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Jack Frost

Started by, January 11, 1999, 09:54:17 PM

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It would have been stupid had it not been so funny.


How does death feel?

It feels cold. feels cold.

Watch out for yellow snow!!!!!!  It may have genetic acid in it!  This movie made me switch from Otter Pops to SnoCones....

"Do you have something against droppings?" "Well, no, I..." "Sure, everyone says that till they step in it."


You know, I don't know if anyone will believe me, but way back when I was like 12 years old, I was working on a series of horror stories, and one of them features, I kid you not, killer snow.  You see, there's a freak, unexplained snowfall in the middle of summer in some town or another and the snow and ice start offing people.  First they do it subtlily (icy road causes a car to crash, a "snow hand" pushes a kid down a hill causing him to fall over a cliff or something..)

Then a young kid goes outside and starts buidling a snowman, and, instead of killing him, the snow lets him finish, and they start using the snowman's form to go around killing people (snowman gets an ax, although I don't know from where.)

So, I don't know.. just found it really weird when I discovered the Jack Frost film to think, "Whoa... what a weird coincidence..."

But, yeah, keep in mind I was just 12.. and it's probably not nearly as silly as the story I was working on about an evil pumpkin... (well, technically it's evil field of vines that eventually sprout an evil pumpkin...) 
"Some people mature, some just get older." -Andrew Vachss


I like the end where he yells "get some antifreeze" and somehow the guy knew that he meant line the bed of the truck and completely fill it with a couple hundred gallons of antifreeze. 

This whole thing seemed like a Child's Play rip off with a snowman instead of a doll. Still worth a look, good for a few laughs.


I  loved the label on the side of the trcuk that was driving the HUMAN Jack to his date with the electric chair before it ran into the truck with the genetic chemicals.  It said (I kid you not) -


Is that a hoot or what?
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


The sequel is one weird film.
Watching JF II I notice that if you're holidaying in the caribbean and a freak snowstorm occurs, people don't panic, they just have snowball fights.

oddly, I watched a forensic programme the other day in the UK, which proved that a waepon made from Ice can puncture upto 6 inches into flesh and also break bones, all by hand power.

Vicki Lynn Payne

 :thumbup: :bouncegiggle: :smile: :cheers: :twirl:

Jack Frost is my Favorite Horror Movie.
It's Funny It's Fun to watch I've seen it about a thousand times
I own a snowman collection I watch sometimes when I come home from school.
I never get tired of watching Jack Frost.


The thing I really love about this flick?

The fact that you KNOW some poor little kid who asked for the Michael Keaton family movie of the same name was freakin' traumatized when his parents bought him this instead! Perhaps even funnier is the horror/b-movie fan who ended up getting the family movie by accident.
"On a mountain of skulls in a castle of pain, I sat on a throne of blood. What was will be, what is will be no more. Now is the season of evil." - Vigo (former Carpathian warlord and one-time Slayer lyric-writer)


   This movie is amazingly funny for a random horror insane murderer inhabiting an inanimate object (hmm, somehow this sounds familiar).


This is the perfect xmas movie, in my opinion! I like to use a photo from this movie as an xmas card sometimes actually, if I'm feeling saucy. I will never forget the killer snowman sex! 


I watched this flick for the first time since the VHS era when it unexpectedly popped up on Netflix last night.

I probably would've ignored it but I recently picked up a cheap horror 12-pack DVD which has "Jack Frost 2" on it, so I sarcastically sez to myself "Y'know, I really should revisit the original first before I watch the sequel, just to make sure I'm all caught up on the back story."

Anyway, it was an even bigger hoot than I remembered. (I'm sure that the combination of far too much Thanksgiving food topped off by numerous beers helped a lot.) What made it extra hilarious was how all the actors played it completely straight, as if they were in a "real" horror movie, despite the ridiculous concept.

I didn't even know that Shannon "American Pie" Elizabeth was in this flick, but then again, the last time I saw this she was still a nobody. When you think about it, she probably should've retired from acting right after this flick. I mean, when your first major movie role involves being raped to death in a bathtub by a killer snowman... where do you go from there? No other part in your career will ever top that!  :teddyr:
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


I have positive memories of this movie. I rented it when it came out on video, and at the time, I missed the eighties so much that I wasn't really enjoying new things—yet this movie was enjoyable. That was a big deal for me.

I notice that Rob la Belle plays one of the FBI agents. I like him. He's local, too! (Vancouver.) He was in Watchmen. He is not to be confused with similar-looking Canadian actor Don McKellar (eXistenZ). And Christopher Allport is the sheriff!