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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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The Ring 2 - Remember in The Omen when Damien's maid jumped off the roof and hung herself? Well, these guys certainly don't. This seems like it was made more to babysit 13 year olds than scare anybody. The Mentalist and Naomi Watts star in this 2 hour long sequel to the original monster hit. The first half is boring, it heats up a little bit in the 3rd quarter and the last part is stupid. I kept picturing the kid between takes going "this is such crap...". blandly watchable I guess but I would challenge anyone to call this a success 2/5


"One For the Money" (2012)
'One For The Money' Trailer HD

This adaptation of Janet Evanovich's long-running series of "Stephanie Plum" comic adventure novels is essentially a vanity project for Katherine ("Grey's Anatomy") Heigl. She's a down-on-her-luck South Jersey chick with a serious 'tude, who takes a skip-tracer job with her cousin's bail-bonds business and ends up getting mixed up with some very bad people in the process. Disposable but entertaining.
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One Magic Christmas (1985): An angel named Gideon (Harry Dean Stanton) is sent to help mom Ginny Grainger (Mary Steenburgen) regain her Christmas spirit and employs the help of her daughter Abbie (Elisabeth Harnois) to help him do so. However the road there takes Ginny and her family down a rather dark and challenging road.

This is one of those movies that one finds some enjoyment in but it's never quite as satisfying as one wants it to be nor quite as memorable. I did like the ending of the film which does seem somewhat magical but the road there does seem arguably a bit too dark and depressing. Good performances and likable characters help though.  ***1/4 out of ***** stars.

The Christmas Star (1986): A con artist named Horace McNickle (Edward Asner) escapes prison disguised as Santa Claus. Later he uses the same disguise to trick the kids in the neighborhood he's hiding in to fool them into helping him locate stolen money he hid away before going to prison. However somewhere along the way he begins to really care about the children he befriends and eventually discovers the true meaning of Christmas.

Asner does pretty well in this. The rest of the performances are more hit and miss although the kids usually prove pretty sympathetic. Rene Auberjonois doesn't do quite so well in his performance as the villainous miser landlord Sumner. Also on hand is familiar face Fred Gwynne of "Munsters" fame as overworked cop Waters. A bit of a mixed bag this one. It has some moments of interest here and there but other things feel more forced and harder to buy into. Another OK Christmas movie which just isn't as memorable as one would like it to be. ***1/4 out of ***** stars.

A Christmas Memory (1997): A young boy named Buddy (Eric Lloyd) is best friends with an old spinster named Sook (Patty Duke). Together they have many adventures and enjoy baking fruit cakes for people for Christmas (they even bake cakes for President Franklin Roosevelt and his wife and actress Jean Harlow). However Sook's sister Jennie (Piper Laurie) and the rest of the family of unmarried older folk Buddy lives with begin to wonder if living with them is what is truly best for the boy and much to Buddy and Sook's dismay, they are considering sending him to military school. This story details the Christmas leading up to the decision with regards to Buddy's future.

While the performances are decent, this movie proves rather forgettable and is apparently not the most faithful adaptation of the Capote story on which this is based. Still Duke, Lloyd and the other actors do a decent enough job and there's nothing really harmful about the story although this does feel more aimed toward a female than male audience. ***1/4 out of ***** stars.

"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


Scrooged- Bill Murray plays a "modern" version of Scrooge in the form of the president of a TV network.  Buster Poindexter and Carol Kane are the Ghosts of Christmas Past and Present, respectively, and Murray meets a wicked looking grim reaper for the Future.  Good, dark comedy that I've always loved, despite the questionable ending. I don't know that I still don't quite see how Murray's character suddenly understood Christmas, but maybe the point was that he always did understand and was afraid to admit it because it would ruin his success.  Either way, I dig it.  :thumbup:
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Nurse 3D (2013) (Blu-ray)

Nurse Abby takes her job serious, she's also serious about getting rid of snooping colleagues and men that cheat. Her medical nurse skills are very useful when killing people, something Danni - the new Nurse at the Hospital - isn't aware of yet. When Abby falls for Danni things get complicated. And when Danni rejects Abby you can bet there will be a trail of blood soaking them neon-lit hospital hallways.
Trashy B-Slasher with a wonderful Paz de la Huerta as the sexy but mental nurse Abby. If anything its worth checking out for her performance alone. 3.5/5

