in the film did it for me, but it was slightly entertaining.  I still haven't seen Manos, but I do want to watch the MST3K version.


Just finished Horror at Party Beach and Night of the Living Corpse, the Del Teney Duo.  It was interesting..... I actually liked Night of the living corpse as a movie, but the horror at Party Beach was well, crap.   :thumbdown:

Doc Daneeka

I saw the MST3K "Manos", I WISH I could see the uncut. Ultimate Edition, anyone? No, we'll save it for my remake.
For the latest on the fifth installment in Don Coscarelli's Phantasm saga.


The uncut version of "Manos" is painful.  I have watched it more than once and the best description is that you spend a lot of time waiting for stuff to happen.  If fact, when exposition happens, you get excited by the idea that something must, eventually, happen.

"Cherry 2000" is a lot more fun that you would expect, if you based your expectation on the plot alone.  I am frightened by the idea of a sex android that shorts out when exposed to water.  Had Sam failed to perform normal maintenance on Cherry?  Maybe she needs some o-rings and seals replaced every few years (or
Andrew Borntreger


I cannot imagine the "raw" Manos.  :shudders:

Professor Hathaway:  I noticed you stopped stuttering.
Bodie:      I've been giving myself shock treatments.
Professor Hathaway: Up the voltage.

--Real Genius


"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"


Everyone should be forced to watch the uncut non-MST version of Manos at least once in their life.
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."


Ahh, Cherry 2000. There used to be a local rental shop where I live that stocked that one, Robot Jox and a whole bunch of other bad movies. I almost worked my way through the Corman omnibus before they closed down.


Cherry 2000 is a fun little flick.  Melanie Griffith looks great in it.
"There is no way out of here. It'll be dark soon. There is no way out of here."


I've seen the uncut version of Manos, but I must admit, I couldn't sit through it sober.

I just watched Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, I know that was reviewed here a while ago, and that is currently my favorite bad movie.  I also watched Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. because I can't resist a kaiju flick.
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving isn't the sport for you.


I'm diggin Snivelly's avatar.
"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"