
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: The Burgomaster on April 21, 2010, 01:18:20 PM

Title: Are you easily offended?
Post by: The Burgomaster on April 21, 2010, 01:18:20 PM
Do you get offended if someone makes a racial slur, sexist remark, tells and ethnic joke, or otherwise says or does something that is "politically incorrect?"  These things generally have never bothered me if they were directed at me or my heritage.  I'm of Italian descent, and it doesn't bother me if someone tells a joke about Italians or even uses derogatory terms for Italian people.  I was also brought up Catholic (although, I haven't been to church in many years), and it doesn't bother me when people poke fun at the Pope, the Church, or whatever.  In fact, I often poke fun at these things myself.  

I do, however, feel bad when OTHER people (women, minorities, or whatever) are the brunt of negative comments . . . especially when these comments are made in a mean-spirited way rather than as "humor."  How do you feel about this stuff?  

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Joe the Destroyer on April 21, 2010, 01:21:49 PM
I'm not easily offended at all.  I guess that's why I'm the quiet type at work.  I'm usually pretty casual with the way I talk, and because of that I have to really be tactful around most everyone.  It was even harder when I was religious, because I knew so many other religious people.  I wasn't very easily offended then, either.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Jim H on April 21, 2010, 01:33:59 PM
I'm very difficult to offend, in the context of racist jokes, sexism, un-PC type stuff.  However, hard core racist pukes like people on Stormfront quite readily offend me.  So, basically, in day-to-day situations I'm difficult to really offend, but there are a few specific types of people and what not that can quickly offend me.  In the context of movies, I can think of very few films that have offended me.  The most recent one I recall being The Brave One, but insulted is probably more accurate than offended.  And that was because of its weak stance on its issue - it's inability to commit to either vigilantism or actual justice.

Seems to work out ok. 

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Vik on April 21, 2010, 01:52:40 PM
Nope, not at all. Except when it comes to child abuse.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Doggett on April 21, 2010, 02:00:01 PM
Jokes made at mentally disabled people bother me.  :bluesad:

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: 3mnkids on April 21, 2010, 02:25:08 PM
I wouldn't say im offended, It p**ses me off though. I don't like racist or bigoted "jokes". I don't find them funny and if someone says one in front of me im going to call them on it.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Cthulhu on April 21, 2010, 02:34:26 PM
No, I'm not.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: lester1/2jr on April 21, 2010, 02:34:38 PM
ethics are not my personal strong suit so i give people alot of leeway on that. I am sort of anal about more basic sort of courtesies and get offended when people are rude and so forth. perhaps too easily

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Flick James on April 21, 2010, 03:42:10 PM
The only thing that really offends me is stupidity and ignorance. Catharsis does not.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: SPazzo on April 21, 2010, 03:48:17 PM
I'm not offended personally.  I do, however, dislike jokes that offend other people.  Sexist, racist, or just downright mean jokes really aren't funny.  I'm not offended by them, I just don't like them.

Though, I was making jokes about eating babies the other day with some friends...  :tongueout:

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Jack on April 21, 2010, 06:12:31 PM
None of it bothers me at all. 

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Rev. Powell on April 21, 2010, 06:24:32 PM
I'm not offended by anything done with genuine wit.

I am often offended, in a roundabout way, by anti-P.C. jokes.  Not because of the content of the jokes themselves, but because of the attitude behind them.  When people tell such jokes deliberately trying to offend people, then consider themselves hip and superior to offended people who "can't take a joke," I find that attitude obnoxious.  Some people want to pride themselves on the fact that they can be callous and distanced and consider the whole world a joke, and think they are therefore better than people who believe that some things are too important to joke about. 

It really depends on the attitude; as I say, if it's done with genuine wit and purpose, I'm fine with it.  But I am offended by comedians who do nothing but try to shock and offend their fellow citizens, then try to sell it as "hip".

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: indianasmith on April 21, 2010, 07:17:27 PM
By and large, I'm pretty easygoing.  I never mind jokes if they are MEANT as jokes, but anything that is genuinely mean-spirited and hateful angers me, regardless of who it comes from.  I am a Christian, but people who just spew hate and label it as Christianity offend the heck out of me.  Those who victimize the innocent, for any reason, offend me.  And Trevor's underpants offend my nose!

