
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: John Morgan on May 14, 2002, 09:20:30 AM

Title: OT: Do they make TV shows in other countries? : )
Post by: John Morgan on May 14, 2002, 09:20:30 AM
I watched TV Guides 50 Greatest Shows of All Time last night.  EVERY SHOW WAS AMERICAN IN ORIGIN.  What about Monty Python, Faulty Towers, Dr. Who, The Avengers and other shows that paved the way for many of the American shows we have today?  TV Guide left them out.  They should have said "50 Greatest American Shows."

Also, with all these lists out, 50 greates shows, 100 greatest movies, 100 greatest comedies, they all seem to leave out the foreign films.  Why?  At one time, Godzilla movies were the top of the special effects with giant monsters.  Some British films have better stories and acting than any of the drivel put out by Hollywood today.  

Do Americans make these lists and pat themselves on the back saying, "Look how good we are at making entertainment"

Title: Re: OT: Do they make TV shows in other countries? : )
Post by: Will on May 14, 2002, 09:56:12 AM
I didn't see the shows, but in the case of those two movie lists you mentioned, they were the AFI's (American Film Institute's) 100 Greatest AMERICAN films and 100 Greatest AMERICAN comedies.  Those both specified that they were focusing on American films.

As for the shows, you have a point.  I wonder what the top 50 were.  I don't think I could come up with a list of 25 GOOD shows, much less great shows, even if I used all the television in the world....

Title: Re: OT: Do they make TV shows in other countries? : )
Post by: Flangepart on May 14, 2002, 10:38:41 AM not watch primetime T.V. Call me pickey, but it just don't do anything for me. And very little cable, at that. The only shows i'm keeping up with currently is adult swim. I call TNT the "All Jaws network, all Jaws, all the time." Its good to be leaves time for a life.

Title: Re: OT: Do they make TV shows in other countries? : )
Post by: Jay O'Connor on May 14, 2002, 10:50:05 AM
"Farscape" and Baseball are pretty much all I watch

Title: Re: OT: Do they make TV shows in other countries? : )
Post by: John Morgan on May 14, 2002, 10:53:01 AM

Yeah your right, now I do remeber them saying American Film.  My bad.


Title: Re: OT: Do they make TV shows in other countries? : )
Post by: J.R. on May 14, 2002, 12:59:31 PM
But the AFI lists still messed up- they were very traditional, "lame white guy" lists. Little or no independent films, and they were all the prerequisite "classics" that we are told are great and not allowed to disagree with. I find lists of best this-and-that are very stupid wastes of time. That's why the entire VH1 channel must be abolished. 100 Greatest One-Hit Wonders Of All Time. Who gives a flying squirrel turd?

Title: Re: OT: Do they make TV shows in other countries? : )
Post by: Biscuitrocious on May 14, 2002, 01:53:06 PM
Here's another valid point: If you go outside America (as I am now) and watch the TV shows (as I do now,) you'll find some seriously entertaining crap on TV. Sure, I have no damn idea what they're saying on Honduran TV game shows, or on the news, even, but three or four beers and it no longer matters.

Beyond Central America is the wealth of Japanese game shows... Holy crap, these are so incredibly insane I couldn't think of a better show.

"Okay, Hiroshi! You want grand prize? You must climb mountain of glue while attached to a bungee cord. You fall? YOU SUFFOCATE!!! And we pull on bungee chord and throw things at you! HAHAHA!!!"

(That's based on something I've actually watched, too.)

Title: Re: OT: Do they make TV shows in other countries? : )
Post by: Jay O'Connor on May 14, 2002, 02:29:16 PM
I've heard rumours of Japanese gameshows that end up sounding like adult versions of something by Nickelodeon

Title: Re: OT: Do they make TV shows in other countries? : )
Post by: J.R. on May 14, 2002, 04:27:50 PM
I love watching Univision, a Spanish channel I get on my local cable provider. The early morning shows are the best. There's one that's hosted by a guy that, hand to God, looks exactly like Jiminy Glick, and he sits in a hottub with voluptuous women, like a weird Regis. Then there's the children's shows, with said voluptuous women teaching kids to count. Pretty much every show has voluptuous women, actually.  I also watch BBC America, if only to laugh at all the weird ways those people makethe language I speak indeciferable.

Title: Re: OT: Do they make TV shows in other countries? : )
Post by: Private Joker on May 15, 2002, 11:43:22 PM
THEY FORGOT FLYING CIRCUS????????????!!!!!!!!!!  THE BASTARDS!!!!!!!