
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: James Anderson on September 02, 2001, 05:04:49 PM

Title: Jeepers Creepers
Post by: James Anderson on September 02, 2001, 05:04:49 PM
Jeepers Creepers

Today is the worst day of my life.  It started out good.  I played in an annual baseball game with my father.  While at this game, a plane towing a banner streamed across the sky.  This banner was for a little movie called “Jeepers Creepers”.  The tag line for this movie is:  “What’s eating you?”  I’ll tell you what’s eating me!  The fact that I wasted an hour and a half of my life watching the worst movie ever made.  The fact that I didn’t pay to see this movie sooths the pain a little, but not much!  Most movies have a few simple rules they must follow in order to be considered a movie.  These items are:  an opening, a plot, developed characters, and an ending.  I guess the writers of this movie thought differently.  Writers?  What am I talking about?  They had to have thrown a bunch of monkeys in a room with a typewriter and a tape that played that annoying Jeepers Creepers song over and over again.  I can’t believe that the song (which pretty much dictates the ending) is a main focus of this cinematic disaster!  I know what people are saying.  “Why would you go see a movie like that in the first place?”  My answer is that I have a place in my heart for Neo-B Movie horror flicks that give me a little chuckle.  There was no laughing here… Just pain and anguish!  This movie was obviously put out on a holiday weekend with a big fat promo and hype behind it to score a big opening weekend and then fade into obscurity and fall into Movie Hell next to Leonard Part 6 and Howard the Duck.  The pace is very slow with shots that could have been cut in half.  If this movie was re-cut with acceptable shot lengths in mind, I would have been out of that theater in under an hour!  While enduring these unnecessarily long shots, I said to myself that the movie must be building to a big climax where the audience (through thinking on its own of told directly) will figure out the point of this debacle!  No such luck… as soon as the pace began to pick up…  IT WAS OVER.  Nothing resolved and an emptiness was left in my soul.  So I sit here now, writing this as part of therapy to rid myself of this evil.  I sit here with a towel rapped around my waste from the shower I had to take to wash the dirtiness from my body!  I beg of you; tell your family, your loved ones, even your enemies NOT (I repeat) NOT to see this movie.  Thank you!

                        James Anderson

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers
Post by: Brock on September 02, 2001, 05:45:14 PM
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree here.  I've seen it twice already, and I think it's a must for any horror or B-Movie fan.  There are some parts where it's laughable, but there are also points where it's pretty damn freaky.  One of my friends also disliked the ending, but I thought it was perfect.  Movies shouldn't feel the need to fully resolve because sometimes real life isn't like that.  It didn't go for the cheap, sell out, happy ending.  The ending was one of the spookiest, best parts, and I loved it.  It also leaves things open for a sequel, which hopefully will be made.  I think that its worth seeing at least once, because this movie marks the start of the return to old school horror.

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers
Post by: Scott on September 02, 2001, 06:51:44 PM
Brock you may have sold me by mentioning "old school horror". They need to return to some simpler formulas. People are to into the visual. Think of Frankenstein as just one example. They put together body parts and brought it to life. Its quite an extreme idea.  People are bored to easily. Films need to stop distracting away from the story with slash/blood. They should set some real atmosphere and with a strange tale to tell.

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers
Post by: Skaboi18 on September 02, 2001, 07:42:03 PM
Great damned film!
Love the ending.  Terrific stuff :o)

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers
Post by: Andrew on September 02, 2001, 09:44:53 PM
I should point out that Joe Bannerman just posted a review of this over at his site:

Joe is currently en route from his home in TN to visit and watch movies for a day or two.  No idea what's on the menu, but I just finished checking out my "Planet of the Vampires" DVD and look forward to whatever we inflict upon ourselves.

I'm going to see if he wants to check out the drive-in shows playing at the Starlight (they've been having a b-movie weekend) tomorrow night.  If anyone sees us, both of my vehicles have DE plates with "BMOVIE" and "BMOVIES," feel free to say hi.  Here's the info on the Starlight:


Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers
Post by: Guitarwolf on September 03, 2001, 05:42:09 PM
James, I hated it worse than you and I paid for it. I love B-movies, but this movie sucked. It was alright for the first 40 minutes or so, but the ending p**sed me off. There are plenty of good horror movies that mix humor and horror(Dawn of the Dead, Dead Alive, American Werewolf in London, Creepshow, Evil Dead 2, Poltergeist, etc.) but Jeepers Creepers isn't one of them.

