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Planet of the Apes the remake

Started by josh patrick, September 12, 2002, 02:11:04 AM

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josh patrick

I REALLY HATE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!! I mean come on, it was pointless. Can anyone explain the ending to me huh. first hes on the planet then he gets in the ship goes home and the world is over run with monkey people. i mean how did what he did on that planet effect earth in anyway? The original was better, they just tainted its image with this peice of crap.


Why is there so much hatred for this movie? I liked it because I took it as a fun adventure movie. As I see it, the  social commentary here is an animal-rights thing, with Thade's ancestors being locked in cages and treated as inferiors. There are several theories as to what the ending meant, most having to do with the distortions caused by the spacious anomoly, but I won't go into them.

 I just can't not like a movie with talking monkeys.


Social message is quite obvious, but is only used to provide the movie with some type of subtext. It is not really developed at all.

The main problem with this one, is, as I see it, that the original does not only make you think, but also that the constant twists make new and new thoughts arise constantly in the head of the viewer. I think Rod Serling deserves the main credit for this. Instead, the new version is practicaly a think-free movie, and this makes fans of the original and viewers above 12 years old feel cheated and insulted.

And not to speak of the script inconsistancies: Why does Mark Wahlberg leave Planet of the apes? He's got both Helena Monkey-Carter and Stella Warren!

Nathan Shumate

What's really missing in the remake is the character of Taylor, a man so completely misanthropic that he literally left the world behind, then being placed in a position of defending his entire species.  Ironically, the ending confirms his original misanthropy, not his newfound will to defend his kind.  None of that is in the remake; it's just Marky-Mark in an extended TV version episode.


josh patrick

right the truth has never been so clear.


This adds the Pof the A. ramake to the list of films i just don't wanna see. Right up there with "Deanzilla".

"Aggressivlly eccentric, and proud of it!"


Okay, I watched it again and I think I get the ending. Early on it is mentioned that the monkeys are genetically altered to be more intelligent, and the space station gets every radio signal from Earth sent back to them, even a warning from the future, and when Leo's in his pod he zips forward and backward in time. So, the anomoly is like a distortion of time and space. When Leo gets back to Earth, it's actually the Earth far into the future, where genetically altered apes have taken over just like on the other planet. How they have another ape namedThade is something I can't really get into.


The remake ending is very simialr to the ending out of the novel that the first film was based. The crew (I think there were 3 guys, and Nova, and her child) land on what they think is Earth, and they are greeted by a gorilla dressed in a army uniform. Other than that, i thought the was crap.


>The remake ending is very simialr to the ending out of the novel that the first film
>was based. The crew (I think there were 3 guys, and Nova, and her child) land
>on what they think is Earth, and they are greeted by a gorilla dressed in a army
>uniform. Other than that, i thought the was crap.

 I wouldn't have minded that, what I didn't like was how it was a carbon copy of Washington DC, just with apes instead of humans.