
Information Exchange => Reader Comments => Topic started by: Nathan Benkert on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Nathan Benkert on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
This movie, although leaving out some essential portions of the game, i.e. breaking blocks, coins, and the piranha plants (I could be mistaken about that last one; It's been a while since I've seen the movie), does a pretty fair job of conveying the central plotline of the game: the kidnapping of the princess (of whom Peach is her actual name, not Daisy; a common misconception) by Koopa (whose actual name and title is Bowser: King of the Koop), and the antics that Mario and Luigi must go through to save her.  One thing that I highly disliked about this movie is that the ending is left WIIIIIDE open for a sequel to be made, but no such thing happened.  True, since Koopa was 100% dead in the end of the movie, Super Mario Bros. 3 would not be possible, but 2 would absolutely rock as a movie!!  
 One last thing: I don't know about the rest of you, but I LOVE the humor incorporated into the movie.  My favorite scene of all is when Mario and Luigi get the troops to dance and sing in the elevator.  Hilarious!
God Bless!

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: ZoneZ on May 02, 2004, 10:18:24 AM
Oh good....two weirdoes playing Mario and Luigi......Suddenly, I am not so eargly waiting a sonic the hedgehog movie anymore.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: qygibo on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
How does anyone not know who plays Luigi?  Does no one not recognize John Leguimzamo??  (Kinda funny, a Spanish guy playing an Italian "plumber").  He was also in such movies as Ice Age (he voiced the sloth), To Wong Foo, and Empire.  He was in more movies, but I can't think of them.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: jesus on March 30, 2004, 09:49:58 PM
I loved this movie. absolutely loved.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Asmodeus on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
This movie is weird... Unusual... And most of all dumb as hell... And that's why I like (liked? seen it a few times about 4 or 5 years ago, never bothered since then ;P) it.

Don't know if this is an inside joke or not, but "koopa" means "poo" in Polish (written "kupa", but sounds exactly the same). Would be the perfect name for this particular king. ;)

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Elphie on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
I actually really like this's funny when its suppoesd to be and even when it's not(the city is obviously a set, Fiona Shaw overacts like hell,etc.) I just saw it recently at the home of a friend who is a big fan and we had fun mocking it ("Is Daniella a hooker?") and defending it at the same time ("Aww, Toad's a NICE Goomba!") It ain't Shakespere, but it's campy and fun.
Some of my favorite moments include the Goombas waltzing in the elevator and Mario hitting on Bertha in the club.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Jess on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
This article inspired me to go rummaging around for an hour for it. =)

I was obsessed with this movie 8 years ago as a little kid, practically. I knew the characters, and didn't care about how they butchered them and the simple storyline of the game. My theory is: this movie takes place before the games did, so I forgive the huge plot holes and such. I assume Luigi got smarter and grew a mustache later on in life.  

...And I didn't know that since dinosaurs are cold-blooded, the freezing building would've killed them, yet they never even noticed that the heat was off.

BUT, have you considered that this parallel dimension of Brooklyn could also be parallel to the video game Mushroom Kingdom?

I love this movie for all it's flaws: from the fact that despite being de-evolved to Jurassic, Koopa did not change into a lesser form of evolutionary life, to Mario and Luigi finding tower uniforms that don't resemble anything anyone in the towers are wearing. Anyone notice that Koopa called Daisy a mammal at one point? And how Toad sings about having no water, but at the end of the movie, they're dancing in water? And how Toad can still remember how to play the harmonica, despite his brain becoming the size of a fingernail... and even plays it when it's not near his mouth?  

God, I love this movie.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: DigiRanma on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
I originally liked the Mario Bros. movie when I was a kid.  But now that I'm older, I relize something: This is just a movie with the Mario characters' names slapped on it.  Does not follow the games at all (GOMBAS ARE MUSHROOMS WITH EYES!  MUSHROOMS WITH EYES!  AND WHERE THE HELL ARE THE KOOPA TROOPAS?!  AND WHERE'S PRINCESS TOLDSTOOL?!) and it actualy makes Street Fighter better in that aspect.  If your movie makes Street Fighter look good, then rewrite the damn script.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: ChocoHearts on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
Heh. This brings back memories.... Yeah, I can kinda see where people don't like it, with the silly "plot" and LARGE diversions from the games - but hey, it's fun to watch and laugh at, if nothing else. XD

