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Author Topic: Dark Alex's Really Long Post Thread.  (Read 330922 times)
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #1170 on: May 16, 2019, 02:34:43 PM »

Hot weather continues to fry us, although rain is expected Saturday (well, why would it rain while I am at work and then be sunny when I am off?). Confirmed I'll be at Gus's leaving doo although with Stewart arriving tomorrow night I'll be leaving at around 22:00.

It has been confirmed that the Jeremy Kyle show has been permanently asked following the suicide of one of its 'guests'. Glad to see it gone, all that program did was give the gutter levels of society a chance at fame. Amongst certain people it was a badge of honour to have been on that show. Think Jerry Springer but with a more insufferably arrogant host.

Just a shame that doubtless something equally trashy will take its place.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #1171 on: May 19, 2019, 03:30:32 PM »

We finally managed to win at a game of Pandemic last night, and I also got a win in at Mega Mania so woo hoo for that. Docs have given me Co-Codemol for my back. The side effects knocked me out last night (although I had no problems the day before on them).

Went through our book collection and removed a load to be donated to charity. Kristi put in a load of CD's she no longer wants and we also decided to get rid of some ornaments people had given us. I am sure the various people who gave us what ended up being a small collection of carved wooden things with blank faces, but neither me nor Kristi like them so we decided to give them to a decent cause rather than continue to have them on a shelf, hidden behind other stuff.

Hopefully someone else out there actually likes those things and will buy them.

Anyway, a local charity is rasing money to either repair the current bridge to the east beach. Yeah, there are other charities out there that do things like saving lives, but I donate to a few of them already and this is something that is important to the local community. Sometimes charity begins at home.

Besides I know that this particular charity won't be spending its money on a package for its executives.

Kristi ran a go fund me type thing asking for £500 to help keep the toilets down the beach open. Got it within a week plus a bit extra cash. That is small change next to the £500,000 to £750,000 they need to raise for the bridge though.

Finally got around to buying Civ 6. No doubt I will not quite like it as much as Civ 5, cos that is how I have felt about all the Civ's. I guess the first one, which I have never played must be the best of the bunch by that theory.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #1172 on: May 20, 2019, 02:43:40 AM »

Watching the last episode of Game of Thrones. Season 8 might not have given the feminists out there the ending they wanted, but I think that it is a fairly accurate one (as accurate as something with dragons, wraiths and zombies can be). Power is not won and kept by the kind, just or gentle, and in truth those who get what they think they want rarely seem to find the taste of the fruit of their labours to be what they like. Certainly, the ending is open for multiple spin-off series, what does Arya find in the west, how do things develop north of the wall or even just the rebuilding of Westros just as a few possibilities.

Have you heard of toxic masculinity? It surfaced a few years ago and the term seems to be making the rounds once more. People want to get rid of the bad parts of being a man and leave just the bits they like. Trouble is, I find that rarely can you change just one thing without changing other things also altering. If you take away the bits you don't like, what also goes? Are the baser parts of our nature, in fact, the foundation for our more nobles selves, and if you remove that, then does it not collapse?

The family are all sleeping just now. Unusual for Ash to sleep this late, but it gives me some quiet time which is good.

Saw a picture last week that every time I think of it I damn near pee myself laughing. Unfortunately, laughter does hurt my back quite a lot. Ever get that? Some image that just cracks you up every damn time?

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
Uncle Zombie and Eminent Poo Person
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 2131
Posts: 22887

« Reply #1173 on: May 20, 2019, 03:02:49 AM »

Have you heard of toxic masculinity? It surfaced a few years ago and the term seems to be making the rounds once more. People want to get rid of the bad parts of being a man and leave just the bits they like. Trouble is, I find that rarely can you change just one thing without changing other things also altering. If you take away the bits you don't like, what also goes? Are the baser parts of our nature, in fact, the foundation for our more nobles selves, and if you remove that, then does it not collapse?

