
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Chadzilla on June 16, 2003, 07:42:37 PM

Title: It's official - Dawn is breaking...
Post by: Chadzilla on June 16, 2003, 07:42:37 PM
The remake of Dawn of the Dead is now filming in and around Toronto (currently doubling as Wisconsin).  Interestingly, the movie seems to be borrowing plot elements from both Philip Nutman's Romero inspired novel Wet Work and the game/movie Resident Evil.

I think this one is going to create some real which one is better rumbles in the future!

Title: Re: It's official - Dawn is breaking...
Post by: Paquita on June 16, 2003, 09:26:23 PM
Why does it have to be a remake?! Why can't they just make ANOTHER dead people movie!?  They can call it "Afternoon of the Dead" or "Evening of the Dead" or "Tea with the Dead" or "I Love the Dead" and have Alice Cooper do the soundtrack!? Are they just so lazy that they can't make up another movie based on Dawn of the Dead? They have to remake it as if it were imperfect the first time?! Isn't anyone creative anymore?

I'm more afraid of actually liking it! Then I have to tell people I like Dawn of the Dead and Dawn of the Dead. Or! I'll really hate it! Then everytime I say I like Dawn of the Dead I have to explain which one it is!

What if one day, many, many, years from now... ALL movies are remakes! Remakes of remakes of remakes until no one knows for sure which movie is the original!? IF the original even exists anymore! The world's gonna become some horrible negative utopia where everything is a copy claiming to be better than the original and were all gonna DIE!!!!! but really fast and painful! and lots of people will be sad! and it wont be good! and all our national parks are gonna be named after cell phone companies! and were gonna EAT NICE OLD PEOPLE LIKE IN SOYLENT GREEN AND NO ONES GONNA CARE!!
love colleen

Title: Re: It's official - Dawn is breaking...
Post by: Chadzilla on June 16, 2003, 09:50:47 PM
Everything will be lowered to a SNL skit, like Phil Hartman running through various skits dressed up like Chuck Heston in SG and shouting "Soylent Green is people!".

The irony is that Romero can't get funding for his fourth dead movie Dead Reckoning and his former business partner can get funding for a remake from a major studio.  Why?  More people recognize the name Dawn of the Dead than Romero.  Who?  You know, the guy that made Night of the Living Dead.  But it's nice to know that most people have to clarify that they are talking about the remake when they talk about the remake, they just can't say Night of the Living Dead.  Same will go for Dawn.

My big fear is that it will be PG-13 mass market Goosebumps style horror and not even attempt at being witty, satiric, or even scary.  Sadly Romero was disrespected when he delivered a script for Resident Evil that was too much of a 'traditional' horror movie.  The producers wanted mass market Goosebumps style mallrat horror and that is just what they got.  Now they are funding a sequel to a movie not many people liked to begin with.

Coming Soon Hulk Vs Nemesis.

Title: Re: It's official - Dawn is breaking...
Post by: Drezzy on June 16, 2003, 11:18:19 PM
Coming soon!

Title: Re: It's official - Dawn is breaking...
Post by: jmc on June 17, 2003, 01:28:25 AM
I'm willing to give it a chance, but I'm hesitant just giving the lousy state of horror movies these days, especially those that are remakes or are based on some outside material.  

I like the original, but I'm one of the few who thinks it had flaws--I thought the acting was less than spectacular, and the pacing wasn't so hot.  If someone could do a version that was exciting, had good zombie effects [some of the zombie makeup being another problem of the original, probably due to low budget] and didn't hit you over the head with attempts at social commentary, it might be worth seeing.  
But odds are it will probably be more like Chadzilla says.

And personally, after seeing BRUISER I don't think I want to see anyone giving George Romero money to do anything other than to stop making movies.

Title: Re: It's official - Dawn is breaking...
Post by: Wycked Nick on June 17, 2003, 03:14:16 AM
I swear to god if that f**ker Paul Anderson does that movie Im going to kill him.(if you havn't noticed I really really hate him you can see it some of my past posts)

Title: Re: It's official - Dawn is breaking...
Post by: Conrad on June 17, 2003, 07:15:14 AM
Paquita - Wycked Nick - count to ten, take a deep breath and consume a chill-pill.  There - feel better?

Chadzilla - Wow!  Hulk vs. Nemesis!  Excellent!  Is there a website for this?  Who's directing it?  Who's starring in it? Who - oh. Oh, I see. Not really.  Aha.

Personally, I'm holding out for Abbot & Costello Vs. Frankenstein, maybe with Dracula and the Wolfman thrown in, if they can get studio permission.

Title: Gonna catch flak
Post by: Mr_Vindictive on June 17, 2003, 07:50:04 AM
Ever since I heard this flick was going to be made, I've been....well....excited.  Come on guys!  I love Dawn Of The Dead, it's one of my favorite horror films, but don't you atleast think this remake will be fun????

I'm 100% against a PG-13 rating.  Horror should never be rated PG-13 (except for The Ring).  I have a feeling that this one might actually be done right.  

Who knows, we may get a classic out of this!

That's my two cents.

Title: Re: Doubt it will be a classic.
Post by: Chadzilla on June 17, 2003, 11:40:51 AM
The plot too closely resembles the novel Wet Work and even Maximum Overdrive for my comfort.  It has been described as such...A plague kills a large part of the population.  The problem is they won't stay dead.  A group of survivors gather in a mall to form a new soceity before heading for an island rumored to be zombie free.

Also this is coming from a major studio (Universal), so this will no doubt be a mass market mallrat horrorshow (i.e. looking just like Resident Evil or They or The Ring).  It might have some moments, but only those interested in the movies they watch looking slick and expensive (and completely lacking in personality) will think this is classic.  Say what you want about Romero's movies, at least he kept the real fans in mind when he made them.  This will be a movie made for the mass audience.  I'll go see it, but I doubt I will like it very much.

Post Edited (06-17-03 11:42)