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Hailey25 on March 26, 2004, 09:38:13 PM

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: brianc1415 on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
I wholeheartedly agree with the above comment.  This was a thuroughly entertaining movie, and I reccomend it to aspiring actors who want to study how an actor is supposed to act, aspiring directors who want to see how to make a good movie, or just those like me who want to be entertained from beginning to end.  I believe this film deserves at least 5 slime drops, if not to be taken off this website and considered a "bad movie".  Please, reserve this website for truely bad movies and not great cinematic works of our time.  BUY THIS MOVIE!!  It will be worth the money, trust me.  And as a sidenote, this movie was exactly on target with the video game, with no noticable differences.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: moviebuff72 on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
This is one the the best and most realistic movies I've ever seen.  I don't understand why you only gave this move one slime drop.  It not only followed the movie to a tee, but containted some of the greatest acting of our time.  f**k all those who hated on this movie, because I haven't seen a movie with such good dialog, special effects and costume design in at least 12 years.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Richard Maxted on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
Stupidly funny film! made me laugh! yes, i've also seen John Leguimzamo in 'Romeo and Juliet' as Tybalt. he was amazin in that film. so that gave him respect from me for Mario Bro's! i don't know bout ne one else, but i think Denise Hopper is really funny, can't act very well, and is always type cast as a bad guy, but still immensely funny and its nice to see him still going in soem films! anyway, an allround OK film. could ave been closer to the stopryline, but hey, that would almost have been impossible, and may have looked quite stupid with a spikey turtle bad guy!

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Frizzurd on March 09, 2004, 12:47:36 AM
For a super mario movie to work it would have to be fantasy, something like the Wizard of OZ, it cant be some gritty ass sci fi comedy. The goombas and king koopa should of actually looked the way they do in the game not just people with head features. What next sonic the hedgehog the live action movie that is a romance flick with a normal guy wearing a blue mohawk?

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: BF on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
"You know what? While we are speaking about idiotic plot holes, how about we ponder Daisy and Luigi's chemistry. Can the two lovebirds even have sex, let alone children? I mean, the girl came from an egg! Truly, all this deserves the attention of someone with more wisdom and intelligence than myself. All I can do is the literary equivalent of pointing and screaming."

Just to make a point: Luigi (and I'm guessing the actor that plays him) couldn't get a date (let alone laid) with a regular human female if his life depended on it.  To say he can't score with a non-human whose race litterally "went the way of the dinosaur" is just a case of being really mean.  Sure, the idea is as disgusting as any heavy porno with animals can get, but does that give us normal folks the right to judge Luigi?  Afterall, would You be the one to mate with him?  Didn't think so.

PS-please don't take the above seriously, I just wanted to share some humour (however lowbrow it is).

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: marco on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
I don't give a f**k if the movie doesn't follow the game rules at all. All I know is that I was entertained to an amazing extent when I watched this, and that's all I ask form a movie.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: I luv dolma on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
I love this film. I saw it when I was in love with Super Mario Bro. for the SNES and still love the movie till this very day. I can't believe so many people hate it, and that it got only one slime on the review.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Abbey Normal on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
While I realize now what a goofy and nonsensical movie it is, when I saw it at age 13 I thought it was great. It's really a kid's movie, so it doesn't have to make sense, it doesn't have to be realistic, it just has to be fun and involving. I don't think Dennis Hopper quite pulled off Koopa, but then he's a guy and not a giant, spiky-shelled turtle so that's understandable.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Black Fedora on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
No one's mentioned Mojo Nixon.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Grimsnipe on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
Interesting little continunity/plot glitch.  Mario and Lugi and wearing Stompers (the shoes that let you jump real high) when they get in the elevator, but they're back to regular shoes when they come across the large chasm in the building they have to get across (pity huh?  Those shoes would have come in handy...)

Weird what I can remember...


Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: David on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
I love this movie.  It is so foar, the best movie on this site, Becides Silent night deadly night.

 I don't care if its not like the game, It's Awsome!

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: DA MAN on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
This movie is crap.  And by crap I don't mean bad.  I mean physically a piece of crap.  The stuff that gets on toilet paper when you wipe your ass.  In fact looking at a piece of crap is more enjoyable than watching this movie.  I can't believe it wasn't used for MST3000.    

