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Serenity: ugh...

Started by Alan Smithee, September 22, 2005, 07:59:42 PM

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Ed, Ego and Superego

I tried watching Firefly and really wanted to like it (the lack of good Scifi out there you know.  But I found myself wandering around the dial.  For some reason it did not hold my interest.  Stylistically, I liked it, but couldn't stay interested in the show itself.  And boy did I want to. Maybe I'll get the DVD and try again.
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes


 Alan Smithee wrote:

> Somehow I sense the "search" function was installed between the
> last time I posted and right now.

Actually it's always been here.  I've been using it to see if my presence gas been missed.

And by all the "Cullen who?" reponses I can see that it hasn't.

Cullen - Super Genius, Novelist, and all in all Great Guy.


I liked the show for the reasons previously stated and am looking forward to the movie.


Yep.  That's all I got.

Good thing I'm back, isn't it?  Really adding to the board's content.
Cullen - Super Genius, Novelist, and all in all Great Guy.

Fearless Freep

Going places unmapped, to do things unplanned, to people unsuspecting

Jim H

The early reviews for Serenity are mostly glowing, though moreso from fans than non-fans.  There are a LOT of reviews, as there were early screenings for months before the effects work was done.  The trailers are mediocre, me thinks, with the first theatrical being the only good one.  I do enjoy the whole "Well...  You can't." line in the TV trailers.  Too bad I've seen it so many times on TV now it will lose impact in the cinema.

The show itself I quite enjoyed.  Borrowed the DVDs from a friend.  I don't like it quite enough to buy it (though it is fairly priced - $30 w/free ship from Amazon isn't bad for about 10 hours of show).  Liked several of the characters a lot, and sci-fi westerns are on my favorite subgenres.  Jubal Early is great (sample quote: "You oughta be shot. Or stabbed. Lose a leg. To be a surgeon, you know? Know what kind of pain you're dealing with. They make psychiatrists get psychoanalyzed before they can get certified, but they don't make a surgeon get cut on. That seem right to you?")...  I hope he somehow makes a reappearance, as I remember reading they were contracted to make three Firefly films.


Apparently two of the lead characters die in Serenity.  Dunno how well they'll be able to continue after that..  No shortage of them though, with 9 central characters.


Alan Smithee wrote:

> Well, Odin, if you didn't want me to know  it was there, you
> shouldn't have informed me.
> But seeing that most people don't use, why should I be the
> exception?

I use it quite a bit. How do you think I pull up those embarrasing quotes for tribute posts.

Mr. Hockstatter

Just looked at the IMDb and Serenity is #119 on the top 250 of all time list.  I see Firefly is the #2 best selling TV show on DVD over at Amazon as well.

I bet the studio execs that cancelled it are feeling pretty darned proud of themselves right now.


My wife and I saw the movie last week and thought it was great. They managed to keep it centered on the characters and not get too carried away with the bigger effects budget.  You also don't really have to have seen a single episode on tv to get it.

I'm just hoping it makes enough to warrant a sequel.  

As far as the morons at Fox who cancelled Firefly, it almost appeared they wanted to kill it before it even got on the air.  Now Universal has it and it hoping to make a franchise out of it.

And you thought Trek isn't cool.


Saw the movie and show. Both good. Enough people have already praised it, just wanted to say that THIS Baldwin ain't one of THOSE Baldwins, as in, his brother ain't named Steve or Billy. Its Animal Mother! -For the worst in video game and movie reviews, mostly dealing with zombies.

Alan Smithee

Menard wrote:

> I use it quite a bit. How do you think I pull up those
> embarrasing quotes for tribute posts.

I just figured you had nothing better to do.