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: JaseSF on April 21, 2010, 07:21:17 PM
I find offensiveness solely for the sake of offensiveness to be a major turn-off. To me, it's like someone trying to gain acceptance and favor just by doing something stupid, not because they have anything of value to contibute. I guess I'm saying I find stupidity for the sake of stupidity offensive. I also hate intolerance and people pushing their ideas, values, culture on others. I have religious family members and I respect their beliefs and so would never mock or disrespect them even though I myself am not religious just as I wouldn't like people mocking what I personally value and believe in myself.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Jim H on April 21, 2010, 11:38:53 PM
Some people want to pride themselves on the fact that they can be callous and distanced and consider the whole world a joke, and think they are therefore better than people who believe that some things are too important to joke about.

Believe me, you have no idea how irritating that can be.  A lot of people my age are like that, and have been like that since they were jaded teenagers.

I'm reminded of September 11th (which happened while I was in high school), where as it was happening one of my teacher's commented that if anyone said anything about how it was cool, or awesome, or anything like that, he'd throw them out the goddamn window.  You'd think such a thing wouldn't NEED to be said, but someone did indeed make a comment along those lines ("This is awesome" being pretty close to the exact quote, to my recollection).

Unfortunately, out of earshot, as I would have loved to have seen them sailing from the second story window of the class.  It was a garden down below, so the worst they'd have suffered would probably have been a broken leg.  I'd have been OK with that. 

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: claws on April 22, 2010, 12:09:50 AM
When people are pimping or pushing their religion and believes on others. I find that offending for personal reasons.
And yeah, I'm easily offended by Lady GaGa. So much that I joined a forum where I can go primitive on her. Gloating has never been so redeeming!
Other than that nothing bothers me  :smile:

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Mofo Rising on April 22, 2010, 01:04:18 AM
I've spent the last twenty or so years of my life figuring out the exact line I can cross with people, and the stepping over that line and making them laugh. I have told jokes that, if you heard them, you would never forgive me for. That is not an exaggeration in the slightest.

However, I have always told these jokes with the understanding that it is between me and the person I am talking to. The sole basis of the joke is that it is so offensive that it would be ridiculous for anybody to think, let alone me. The humor lies in the pure offensiveness of the concept. It's understood that I don't think it, the person I'm telling to it doesn't think that, it's just WRONG.

So I am not easily offended.

That being said, it is the very rare person who tells the off-color, un-P.C., joke who thinks the same.

I hate, hate the term "political correctness." In my experience, the only people who use it are those who get angry that they can't spout the same hate-filled rhetoric they've spent their life professing.

I've told every racist, off-color joke I could ever think of, but I've told them to people who understand that they're awful because they are incredibly stupid, offensive, and WRONG. I'm immature, but I don't actually believe that garbage.

In my experience, though, the only people who are eager to tell you racist jokes want to tell you them because they are racist. Or ignorant. Or a***oles.

The basis is intent, and I have no patience for people who tell jokes out of maliciousness. They're easy to pick out, because they're pricks. I get very angry when I have to listen to them.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: retrorussell on April 22, 2010, 03:04:41 AM
Arrogant people, people that don't shut up, stupid people that keep doing the same stupid things over and over again, and people that expect you to behave the way they want you to, offend me.  Other than that, I don't offend too easily.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Joe the Destroyer on April 22, 2010, 04:01:20 AM
I've spent the last twenty or so years of my life figuring out the exact line I can cross with people, and the stepping over that line and making them laugh. I have told jokes that, if you heard them, you would never forgive me for. That is not an exaggeration in the slightest.

However, I have always told these jokes with the understanding that it is between me and the person I am talking to. The sole basis of the joke is that it is so offensive that it would be ridiculous for anybody to think, let alone me. The humor lies in the pure offensiveness of the concept. It's understood that I don't think it, the person I'm telling to it doesn't think that, it's just WRONG.

So I am not easily offended.