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: NC on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
This movie is crazy because of all of the serious actors in it - Bob Hoskins, Dennis Hopper, Fiona Shaw. When I told my mom this was the first movie I'd seen with Ms. Shaw in it, she thought I was nuts!

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: moviecollector on March 19, 2004, 12:53:03 PM
I got this movie in my collection. Its chessy & fun & that was its intention, I hope. I still prefer MORTAL KOMBAT & STREET FIGHTER over this though.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Kooshmeister on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
I agree with the above two comments that the movie was fun and I was thoroughly entertained, but I must admit that it is still full of flaws. Regardless, like "Sheena" and the 1976 remake of "King Kong," I'm really, really tired of people just mercilessly hounding this poor movie. So it doesn't follow the games and the Goombas aren't mobile mushrooms, so John Leguizamo (sp?) can't act his way out of a wet paper bag. So what? Bob Hoskins, Dennis Hopper, and Fisher Stevens were funny and entertaining.

Anyways, I noticed in the main review three fairly important characters were left out: Daniella, Toad, and Sergeant Simon. Daniella is Mario's girlfriend who is first kidnapped by Iggy and Spike, with Toad of course being the harmonica-playing punk who is de-evolved into a harmonica-playing Goomba, and Simon being the leader of all King Koopa's military and police forces (and he also sports a really cool leather necktie! admittedly though it's not as cool as Koopa's). And may I ask, why mention Anthony Scapelli in the main body of the review but not include him in the listing of characters?

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Raymond Spum on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
Don't try to take "Super Mario Bros.: The Movie" too seriously.
Of course it doesn't fallow the video game.
Of course the plot doesn't make sense.
Of course the characters (aside from Mario) don't look like the characters from the video games that this movie was based on.

But, it's funny, and that's what counts!

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Shannon on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
This movie came up in a conversation I was having with my 10 year old nephew who'd never heard of it (oh, so young). He asked me to find it because he's a video game junky.  I work in a book/movie store, and crazy coincidence, the DVD came in the next day...well, of course I had to buy it.  I can't say it was the worst hour and a half spent, but it wasn't the best.  I gave it to my nephew, and he loved it.  Remember, he's 10.  I thought John Leguizamo could redeem it, but no.  The "stars" must have been eating the same tainted tandoori when they read the script that the writers ate while writing it, otherwise how can one explain their agreeing to act in it?  I doubt Dennis Hopper or Bob Hoskins were big fans of the game.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Monkey boy on November 25, 2006, 04:09:03 PM
I saw this movie on my 13th birthday, and have SOME fond memories and let me tell you this review had dug up alot of weird memories.  None of which is as weird as a hispanic man playing an italian, and Samanatha Manthis actually being attractive.  Oh yeah, was that dude with the guitar supposed to be Toad?  I never got that.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: shaggyjebus on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
God, I remember this movie . . . words cannot explain. I just remember a friend of mine saying once, "Man, I can't believe I went and say this eight times in the theaters when I was little." That sums up all my feelings about this farce.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: dracoboy on June 25, 2004, 08:53:14 PM
personally this movie was prestty good better that the video game at some points ((example:luigi looks cooler and i like the chemistry between luigi and daisy but other boys sucked monkey dick! example:the frikking koopas! what the bloody hell?! and isnt koopa supposed to be a fire breathing turtle dragon?))

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: TheBard on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
Supposedly Hopper's son a few years after this movie asked him why he made it. Hopper said "You wanted nice shoes didn't you?" and his son responded "I didn't need shoes that bad"

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
Makes "Wing Commander" look like a classic.
"Zero Stars"

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Amanda (a.k.a Shadowgurl1019) on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
I hate to admit... but it was a funny movie. One probulem...

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Magma Dragoon on September 02, 2004, 10:57:03 AM
Oh, no! They have destroyed the classic game!

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Corey on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
I liked the film. Please don't hurt me.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: West Wood on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
This is supposed to be before all of the videogame story lines.  Before they became "Super".  It's basically a prequl to all of the games.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Stupid french girl on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
I really like this movie too
I'll call it "a wenesday movie" you know for keep the kids busy when you want them to stay quiet

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Clockwork on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
I loved this movie... and I don't know why. It just wasn't for kids, in my eyes. I actually came to like it more as I got older.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Carlgiorgio Frannicoli on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
That movie is the worst i ever saw. It sucks!!!! There's just two dorks acting like the duo, and another jerk that tries to rule the world. Then a dinosaur (that should be Yoshi) that wants to eat Daisy, another dork.
My personal opinion: AWFUL!!