The film did have it's moments. The special effects were good and there was some tension at times. But there were way too many jokes. Jokes that weren't funny I might add. Not to mention I didn't like how the monster was doing flips and running up and down the car like Jackie Chan in Twin Dragons. This is one of those movies that I truely wish I had never seen. Not to mention, if you pay to see this movie, your supporting the director, who just happens to be a convicted child molester. That's more disturbing than anything in this flick.

Title: Don't you start with me...
Post by: Brock on September 04, 2001, 07:56:57 AM
I've had to fight this battle other places, and I really didn't want to go there, but...

The child molester thingy is the stupidest freaking thing I've ever heard.

If you go to see someone's movie, you are supporting their movie, period.  It's not like I'm throwing little boys at him.

He's been convicted, he's paid his debt to society, he doesn't do it any more.  Deal with it.

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers
Post by: AndyC on September 04, 2001, 09:56:40 AM
This movie was worse than bad, it was disappointing. It throws all kinds of good stuff at the audience early on - the creepy old truck, a man in an old-fashioned coat and hat dumping bodies down a pipe, an old abandoned church in the boonies, a chamber full of hundreds of weirdly mutilated and stitched up bodies, old cobweb-covered equipment, bottles of blood, etc. I'm sittling there thinking, 'oh boy, I can't wait to find out what's going on here.'

What dark history does this old church have? What secret is this community guarding? Who is this mysterious man, what's his story, and what bizarre experiments/rituals is he conducting?

Then I find out that most of what I had been show is, for the most part, irrelevant. The church and the bodies are abandoned for a killer chasing the protagonists down the highway, a la The Hitcher. We get the same tired old psychic woman cliche basically giving us all the information directly - what little there is. The killer turns out to be a run-of-the-mill demon, looking like every other hook-nosed, pointy-eared, pointy chinned movie demon (these guys should read some Lovecraft). His purpose for stealing the bodies is far too simple and seems largely ripped off from an old X-Files episode.

I also agree that the ending, which I kind of liked, comes just as things are starting to happen.

Overall, my imagination supplied a better story, until the real story ruined it. I could probably pull a better movie out of my ass.

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers
Post by: James Anderson on September 04, 2001, 03:02:04 PM
I have no problem with an ending that isn't touched by the golden hand of hollywood.  This was ridiculous though.  The plot had as many holes in it as a friggin brick of swiss cheese.  The special effects were herendous.  There was a close up shot of the monsters eye near the end and it clearly shows that he's wearing contacts.  If it was a throw-back to the old school days... they should have relied more on effects that are real  not computer crap.  This movie was so unevolved... I felt like picking up bones and screaming while i beat another primate with them!  I can see how they would use an older song to create an eerie presence  but there is nothing eerie about jeepers creepers   Nothing!  This was a good short story at best.  and there are reasons why some short stories aren't made into movies.

James Anderson

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers SEQUEL!
Post by: me on September 04, 2001, 03:27:26 PM
This is from Scifi Wire :


MGM/UA, which distributed the hit supernatural horror film Jeepers Creepers, is already talking a sequel, Variety reported. The scary movie topped the Labor Day box-office rankings with a record $15.8 million bow, the trade paper reported.

"We're already in talks" for a sequel, MGM/UA distribution and marketing president Bob Levin told Variety. "We're very interested in doing a sequel for a picture like this that performs so well." The studio and co-production partner, Francis Ford Coppola's American Zoetrope, hope to rehire director Victor Salva to shoot the sequel, the trade paper reported.

MGM paid $2.5 million for all North American rights to the movie, which cost an estimated $10 million for Zoetrope to produce.


Looks like all you guys can look forward to another Jeepers movie!!! :) lol

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers SEQUEL!
Post by: Brock on September 04, 2001, 06:32:57 PM
Damn straight.  I'd like a prequel better, thoough...they really set up some good material to work with.

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers
Post by: Jim Hepler on September 04, 2001, 06:50:24 PM
"they should have relied more on effects that are real not computer crap. "

Uh, what are you talking about?  You claim to of seen this, but evidently you saw a different movie then I did.  The only CGI that I noticed was the creepers wings in that certain shot where they're first visible, and when the creeper is flying at the very end.  They simply didn't have the budget to do a lot of CGI - it costs more to do good CGI then traditional effects.  The creeper leaping, climbing on walls, eating, on the car, all of the stuff in the police station...  Think all that was real life stuff.