I, Frankenstein (2014) (Blu-ray)

Frankenstein's Monster "Adam" is caught in a war between evil Demons and heavenly gargoyles. The gargoyles want Adam fighting on their side, but Adam isn't sure what he wants. When Adam's book on how to resurrect the dead falls into the wrong hands its hell on earth baby.
Tiresome rehash of the Underworld franchise without an ounce of originality. Sure, the visuals are neat but the rest is just bland, uninspiring and boring. 2/5

Proxy (2013)

A pregnant woman named Esther is attacked and looses her baby. She seeks comfort in a help group where she meets Melanie who lost her family in a tragic accident. Both women connect but Esther obviously wants more than just friendship. Melanie is shocked and tells Esther not to see her anymore. But when Esther makes a disturbing discovery she grabs a crowbar heading towards Melanie's house...
Neat little Hitchcock homage with scenes of graphic violence. This was quite solid but the Indie roots and local talent casting shows, which can give this film a cheap home movie vibe. Still, 3.5/5


Leprechaun: Origins (2014) - two young couples go to Ireland to see the historic sights. They end up in a tiny town where the friendly locals are nice enough to put them up in a cabin for the night - but the locals have got a little secret: there's a killer leprechaun in the area and they'd like to sacrifice the tourists to it. So most of the movie is this hairless baboon looking thing chasing our kids around at night. This was...fair. Characters weren't developed enough to really care about them, but the girls were cute. The action stuff was a bit too cheesy to be effective. Quite a departure from the previous movies with no Warwick Davis and no humor, but that's fine. Just wish it had been done a little better. 2.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


CAT'S EYE: One of the nastiest and mean-spirited films I have ever seen. The best actor in it was the cat who connects the three stories.
I know I can make it on my own if I try, but I'm searching for the Great Heart
To stand me by, underneath the African sky
A Great Heart to stand me by.

major jay

This was on TCM Underground over the weekend. It's the best "so bad it's good" movie I've seen in quite a while. It kinda reminded me of MANOS THE HANDS OF FATE (probably because it has a long driving scene that rivals it). It's a gloriously failed, dated attempt at an artsy message film. But the best part may be the dialogue 5/5
Check out this exchange.


 got another copy of SCI- FI INVASION for Christmas, and this was the first flick I watched....

The Day Time Ended

     Also, I got a four film set called WATER MONSTERS, and this was the standout from that....

She Creature Trailer

     This was a really good film, worth looking up.
If it's true what they say, that GOD created us in His image, then why should we not love creating, and why should we not continue to do so, as carefully and ethically as we can, on whatever scale we're capable of?

     The choice is simple; refuse to create, and refuse to grow, or build, with care and love.

Rev. Powell

MY DINNER WITH ANDRE (1981): Playwright Wallace Shawn has dinner with his old friend, theater director Andre Gregory, in this slightly fictionalized dialogue where the two men play variations of themselves. The main topic is Gregory's mystical (and at times hallucinatory) experiences in experimental theater groups and alternative living communities around the world, and his contention that modern Western man is fatally disconnected from reality. A successful experiment in making an entire film out of a single conversation; obviously, it's not for mass consumption, but it's a treat for sophisticated palates. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Leprechaun in the Hood (2000) - a rap group steals a bunch of gold from a record producer (Ice-T) and of course the gold belongs to the leprechaun so they've got both those guys after them. This started out kind of promising with a nice parody of '70s blaxploitation flicks, but that didn't last long. It wasn't nearly funny enough to be a successful comedy (the leprechaun's limericks were abysmally lame) and I really can't relate to characters who can't spit out a sentence without saying "motherf***er" at least twice. The whole second half of the movie was little more than these guys rapping :lookingup: 2/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


  OK, let's take a 21st century hipster and drop him in the old West, and then see how many times he can drop the F-bomb and complain about how much he hates the place. Throw in some sheep jokes and a born-again hooker with a virgin for a boyfriend - and Neil Patrick Harris with diarrhea as our main man's romantic rival.  Oh, yeah,  and have the slacker fall in love with the wife of the deadliest gunfighter on the frontier when he can't shoot his way out of a paper bag.  Liam Neeson, Charleze Theron, and Amanda Seyfried couldn't save this awful comedy.  Yes, there were a few moments that made me snicker, but at nearly two hours, the gag ran really thin really fast. 2.5/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Rev. Powell

