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The Lorena Bobbit Story

Started by indianasmith, February 19, 2020, 08:04:09 PM

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as related in my MODERN AMERICA class this afternoon:

So in May of 1993, a suburban housewife named Lorena Bobbitt got fed up with her insatiable husband. You'll see why her name is ironic in just a moment.
Not only did he demand that she "perform" 2-3 times a day, every day, but she then found out that he had at least two other girlfriends on the side.
Something snapped in her mind, and she went to the kitchen while her husband was asleep and grabbed a sharp kitchen knife, then came into the bedroom, took a long look at his offending member, and decided . . . well, to "Bobbitt"!
After the deed was done, his screams and the blood snapped her out of it and she dropped the knife and fled the house.  As she got in the car, she realized she was till holding his severed section in her hand and flung it out the window onto the lawn and then took off!
John Bobbitt stanched the flow of blood with a towel and called 911, and as the paramedics were carrying the emasculated Casanova to the ambulance, one of them saw his severed doohickey lying on the lawn and retrieved it.  No, wait, the story gets better!  Guys, quit crossing your legs and whimpering!
So, anyway, while the police went looking for the lovely home surgery expert, doctors performed an eight hour surgery in which they completely re-attached John Bobbitt's offending member.
Yes, Charlie, they sewed it right back on him.  Yes, Eli, it still worked, too!
But wait, it gets better, guys.  Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.  Calm down now . .  .
John Bobbitt divorced his wife (not sure why, it was just a minor domestic spat!), and then went on to work in adult films after that.
His first movie - I SWEAR, class, I am not making this up!  It was called JOHN BOBBITT: UNCUT.
OK, OK, calm down now.  At any rate that entire sordid episode did give rise to the most tasteless joke of the entire 1990's.
Wait, you want to hear it?  Are you sure?  It's kinda gross. . . OK, if you're sure.

"What did Jeffrey Dahmer say to Lorena Bobbitt?"
"Are you gonna eat that?"

OK, now moving on to JUNE of 1993 . . .
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


I think a visual aid would really bring life to your story, so, if I can find a picture of said reattached schmeckle that's three clicks away from an innocuous link, would I be permitted to post that here?

Like say....
Click the first: Holy Name Cathedral, which I'd post here, all safe and nice, and it links to
Click the second: Men's Health, which leads to
Click the third: Infamous images of the '90s, which leads to
See Bobbit's Bobbed Bammer!

Would that fly?
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


I remember this being in the news a lot at the time, then he did a whole round of interviews. Seemed odd that someone would embrace the notoriety gained in this incident. I wonder where his ex-wife is now?
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Quote from: Alex on February 24, 2020, 08:48:31 PM
I remember this being in the news a lot at the time, then he did a whole round of interviews. Seemed odd that someone would embrace the notoriety gained in this incident. I wonder where his ex-wife is now?

Unless I am mistaken, she was deported and I think he did some adult film roles. I seem to recall that event came at a time of many strange scandals, like Amy Fisher, and the Menendez Brothers, the figure skating assault, but about a year later OJ blew them all off the radar and dominated every media outlet.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Not sure.  I think she  may have remarried.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


I have nothing on her for the past decade, but, . . . in . . .

1996 she returned to her homeland of Ecuador, where she was the guest of the president, Abdala Bucaram, at a state dinner. Though, he was later critized for inviting her.

That same year, both he and she attended a child's baptism as the child's godparents.

1997 she was charged with punching out her mother, while they were watching TV. Though, she was later acquitted at her trial

2007 she was working at a beauty salon in Washington, D.C.

That same year she founded Lorena's Red Wagon, which tries to prevent domestic violence thru family-oriented activities.

2008 she appeared on The Early Show, where she talked about her long-term relationship with one David Bellinger and their 2-and-a-half year old daughter at that time.

2009 both John and Lorena appeared on The Insider, where John continued to proclaim his love for her.