
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: popman on December 06, 2001, 06:38:09 AM

Title: Kingdom of spiders : where is the big one
Post by: popman on December 06, 2001, 06:38:09 AM
I recently watched my copy of "Kingdom of spiders" (with shatner) and I found one or 2 things very strange :

- I had the trailer of this movie on my deathrace2000 VHS tape and in this trailer, there are shots of BIG spiders (as big as a rabbit, then as a car !). But in the movie, I didn't see these very big spiders !!!???? are there different versions of kingdom of spiders ? (standard and big ones edition !!)

- It seems a big part of the movie's transfert has been reversed (driving on the left side of the road, shatner always using his left hand...). Is the the same on every copy ?

Title: Re: Kingdom of spiders : where is the big one
Post by: Squishy on December 06, 2001, 09:08:20 AM
--Regarding giant arachnids, there aren't any in Kingdom of the Spiders; you might be thinking of MST3K staple The Giant Spider Invasion. (All together now: "You been hittin' the BOOZE again, Ev!!" And: "Vaaaaaaaaaaance!!")

--I don't know about Kingdom, but many a movie has reversed footage. When Momma kicks Billy Crystal in the face at the climax of Throw Momma From The Train, the shot is normal. The scene cuts to a shot of Danny Devito and Anne Ramsey, then back to Crystal as he starts to fall through the doorway. Look at the doorway; all the signs, handles, and other features are suddenly backwards. Maybe Billy forgot which way he was supposed to "spin," or something just looked weird.

Also, in Puppet Master (the first, I am thinking), to make it seem like Paul LeMat and another actor (I forget who) are walking through a long maze of hallways, they shoot the same hallway again and again and again--reversing every other shot of it. Everyone's hairstyle and other features wag back and forth like a dog's tail. It's a complete disaster.