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Started by Andrew, June 13, 2008, 10:41:24 AM

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A right-wing-nut-job software program from outer space tries to take over the United States of America.  Lady Liberty's virtue is saved by a lollipop-sucking DOD agent and a tabloid reporter.

Andrew Borntreger


The picture of the soldiers with night-vision goggles on reminds me of the anime Jin-Roh. I wonder if Mamoru Oshii saw this film?


At 30 minutes, the movie must feature a Mitchell car.


Enjoyable FX, goofy ass plot, nut bag concept, all this equals cheese.
Is it good cheese?...well, depends on the MST3K factor.
Does this movie inspire the need to give it a wedgie?
"Aggressivlly eccentric, and proud of it!"


You know... Fallout 3 (a video game) appears to also feature a 40 foot tall, right-wing-nut-job robot whose goal is the destruction of Communists... hm.


Watched this on the 4th of July. 

I really wish I was better at getting video and cleaning audio from movies.  Somebody really needs to start mash-ups of ASMODUS and whatever political figure they feel is appropriate.
At least, that's what Gary Busey told me...