
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Mr. DS on October 19, 2008, 08:58:56 PM

Title: Fish Aquariums?
Post by: Mr. DS on October 19, 2008, 08:58:56 PM
This topic came up in another thread.  I figured why not start a thread on it.  Does anyone have a fish aquarium?  If so what kind do you have (shape, gallons, etc).   What kind of fish do you have? Here is what I currently use.
Its a 35 gallon and I run on a Cascade 100 filter.  Oddly, I don't have to replace the filter cartridge much.  The water stays pretty much clean for the most part. I have around three fish in it now.  I haven't got around to buying more but plan on it. 
Here is a shot of one of my favorite deocrations, one of my tetra decided to block it but its a shipwreck.  I'm a huge fan of non traditional decorations.  It seems most places only sell the treasure chest with bubbles now. 

Title: Re: Fish Aquariums?
Post by: ghouck on October 19, 2008, 09:31:33 PM
I've had many over the years, but none now. For some reason I always end up getting small black and white gravel for it, but I think I'm going to use sand for my next one. I've seen some cool critters like Kuhli Loaches that burrow into the sand. I've had so many kinds of fish, all freshwater so far, and I doubt I'll ever try saltwater.  I've had at one time or another:

Black Moors
Ranibow sharks
Iridescent sharks
Lemon tetra
Bleeding heart tetras
Male Beta
Silver hatchetfish
Kissing Guamis
Clown Loaches
Kuhli loaches
Pygmy frogs
Glass cats
Algae eaters
Chinese algae eaters
Cobalt Blue cichleds
Jeweled Cichled
Platys (which breed better than guppies)
Calico goldfish

As for aquariums, did the fishbowl, bigger fishbowl, 10 gallon tank when I was a kid, then we got a 26 gallon tank. When I was in the Army, I had a 10-gallon tank in my room, made inspections go easier because that was all they looked at. Since then I've had 10, 20, 29 gallon tanks. I had a 29 set up and a 10 gallon I used for breeding platys, or rather, for the little ones to be in until they were big enough to survive being with other fish.

Title: Re: Fish Aquariums?
Post by: Ash on October 19, 2008, 10:51:51 PM

That's a Black Skirt Tetra on the left.  I have one of those in my aquarium and it looks exactly like yours.

I've got one of these, a Blind Cave Tetra :
( (

And an Iridescent Shark. 
( (

These aren't my fish.  Just some pics I got from Google Images.
My fish are currently residing in my friend's tank until I move into my new apartment

Title: Re: Fish Aquariums?
Post by: Captain Tars Tarkas on October 20, 2008, 01:22:05 AM
My wife and I have two tanks, a 30 gallon with three kois and six goldfish (koi are five to three inches, goldfish three  inches) and a ten gallon with four koi and five goldfish (all around one inch long)  Almost all of ours are rescues from the feeder tanks at pet stores, except the largest koi and a few of the fancy fat goldfish.  One of the pet shops in town gets feeders that have koi mixed in, so any time we see ones that have interesting patterns we try to get them.  Unfortunately, some of the feeders just die, so we have lost a few.  But we will have some really pretty large fish in a few years, hopefully by then we will own a house and will put in a koi/goldfish pond.  goldfish and koi are dirty fish, so the tanks are a lot of work.  Guess which one of us ends up cleaning the tanks all the time!