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Started by indianasmith, November 15, 2008, 12:39:10 AM

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With a name like that, I knew this was going to be a bad movie.  The only question was, would it be Brain Damage Films bad, or cheezy horror classic bad?

It was SO much the latter.   One of the best bad movies I've seen in a long time.  Fence impalements, undead Elvis impersonators, demolition rally of the damned, death by Chinese massage, and a decapitated youth pastor to round out the lot.

You just have to see it.  Four slimes.

Andrew, you have to review this one at some point.  It's amazing!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Living in Kentucky, the title alone hits too close to home.


I'd heard of this but was originally planning to pass it up. At a glance, it reminded me too much of Motor Home Massacre (which is utterly abysmal) for me to give a rat's patoot, but after your recommendations, Indiana, I think I'll give it a shot.
"On a mountain of skulls in a castle of pain, I sat on a throne of blood. What was will be, what is will be no more. Now is the season of evil." - Vigo (former Carpathian warlord and one-time Slayer lyric-writer)


Abysmal is the perfect word to describe this.  I don't care how good your meth is, it's gonna hurt when someone cuts your arm off. Don't get me wrong, I love bad horror... I adore bad horror, and this started off great, I had high hopes, but once the killing started, it was all downhill. I think it just tried too hard to be campy. It's totally possible to make a bad movie with a sense of humor that works, look at Zombie Strippers, but Trailer Park of Terror just didn't pull it off.

The Burgomaster

Damn . . . I've thought about buying this DVD several times and always ended up saying, "Nah."  Some of the above comments almost make me want to change my mind and buy it . . .
"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."

Monster Jungle X-Ray

We rented it, and it wasn't all that bad. The effects were decent I just think it was way too self-conscious and obvious with its attempts at humor. Not a buyer for sure by any means, but as a rental you could do much worse.
" Society doesn't accept us because of what we are, so we're an enemy of society. " - Pa Mooney, THE RATS ARE COMING! THE WEREWOLVES ARE HERE!