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Izmael Do Santos Perreira Vicente (aka Armando) on December 26, 2004, 01:00:42 PM

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Starman Yotoly on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
One of the biggest rip-offs of my nintendo-obsessed childhood would probably be the Super Mario Brothers movie.  There I was, in all my pubescent glory, awaiting, dreaming, nay, PRAYING for a Super Mario Brothers movie, imagining what it could be like, dreaming of the possibilities...
Then, the trailer.
  Super Mario Brothers- the MOVIE?!  HOT FRIGGIDY D***!  It's about time!  Finally, warp zones and fire flowers, magic mushrooms, and this weird little guy leaping all about the place at fantastic altitudes!    But wait-  the trailer progreses, and for some reason, I am reminded of  every crummy futuristic  post-apocalyptic sci-fi movie/tv show made in that sad and dissapointing decade known as the 90's.  Why doesn't Luigi have a mustache?  Who's that weird looking guy with the blonde hair?  Where the H3!! are the Koopa Troopas?  Wait; was that a Bob-Omb?
  Heck, I understand that Hollywood has to 'flashen' things up.  As long as this movie has a real kick-@$$ King Koopa special effect in it, I'm okay.
   Then I went and spent my hard-earned paper-route money on a ticket and saw the matinee with my little brother.  Only that time when I found out that Krang wouldn't be in the Ninja Turtles movie have I been so dissapointed with Hollywood.  All I can say is, I have never recovered from this blow and trust the movie industry no further since.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: ---- on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
I still can't figure which is worse. This or Street Fighter movie.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: ryan on January 29, 2005, 08:31:11 PM
The gun in that video clip is one of those super nintendo bazooka guns  that they sold back in the day

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Walrus on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
It's got nothing to do with the game, well not much, but its still one of the most fun films I have ever seen. Where else can you get boots that can jump you 20 feet in to the air, a city infested with fungus, dancing goombas!
 As long as you treat it as a completely separate entity from the game, its fun, and worth watching.


Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: IT on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
This movie stinks.I don't know why the producers didn't just stick with the idea of the video game instead of making this piece of crap.I was watching it with my two nephews and they hated it and walked out after the first hour.The only person we liked in the whole movie was Yoshi I Wish he had more parts in it.Buy the cartoon series don't mess with junk it is a ugly unentertaining piece of carbage that needs to be flushed down the nearest toilet.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: jmsynth on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
It's funny but as a kid I choose this over Jurassic Park! And when I finally did see JP (on video) I didn't like it as much! Yeah, I was pretty happy with the film, of course I was too young to realise that it really had little to do with the games. Having seen it recently I realise what a sloppy movie it is. It has limited similarities to the games, yet is probably incomprehensible to those who've never played it! Still the film is kinda fun, it has nostalgia value, great sets, and is much preferable to dull contemporary VG movies like "Tomb Raider" and "Resident Evil".

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: rawr on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
Dude, this movie ROCKS!! I love it! xD

Why does everyone hate this movie?  It's awsome!!!

It's one of my favorite movies and people who don't like it have no sense of humor whatsoever :P

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Guile on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
La wea mala, la cagó.

Cuando salió esta pelicula, estaba super de moda el jueguito Mario Bros, y yo a ojos cerrados arrendé la peli en un video club de mala muerte. El resultado, una película grotezca, que en lo único que le es fiel al juego es en los nombres de los personajes y en los trajes de plomeros picantes... realmente horrible y patética, no entiendo como muchos de quienes comentaron acá arriba mío la encuentran genial.... espero que quienes me procedan no cometan el mismo error de creerse "la muerte" con decir que esta película "la lleva". Es claro que aquí hay cine de culto "MALO", pero MARIO BROS (la película) simplemente no debería estar aquí.