That being said, it is the very rare person who tells the off-color, un-P.C., joke who thinks the same.

I hate, hate the term "political correctness." In my experience, the only people who use it are those who get angry that they can't spout the same hate-filled rhetoric they've spent their life professing.

I've told every racist, off-color joke I could ever think of, but I've told them to people who understand that they're awful because they are incredibly stupid, offensive, and WRONG. I'm immature, but I don't actually believe that garbage.

In my experience, though, the only people who are eager to tell you racist jokes want to tell you them because they are racist. Or ignorant. Or a***oles.

The basis is intent, and I have no patience for people who tell jokes out of maliciousness. They're easy to pick out, because they're pricks. I get very angry when I have to listen to them.

Yeah, I'd say that description fits me almost perfectly.  My take on offensive jokes is more that they're a parody of the line of thinking (i.e. racism, misogyny, etc.) than a joke against someone.  But using said jokes to outright offend someone is just stupid.  I generally try to gauge someone's offensive scope before I just jump in and say anything. 

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Derf on April 22, 2010, 12:49:24 PM
As long as people just shut up and acknowledge my natural superiority, I'm difficult to offend.  :lookingup:

I would agree that it is the intent of the statement, not the statement itself that offends. Racist/sexist jokes? Not an issue unless, as has been stated, the one telling them believes them to be truisms. Opinions? Everyone has them, and they are entitled to them. In some situations, they are entitled to express them as forcefully as they wish. I'm not obligated to accept them, however, nor to acknowledge their opinion as right.

Now let me have a shot at being offensive to some: I'm a philosopher by nature, and I watch people closely. Several people have stated that they are offended/turned off/ticked off when someone tries to "force" his or her religion on them. I personally don't believe you can "force" religion on anyone; if religious belief is not embraced by the believer, it is not really a religious belief. That said, those who want the religious person to keep silent are, in practice, "forcing" their beliefs on the religious person. If it is an evangelical's belief that it is necessary to share the gospel (I'm using Christianity as an example here, but it works with any attempted religious proselytization), then the non-religious person who doesn't want to be bothered with it is under no obligation to "believe." However, by endorsing the attitude that "faith should be between an individual and his God," he is in effect telling the evangelical that his belief system has to conform to the non-believer's code of behavior. This is "forcing" belief on someone just as much as saying that Jesus wants you to be saved is. There are some religious people who are far too pushy for polite society. What I'm pointing out is that there are equally pushy "non-believers" who are trying to force the religious to go against their beliefs. In a perfect world, we would all be polite, and when someone says, "No, I'm not interested in hearing about your faith," the religious person would be respectful of that. Likewise, the non-religious person would not expect the religious person to "just shut up."

Peace, love and pancakes for all!  :smile:

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Nukie 2 on April 22, 2010, 03:44:04 PM
I hate it when poor people are stereotyped as being lazy-- there are quite many who just don't understand how the system works, and some
who've tried all their life and fall behind.

I'm not right-wing, but I also hate it when left-wing people insult poor rural people who have a conservative mindset as being stupid rednecks.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Flick James on April 22, 2010, 05:57:08 PM
I hate it when poor people are stereotyped as being lazy-- there are quite many who just don't understand how the system works, and some
who've tried all their life and fall behind.

I'm not right-wing, but I also hate it when left-wing people insult poor rural people who have a conservative mindset as being stupid rednecks.

I think I understand what you mean, but you would probably think I'm a liberal who does just that. In reality, I insult most people, mainly because I'm a misanthrope who has a hard time taking most people seriously. Most liberals think I'm a Republican. It depends on the company I'm in.

You know what I don't understand? The conservative/liberal nomenclature. It doesn't really make any sense to me. If I had the power to dissolve the notions of converatism and liberalism, I would love it. Conservatives tend to identify themselves as Republicans. Republicans tend to believe, or claim to believe, in capitalism. Capitalism is, in terms of economic theory, identified literally as economic liberalism. So, I do believe in laissez-faire free-market capitalis, so therefore I am an economic liberal, because I believe in economic freedom. So, does that make me a conservative or a liberal? In reality, I'm a pretty centralized libertarian, in that I don't believe in the lines between economic and personal freedom, lines that what the status quo identify as "conservative" and "liberal" tend to draw with bold permanent markers. Freedom is freedom. I don't know, I treat with immediate suspicion anyone who identifies themselves as a liberal or a conservative, because right away they have told me that their beliefs are provided for them by other people, and whatever they say goes.