I'm the son of a two-fisted feminist and a woman's place is where she wants it to be, so no toxic masculinity for me.  Smile

I know I can make it on my own if I try, but I'm searching for the Great Heart
To stand me by, underneath the African sky
A Great Heart to stand me by.
« Reply #1174 on: May 20, 2019, 09:33:11 PM »

my only definition of toxic masculinity is any man who wants to control me in any way. other that that, i LIKE men! my best friends are all men!  Cheers
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #1175 on: May 21, 2019, 07:27:04 AM »

As expected, Kev tried to rope me into his raft building. This is my reply.


No, niet, nee, năo, nein, nehi, vovh, non, lo, laa, le, hapana, bu, ma ho bu, không, Qo'.

This is ‘no’, in all the languages I can think of offhand plus I googled how to say no in Klingon.



Heavy rain this morning, but the day has mellowed into quite a pleasing one. Warm, but not too warm (except in our office where the temperature is kept up by Gus igniting his own farts).

Decided to apply for professional accreditation as I can parlay that into a £2000 payout from work.

I did relent and decide to help out Kev a little. I made a poster with a picture of the raft from 'Tales of the Black Freighter' and made a poster that said that if anyone out there was a crazy enough mo fo to make this raft, get in touch 'cos Kev needs you. Besides, I am doing guard duty the week of the raft race and will be otherwise engaged.

1503 days left to go.

In 1503 Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. Two popes were elected this year, Pius III and Julius II. Seville was granted exclusive trading rights with the new world (sixteen million kilograms of silver and 185,000 kilograms of gold would pass through the port between this date and 1650). The Henry VIIth chapel in Westminster construction started, Queen Elizabeth died. In the Challenge of Barletta 13 Italian Knights defeated 13 French Knights, so if you've ever wondered which of those two countries would win in a fight there is your answer. The Spanish also defeated the French at the battles of Ruvo, Cerignola and Seminara. Colombus discovered the Cayman Islands, the Spanish captured Naples. James IVth of Scotland married Margaret Tudor and Scotland signed the Treaty of Everlasting Peace with England. Everlasting in this case meaning 10 years.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2019, 07:41:47 AM by Dark Alex » Logged

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
Uncle Zombie and Eminent Poo Person
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 2131
Posts: 22887

« Reply #1176 on: May 21, 2019, 08:01:23 AM »

Another way you can say no is the word "Aikona" [eye-corner]  Wink

« Last Edit: May 21, 2019, 08:04:43 AM by Trevor » Logged

I know I can make it on my own if I try, but I'm searching for the Great Heart
To stand me by, underneath the African sky
A Great Heart to stand me by.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #1177 on: May 22, 2019, 04:54:00 AM »

All our nice weather has disappeared and we are in combats, awaiting notification of having to go deal with flooding if it happens.

Yay for random weather injects.

Still feeling very disappointed with Shazam! after everything everyone else had said about it. But entertainment is subjective and there are already too many people in the world who believe that because they don't like something, that it must be terrible, without merit and even that other people have no right to enjoy the things they don't. For all those that did like it, good for you.

I was just left with a "WTF?" type expression on my face by the end.

The heavy rain is set to continue until tomorrow at least. Guess I am getting wet at lunch time then. Not the first time I've thought just how great an idea it was to build a base on an area of land that was traditionally under water. Then again, for a while it was a navy base.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #1178 on: May 23, 2019, 01:09:32 AM »

Doesn't look like we had the expected deluge last night. Still in PCS today though just in case. The European elections are being held today. Anti-European parties are expected to do well all across the continent. There was talk about a number of countries having votes to see if they wanted to leave the EU before the UK held its vote. I can't imagine that the way our attempt to leave has been going so far is encouraging anyone else to quit right now.

