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Dungeons & Dragons

Started by Will, May 28, 2001, 01:18:20 PM

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I have no problem owning up to the fact that I played AD&D for about 10 years.  I loved every minute of it, and still managed to occasionally date (though I never revealed my secret hobby.....I just didn't think cheerleaders would

After waiting 13 years to see a D&D movie, a real D&D movie, I was very happy with the result.  It seems no one else was though.  I knew the reviews would be bad; you have to play the game to appreciate the inane banter, over the top emoting, and convoluted storylines so cherished by us polyhedron afficionados.

But seriously, I loved this movie.  It was exactly what I hoped for in a straight-up D&D film.  Right down to the jargon.  Jeremy Irons, who was slammed for his performance, got the archetypal D&D villain just right in my opinion.  Devour the scenery and go so over the top you might fall down!  

Anybody else actually like this?


Though I've never actually played D&D itself -- I guess the social circles I've run with were just too, uh, 'cool' for my own good, as I was apparently the only person in said circles nerdy enough to want to role-play (Pity me, feel my pain. I wanna see tears, people!) -- I still know and appreciate the themes, cliches, and such, so this flick tripped my trigger too, so to speak.

What might be seen as p**s-poor script-writing by most is accepted by a RPer (much) without question as 'how things are'. Of course, it most likely was p**s-poor writing, but hey, it's a D&D movie. Hell, I half-expected them to simply find a cleric to resurrect the dead character or something...

My only real complaint is that the adventuring focused too much on the main character all by his lonesome. Traveling in parties is part of what RPGs are all about, yet whenever there was any sort of dungeon and whatnot, everyone would wait around outside while the main character did his hero thing. The rest of the characters were only good for getting captured by villains. Even the mage seemed to forget that she had magic any time there was a fight.

Not a great film, but not a bad flick if you're into RPGs or fantasy movies. Did I mention that it's not a good movie? Well, as the good Doctor says, we love crap.

3 slimes...

…or should I say gelatinous cubes?


Yeah, that was my big criticism too.....his companions were worth @!#$ whenever anything was going on......but otherwise, yeah, you hit the nail on the head about rpg'n......


i'm waiting to rent D&D, so i haven't seen it yet. but...

what about that classic tom hanks 1982 tv movie: "mazes and monsters."

dungeons and dragons...mazes and monsters...

i'm waiting for the rumored sequel...basements and critters

i'm going on a hunger strike until it is released on DVD...and i don't mean one of those 9.99$ jobbers...i mean WIDESCREEN baby!!!

i pay homage:

(pathetic attempt to get my counter out of the double digits...lo siento)

El Chupacabra

The Mazes & Monsters book was a lot better.
D&D?  Haven't seen it... from the trailers I
was expecting a slick Hollywood production.
But it sounds right up my alley!


Mazes & Monsters....ha ha ha ha....I love that anti-RPG propaganda though.....


Speaking of anti-RPG propoganda. . . anyone here ever read "Dark Dungeons"?  It's a religious tract about a girl who gets caught up in the dangerous world of role-playing games, confronting people who are so wrapped up in the game that if their character dies, they die, too, and the most evil DM I have ever seen.  "Your cleric has reached 8th level, Debbie.  Now it's time for you to learn REAL magic."  But, fortunately, she discovers the power of GOD, burns her books, and breaks free of the evil cult.  "Thank you, Jesus, for setting me free."  It was a christmas present from a fellow roleplayer (yep, I'm one of them.  AD&D, Cthulhu, Shadowrun, Mage. . .), and I'll treasure it forever.


Hmmm. . . I can't help but think I've mentioned this before.  Am I going senile?  Flangepart's right, chalk dust WILL do strange things to your brain.


The greatest thing about that game was that:  sooner or later, no matter what, your character went insane.  I understand that they've changed that, but talk about dynamic gaming and players who really are afraid to open the next door.

"One sanity point left and I'm only halfway through this adventure.  I hate you."  (This person is pointing at me.)



"You dare not open that tomb! It will bring a curse down on us all!" One of my better or lesser moments. Yes, I will admit, that I was a roleplaying gamester in my earlier days. And yes, I will admit that I enjoyed "Dungeons and Dragons." Apparently so, more then most people, if you go by the score given it at I enjoyed the action in it, especially given that the director was a first timer and had a small budget (comparatively) to work with. Actually, I enjoyed the action in this one more, then in some action films enjoyed by critics and audiences alike. And I enjoyed the main character. Actually, I enjoy any character who is smart enough to carry a boot knife. And did you see that sword scabbard, he wore? I do not not know the proper term for it, but I call it a "quick draw scabbard." When you do not need your sword, it is out of the way, so you do not trip over it. But, when you need it, you can do a cross draw.
And the few seconds saved in doing a cross draw, may be the few seconds needed to save your life. Give "Dungeons and Dragons" 3 1/2 slimes. Enjoy


The "quick draw scabbard" is a baldric (I've yet to see the movie, but am making a guess).

By the way, if you're ever looking for a good quality replica sword, suitable for mock combat, say hello to Zack for me and visit">Star Fire Swords.  The double-bladed axe is really impressive after you put a good ash shaft on it and wrap some leather on.


Mofo Rising

I read somewhere on the net that there is a game company currently developing a PC version of "Call of Cthulhu".  I'm excited because I can't find anyone geeky enough to play it with me.

faerieofdeath, you're probably referring to one of Jack Chick's religious tracts.  If your looking for a good hour or two of entertainment, go this site at

If anybody else wants to see "Dark Dungeons", go here:
Check out the girl's face in panel 6!

As far as the movie goes, I too thought it captured the gaming angle.  The story may not have been great, but it was quite similar to every D&D game I've ever played.  Of course, I didn't finish watching the movie.


Oh that tract is FUNNY!!!!  I didn't think anyone was still that wacked out about D&D and roll-playing.  How sad.  The girl's expression in panel six is classic.


And right you are! Hey, have you ever heard of the Kenzer and Co. Comic KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE? I love that book! Every month i get my copy at the Laughing Ogre, and i reccomend it to any Role player. Oh, and NODWICK< and TRAVELLERS,and HACKMASTERS OF EVERKNIGHT....i don't roleplay, but i understand it, and i love the gang in Knights. B.A., Brian, Sarah, And of corse Bob and Dave......If anyone at a game yells out "I waste him with my crossbow!" know you found a knight! Kewl beans!


As Andrew said, that indeed may have been a baldric scabbard. I am somewhat familiar with swordplay, having taken fencing in college, but I am by no means an expert on the subject. I just remember the scabbard and thought it was kewl!