Take for example the Tea Party movement. I'm not entirely decided on how I feel about them, but what drives me nuts is that Republicans are hanging onto the movement, to the consternation of some of the Tea Party movement. These Republicans, who normally would object to grassroot dissent, are suddenly all for it, and the only reason they are is because the incumbent president is a Democrat. They forget that John McCain, during the campaign, was in favor of the bailouts that the Tea Party movement protests. Would they be hangers-on of the Tea Party movement if John McCain were in office? Hell no. And Democrats? The ones who were all about grassroots organization a couple of decades ago? They disapprove of the Tea Party movement, and for the same reasons, because Republicans are siding with the Tea Party movement. This is why I'm a misanthrope and have a hard time taking anybody seriously.

Okay, there's my rant for the day. I apologize, the words "conservative" and "liberal" do that to me.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Mr. DS on April 22, 2010, 08:26:25 PM
I swear a lot, find pretty much all ethnic jokes/stereotypes funny, burp out loud and generally enjoy entertainment if it is vulgar.  Bottom line, too much sh!t is tabboo in our society.  The biggest one is sex.  Look around you, we all came from somewhere.  Why is this such a big deal to talk openly about?

I think the only thing that deeply offends me is violence and perversion towards children.  Bastards who do this deserve to have their balls stomped out into liquid.   In the minor offense department, I generally don't like when others fart around me.  Smelling someone's @ss isn't funny to me.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Trevor on April 23, 2010, 08:51:51 AM
I think the only thing that deeply offends me is violence and perversion towards children.  Bastards who do this deserve to have their balls stomped out into liquid.  

I speak from experience when I say I would like to pay my biological parents and the bastards who abused me later in life back in exactly that way.  :hatred:

In the minor offense department, I generally don't like when others fart around me.  Smelling someone's @ss isn't funny to me.

 :teddyr: :teddyr:

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: trekgeezer on April 23, 2010, 02:36:38 PM
I'm offended that you could possibly entertain the idea that I could be easily offended.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Flick James on April 23, 2010, 04:07:24 PM
I'm offended that you could possibly entertain the idea that I could be easily offended.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: The Burgomaster on April 23, 2010, 04:18:59 PM
I'm offended that you could possibly entertain the idea that I could be easily offended.

I find this comment quite offensive.   :teddyr:

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Paquita on April 23, 2010, 04:36:38 PM
I think I am  :bluesad:.  I'm not usually offended by things that would normally offend people, like name calling and stereotype jokes.  I've experienced men shouting from scaffolding, near the top of a building, at a busy intersection, some "colorful" descriptions of my butt, and while it was embarrassing, I couldn't help but see the humor in it.  And then I've cried for hours when a girl at school said I was rude to hand my empty milk carton to another girl who was taking her lunch tray to the garbage. 

I admittedly cannot play RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons because I'd be too personally offended if someone else's character kills my character.  I also get upset when I'm driving (which is not often) and someone honks at me out of anger.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Jim H on April 23, 2010, 04:49:51 PM
I think I am  :bluesad:.  I'm not usually offended by things that would normally offend people, like name calling and stereotype jokes.  I've experienced men shouting from scaffolding, near the top of a building, at a busy intersection, some "colorful" descriptions of my butt, and while it was embarrassing, I couldn't help but see the humor in it.  And then I've cried for hours when a girl at school said I was rude to hand my empty milk carton to another girl who was taking her lunch tray to the garbage. 

I admittedly cannot play RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons because I'd be too personally offended if someone else's character kills my character.  I also get upset when I'm driving (which is not often) and someone honks at me out of anger.