Muerte a Annabel Jankel y Rocky Morton   X_____X

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Bob the mutant chicken on February 15, 2006, 04:11:08 PM
One of the worst video game movies I have ever seen.the only thing it had in common  with the game is the name only.The film is an insult to the good name of Mario.I wasted 15 dollers on this crap today aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Cambot99 on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
This movie was okay, I just noticed something, the guy who plays Mario, didn't he also star in "Who framed Roger Rabbit"? Hey Popeye, their's no need to yell dude so have a can of spinach and calm cown. And Guile, would you mind translating what you typed into english cause some of us don't speak your language please? Thank you

Title: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Rob on November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM
I don't have the movie yet but it looks great.  I'm a big luigi fan and you should've seen the look on my face when I saw there was a movie!  Too bad I just figured it out today XD

Title: Re: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Jay on June 02, 2009, 08:26:09 PM
I saw this movie when I was 10, I thought it was alright, but I was annoyed at how unlike the games it was!  I didn't like how nasty and shroom stuff covered the Mushroom Kingdom was!  I was rather amazed to see how unpopular it was!  I mean, the only thing good Nintendo could say about it was that it was only 88 minutes long!  And Hopkins said it was the worst thing he ever did!

I think Nintendo should give it another shot, but be much more faithful to the source material!

Title: Re: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Jay on August 07, 2009, 01:48:15 PM
You know, I can't help but wonder if maybe the film may have been conceived as a different movie unrelated to the games, and then they acquired the Super Mario license and just slapped the names of the Mario characters and elements onto the people and places in the film in an attempt to attract more people... :lookingup:

Title: Re: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Mr Reptilian! on August 27, 2009, 11:56:56 PM
This movie stinks.I don't know why the producers didn't just stick with the idea of the video game instead of making this piece of crap.I was watching it with my two nephews and they hated it and walked out after the first hour.The only person we liked in the whole movie was Yoshi I Wish he had more parts in it.Buy the cartoon series don't mess with junk it is a ugly unentertaining piece of carbage that needs to be flushed down the nearest toilet.

Title: Re: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: Psycho Circus on October 09, 2009, 03:42:56 PM
I think this film is great!  :teddyr:

All the people who have posted derogatory remarks on this board are ADULTS! This is a PG movie based on a VIDEO GAME, for CHILDREN!

I admit it is very stupid, but it's a far fetched plot (don't most movies have outlandish plots? It's a movie!). There is no way on earth they could have made a film so closely based on those NES games at all. It would have cost millions upon millions and would have been boring: Fat Italian plumber jumps on pipe - fat italian plumber jumps on mushroom - fat italian plumber grows raccoon tail and saves princess. I'm glad this movie had more to offer than that quite frankly. It's a good movie because it is so stupid, but entertaining and I find the costume design, make-up and sets to be really interesting. I think it's a shame this gets so much hate, as there are far worse game-to-movie adaptations and if it hadn't had "Super Mario Bros" slapped on it, I think it would've gone down as a decent Sci-Fi family adventure film.

So to all you haters I say this:

"Monkey"  :tongueout:

Title: Re: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: SkullBat308 on October 09, 2009, 06:59:04 PM
I think this film is great!  :teddyr:

All the people who have posted derogatory remarks on this board are ADULTS! This is a PG movie based on a VIDEO GAME, for CHILDREN!

I admit it is very stupid, but it's a far fetched plot (don't most movies have outlandish plots? It's a movie!). There is no way on earth they could have made a film so closely based on those NES games at all. It would have cost millions upon millions and would have been boring: Fat Italian plumber jumps on pipe - fat italian plumber jumps on mushroom - fat italian plumber grows raccoon tail and saves princess. I'm glad this movie had more to offer than that quite frankly. It's a good movie because it is so stupid, but entertaining and I find the costume design, make-up and sets to be really interesting. I think it's a shame this gets so much hate, as there are far worse game-to-movie adaptations and if it hadn't had "Super Mario Bros" slapped on it, I think it would've gone down as a decent Sci-Fi family adventure film.

So to all you haters I say this:

"Monkey"  :tongueout:

I`m with you this is a fun movie, one of my faves from childhood.

Title: Re: Super Mario Bros.
Post by: WildHoosier09 on November 07, 2009, 11:47:52 PM
It says something about a movie when one of the primary images to describe it is just the title screen.  I agree the movie generally goes downhill after that scene.  I have vague memories of watching this movie as a child.  Being one who a substantial amount of my young life was wasted trying to save Daisy I was looking forward to it.  Yes, they made a bad movie to hurt me in my tender youth.  Favorite part was when they were in the dino-city and some guy is singing about how they don't have any resources.  In '93 I was in the 5th grade and even I was scratching my head trying to figure out how a city could exist with no resources, where did food, water, energy, etc. come from.  I guess a 5th grader looked deeper into this movie than the director, producer, and writers did.