THE CARS THAT ATE PARIS (1974): Mild-mannered Arthur survives a car crash that kills his brother and finds himself stranded in the insular, automobile obsessed town of Paris, Australia. This oddly conceived black comedy/psychological horror/automobile culture satire has enough original ideas to keep it interesting, but it never finds the appropriate gear to really get moving. Andrew really hated it "a long time ago" but I think he was way too hard on it. It's not trying to be a b-movie or exploitation movie, it's trying to be an art movie--the fact that it was later marketed as a horror movie and disappointed fans hoping for something scarier and more action-packed isn't the movie's fault. 3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: major jay on December 29, 2014, 10:47:56 AM
This was on TCM Underground over the weekend. It's the best "so bad it's good" movie I've seen in quite a while. It kinda reminded me of MANOS THE HANDS OF FATE (probably because it has a long driving scene that rivals it). It's a gloriously failed, dated attempt at an artsy message film. But the best part may be the dialogue 5/5
Check out this exchange.

     Someone should'a been slapped; it reminds me of this imfamous 80's video....

Animotion - Obsession

     DunnoWHY it reminds me of it, just does.
If it's true what they say, that GOD created us in His image, then why should we not love creating, and why should we not continue to do so, as carefully and ethically as we can, on whatever scale we're capable of?

     The choice is simple; refuse to create, and refuse to grow, or build, with care and love.


Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas (1999): A direct to video release that tells three Christmas related short cartoons, done in the traditional Disney style. The first story "Stuck on Christmas" features Donald Duck characters particularly focusing on Huey, Dewey, & Louie wishing it was Christmas everyday and soon coming to regret that wish. The second story "A Very Goofy Christmas" features Goofy characters and is focused on Goofy trying to convince his son Max of Santa Claus when Max begins to have doubts. The third and final story "Mickey and Minnie's Gift of the Magi" tells the story of Mickey and Minnie making selfless sacrifices for others and each other at Christmas. Kelsey Grammar links the stories together via narration.

The stories did seem to get better with each story being somewhat better than the one before. The weakest story is the opening which feels like a take-off on Groundhog Day. Everything feels just a bit too forced here and it seems to go on a bit too long and even gets kind of weird at certain points especially as it relates to ducks eating Christmas turkey (and in one scene there's a live turkey sat down to the meal?!). It does come together in the end. The second story has some uncomfortable moments as it tackles the issue of belief (and is perhaps a tad bit too long and too depressing before finally providing its magical ending). The third story is by far the best, has the most actual fun and funny moments and provides the best overall message. ***1/2 out of ***** stars.

Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (2004): Sequel to the first film brings back the original Disney characters involved in the first film for more Christmas stories although more stories now actually feature Santa Claus, elves, reindeer, and the North Pole. Also this time the animation is done via computer generated imaging.  The first story "Belles on Ice" portrays the rivalry between Daisy Duck and Minnie Mouse as ice skaters who eventually learn cooperation is better than competition. The second story "Christmas: Impossible" features Donald's nephews Huey, Dewey, & Louie mailing themselves to the North Pole to write themselves in on Santa's list but causing havoc and chaos along the way eventually learning a valuable lesson about doing the right thing and not being selfish. Story three "Christmas Maximus" features a now full grown Max Goof returning home with a new girlfriend for Christmas and being embarrassed by his father's goofy antics only to eventually come to appreciate his father Goofy all the more. Story four "Donald's Gift" features Donald Duck flipping out by the non-stop Christmas being always in his face with him craving a private break and a cup of hot chocolate but finally finding the Christmas spirit despite all of this. Story five "Mickey's Dog-Gone Christmas" tells the story of Pluto running away from home when Mickey gets upset with him for accidentally destroying the Christmas decorations and ending up at the North Pole hanging with Santa's reindeer. Mickey soon comes to realize what's truly most important at Christmas.

The stories here were fine. Most of these had a good message and were for the most part relatively entertaining. My problem with this was simply not liking the CGI look of the characters as I greatly prefer traditional animation with these beloved Disney characters and the CGI is in no way, no how in any way, shape, or form as good. *** out of ***** stars.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"