You sound more like you're sensitive than easily offended.  Fine line though.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: lester1/2jr on April 24, 2010, 12:25:16 PM
If you are ( or are at work) definately don't check out

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Starsky on April 25, 2010, 08:37:07 AM
Not at all, but I do (talking about movies) have a problem with rape scenes. That's about the only thing, that stuff is just not entertaining to me. OK the scene in Evil Dead part one was somewhat funny and sexy but for example the Halloween Remake by Rob Zombie that was just down right evil and disgusting.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: The Gravekeeper on April 28, 2010, 01:04:45 PM
Rape is a very touchy issue for me. I recently found out that someone close to me was raped as a child, and looking back over the years with that in mind I can see how badly that one event affected her psychologically. Clumsy attempts at portraying rape is, to me, just annoying but portrayals of rape as funny or sexy is, to me, offensive. It won't necessarily make me stop watching a movie right then and there (unless that's the whole point of the movie) but I will think less of whoever came up with the idea.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Starsky on April 28, 2010, 03:03:20 PM
I don't think that was Raimi's  intention, but I'm just saying if I have to pick my poison Evil dead is still fun while Halloween is to much. Dumb choice of words there on my part, sorry. And please don't forget: it's only a movie! (I can't believe I just wrote that...)

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: The Gravekeeper on April 29, 2010, 12:00:10 AM
I don't think that was Raimi's  intention, but I'm just saying if I have to pick my poison Evil dead is still fun while Halloween is to much. Dumb choice of words there on my part, sorry. And please don't forget: it's only a movie! (I can't believe I just wrote that...)

Nah, that one gets a free pass for me because, well, it's a tree rape. Never gonna happen in real life. So, to me, it's disturbing but not actually offensive.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Jim H on April 29, 2010, 01:52:04 AM
I don't think that was Raimi's  intention, but I'm just saying if I have to pick my poison Evil dead is still fun while Halloween is to much. Dumb choice of words there on my part, sorry. And please don't forget: it's only a movie! (I can't believe I just wrote that...)

Nah, that one gets a free pass for me because, well, it's a tree rape. Never gonna happen in real life. So, to me, it's disturbing but not actually offensive.

One thing I have to wonder..  I don't find anything about that scene sexy or funny.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: Starsky on April 29, 2010, 05:39:55 AM
I don't think that was Raimi's  intention, but I'm just saying if I have to pick my poison Evil dead is still fun while Halloween is to much. Dumb choice of words there on my part, sorry. And please don't forget: it's only a movie! (I can't believe I just wrote that...)

Nah, that one gets a free pass for me because, well, it's a tree rape. Never gonna happen in real life. So, to me, it's disturbing but not actually offensive.

One thing I have to wonder..  I don't find anything about that scene sexy or funny.

You don't? When I saw the movie for the first time I didn't even realize that it was a tree since I was watching a really bad copy of the movie. After I got the Austrian astro DVD (piece of s**t DVD Label) the case was clear! It is kinda sexy (to me), the tree tearing her blues off revealing a tiny part of her titty and the running through the woods in her panty' for me. And it's funny because it's a tree, you get it? A tree!  :teddyr:
Oh well, I tried.....

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: InformationGeek on April 29, 2010, 08:20:51 AM
It all really depends for me.  It depends on the person saying it, how they say it, and frankly, what they say.  I'm mostly offended to things that try to make me look bad.  Like saying I automatically hate gays because I'm Christian or say I'm automatically a racist because I'm white (I've gotten that before).

Anyways, the thing that really offends me are very sick jokes or things people say that are extremely distrubing or questionable.  Example: I was on AOL a while back and reading an article about a newslady that was murdered.  I looked at the comments after words to hear what people had to say.  Most people said it was a tragedy, hope the police catch the sicko, and their prayers go out to the family.  However, there was one comment that really was bad.   A guy was joking about the situation and often said the story made him LOL.  Of course, that creeped and offended the hell out of me; not to mention the hundreds of people who replied back to his statement in horror and anger at what he said.

Title: Re: Are you easily offended?
Post by: lester1/2jr on April 29, 2010, 11:01:49 AM
I just won't watch any movie that has an incest theme. That's one so completely gross and two to me just the type of thing that is really for soap operas and jackie collins novels and not a legitimate idea for a real story.