Oh yeah, and is it me or does the Creeper's face look like the prisoner pilot from Con Air?

Title: Re: Don't you start with me...
Post by: Chadzilla on September 04, 2001, 10:36:42 PM
As far as the molestation goes..the director will be paying his debt to humanity for the rest of his life, just as his victim (the child star of Clownhouse) will have to "deal with it" and live the with scars.

I have issues with movie and its maker, but will probably see it nonetheless.

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers SEQUEL!
Post by: AndyC on September 04, 2001, 11:15:51 PM
Actually, a prequel, done right, could be a better movie. The old church, the hundreds of bodies, and the other cool things that were wasted could figure more prominently. Perhaps some history and folklore could be thrown in, instead of the cop-out line about not knowing exactly what it is or where it's from.

Sure, I like movies with a big unknown, but they have to be done better. A good movie can present an ancient evil in a way that offers many possibilities of it's age and origin, and encourages the audience to speculate. In Jeepers Creepers, it's obvious the filmmakers simply designed a demon and thought up something disturbing for it to do, and didn't really think any further than that.

Actually, I thought it would have been better if the killer hadn't been a demon at all, but rather some sort of abnormal human.

Title: Re: Don't you start with me...
Post by: Brock on September 05, 2001, 07:58:47 AM
I'd like to refer you guys to something that pretty much explains my standpoint on this.

It's a terrible crime, but to hold it against them for the rest of their life, if its irrevlevant to the situation (such as making a movie) then it's just ludicrous.  On the other hand, it's not like I'd invite him to entertain at a kid's birthday party.

Title: Re: Don't you start with me...
Post by: AndyC on September 05, 2001, 10:57:49 AM
On the one hand, I have no interest in the personal lives, opinions or politics of celebrities, and it annoys me the way some fans obsess over these people. I'm interested in their work and nothing else. On the other hand, if it comes to my attention that someone is a real whacko, pervert, etc., that will taint my enjoyment of their work (perhaps enjoyment is a strong word for Jeepers Creepers).

Celebrities and movies aside, I have to agree that if the victim of a child molester suffers for life, so should the bastard who did it. Some crimes should not be forgiven.

Title: Re: Don't you start with me...
Post by: Squishy on September 06, 2001, 01:21:12 AM
I read the full spoiler on this at The Movie Spoiler: thank God I didn't put money down for this turd. The spoiler reads like a Reader's Digest short or a plot for a thirty-minute TV episode, and the ending sounds like whacking material for gore-hungry sociopaths (like 99% of all slasher movies and "modern horror" trash). I honestly WISH something "old-school" would come along...instead, Hollywood will serve up a Jeepers sequel.

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers SEQUEL!
Post by: Jim Hepler on September 06, 2001, 02:38:59 PM
They never really say it's a demon - just one of a few possibilties.  I to think it could of been more interesting if it had been just  an abnormal human.  But I guess we'll never know...   I've never been a big fan of apparently indestructible monsters (though it was clear to me this one really wasn't, just made to appear so), I think it might of been cool if it had just been some new human variant preying on the father species.  Think that's been done before, but I like it when it's basically just an animal - since then you can root for them!  I also wish the ending had been reversed.  Those who've seen it know what I'm talking about.  


Thing I don't get is if you've run over a creature like 10 times and it's multiple pieces but still alive...  Why don't you run over it and just leave the car on top of it?  That's what I would of done..  Or maybe sever the head and bury it :)

Oh well, despite what the early reviews said, the characters made plenty of stupid mistakes.

Title: Re: Jeepers Creepers SEQUEL!
Post by: AndyC on September 06, 2001, 09:22:04 PM
A few people complained about the stupid mistakes. If you look at the user comments on the IMDB, some viewers were really p**sed off. They didn't get the joke. I could see right away that the abundance of stupid mistakes on the part of the two teens was intentional.

The problem is that jokes like that only work in good movies that can afford to poke fun. In a lazy and poorly thought out story like Jeepers Creepers, it's just more stupidity.

I suppose there was no concrete statement that the Creeper was a demon. He's just made to look like every demon cliche in the movies. The benefits he derives from his food also suggest, to me, some sort of supernatural origin. I don't particularly like supernatural monsters, and I don't find demons scary at all.

On the other hand, nobody has made a really good movie based on the Lovecraft mythos. Some of those stories, done right, would be great demon movies. Unfortunately, no filmmaker has ever done one right.