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Mesa of Lost Women

Started by Andrew, March 25, 2008, 05:29:22 PM

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A scientist creates women that are half spider, half human.  *Yawn*  The real horror is the soundtrack, because the film makers recorded fifteen seconds of music, then looped it.

Andrew Borntreger


"Something that puzzles me is that the people who are kidnapped pass up multiple prime opportunities to overpower the crazy scientist. Yes, he has a pistol, but his attention often seems to wander."

yeah i noticed that too.  jackie coogan wasa child star whose  parents stole all his money from him probably why he had to star in dreck like this


What bugged me was: if Aranya's lab is located on top of a mesa that's so inaccessible, how does Tarantella get into town to dance every night?


Well she is part spider. She probably just climbs down the mesa Spider-Man style.... or spins a parachute out of some webbing and sails down from the top of the mesa. My money is on the latter.  :wink:
The Vault Master
Caretaker of The B-Movie Film Vault


what? no memtion of the horrible sound track - a 3-4 note riff played on a classicall guitar over and over again punchuated at times by what sounds like some heavily drugged with bandages on both hands banging on an out of tune piano. I was haunted for days by that.


Quote from: bobbynyc on March 26, 2008, 03:58:59 PM
what? no memtion of the horrible sound track - a 3-4 note riff played on a classicall guitar over and over again punchuated at times by what sounds like some heavily drugged with bandages on both hands banging on an out of tune piano. I was haunted for days by that.

I mention it in the front page blurb, and the movie listing entry - just not in the review itself.  Perhaps I should.  That 10 second music clip gets on your nerves, and stays on your nerves, because they never stop playing it.
Andrew Borntreger


I contemplated reviewing this one for the graveyard, but I usually end up watching a film about 5 or 6 times when I review it...and I don't think my sanity could take hearing that music that much.
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two stars of note in Mesa Of Lost Women - Dr. Aranya is played by Jackie Coogan (Uncle Fester himself!), and one of the Spider Women is Dolores Fuller (Bride Of The Monster, and former girlfriend of Ed Wood).


I can see why MST3K passed on this one during Season 7..God-awful! And that never ending soundtrack!!! Very grating!!! Very painful!!!


OMG!  I've got this movie on DVD!  Yeah, it *is* pretty bad...  :lookingup:

Rev. Powell

Yeah, the avant-garde flamenco guitar gets pretty grating.

This is one of those THEY SAVED HITLER'S BRAIN style hybrid movies. The stuff in the cantina was shot for a movie with a different plot that was abandoned. Ron Ormond created the mesa/mad doctor/spider stuff to pad it out to feature length.
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