Think I'll go back to ignoring the news for a few more weeks. It's way too f**ked up.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2019, 07:51:49 AM by Alex » Logged

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #1179 on: May 23, 2019, 05:48:25 AM »

Was randomly thinking about an old chemistry teacher of mine. I'd imagine he is not only retired but also dead, since I'd guess he was in his late 60's when he taught me. He'd been a navigator (we refer to nav's as back seat ballast) in the air force before becoming a teacher. I had him in 3rd and 4th years (age 15 to 16). I remember he'd given us three books. One was to quickly write the results of our experiments in, the second was for a more detailed 'after action' write up in the classroom and the third we were supposed to take home and do a full write up on. I never quite understood the need for that and just did the initial and final write ups (both in the classroom). This used to infuriate him no end.

As it turned out a working knowledge of chemistry had absolutely no use in my later life and not once had alcohol or alconol chains, covalent atomic bonds or anything else I learned ever been of any practical use. Indeed, very little of what I learned in school has been useful. Even as an electrician only once have I had to use any of the physics equations I spent so long studying. The particular equation I used was the second one I learned (Ohms law, d=st would be the first). Only maths (and there only the basic elements, SOHCAHTOA has surprisingly been irrelevant and the less said about sine waves the better) and English have actually came in useful. Hell, I went to school quite a proficient reader with a love of books (and the books we got when I started school were hardly ones I wanted to read. "I can see the red ball. I can see Dick, I can see Jane. They are playing with the red ball." Yeah, cracking good character development there. In my private life I was already reading the Famous Five novels). I feel school more held back my development than assisted in it there.

Moving onto my further education, it doesn't get any better. Definitely never had to do matrix multiplication. Thevenin's theorem has been conspicuous only by its absence.

Overall, I'd say maths, English and history were classes that in some way have helped me in my post school life. I'd like to make an argument that the other subjects gave me a basic grounding in things that were essential elements, but I'd struggle to justify that. Where I have used my qualifications, is to get other qualifications.

And yet, I still see a good schooling as being important. A good teacher can be an inspiration to a child. On the other hand, when you get a bad teacher you learn how to deal with a***oles. I had a Geography teacher who used to goad one of the guys in the class, calling him names and things. When the guy snapped back at him, the teacher would give him some sort of punishment. I didn't feel too sorry for the kid though, he was one of the local thugs and I'd be surprised if he managed to avoid regular holidays at her majesties pleasure (prison).

I'd like to, at this point name an inspirational teacher who made a positive difference to my life, but alas I can't really think of one. The closest I can come is the women who ran the school library who told me that I had the imagination and talent to be a writer. No one else back then ever really said anything like that to me. Unfortunately, while I can picture her face the mists of time have long since taken her name. If I ever do get a book published I would have to give her a dedication though.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
Uncle Zombie and Eminent Poo Person
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 2131
Posts: 22887

« Reply #1180 on: May 23, 2019, 06:43:35 AM »

Was randomly thinking about an old chemistry teacher of mine. I'd imagine he is not only retired but also dead

Most teachers who taught me gave up and kicked the proverbial bucket too.  Wink

I know I can make it on my own if I try, but I'm searching for the Great Heart
To stand me by, underneath the African sky
A Great Heart to stand me by.
Bad Movie Lover

Karma: 51
Posts: 102

« Reply #1181 on: May 23, 2019, 07:15:10 AM »

It's funny I can remember most of my teachers and I am friends with one of them now, he was my band teacher for 3 years and probably the best history teacher I had through all my years of public school.

It was my 4th grade teacher Mrs. Jorgensen that helped with my love of reading, Mr. Rich helped me understand just what music could do for a movie, Mr. Bailey taught me the importance of my civic responsibilities. The list could go on but I don't think you want to hear my rambling about my past. But a good teacher will stay with you and it's not just the subject that they teach that makes a good teacher. A good teacher actually cares about their students and gives a damn.

If you haven't already you should read the book 'My Posse Don't do Homework' it's the book that the movie Dangerous Minds was based on.
Uncle Zombie and Eminent Poo Person
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 2131
Posts: 22887

« Reply #1182 on: May 23, 2019, 07:22:33 AM »

In a more serious light, many of my teachers from primary school and high school - if not all of them - wrote me off and said that I would never amount to anything, much less a career out of anything.

Proved them wrong: sorry. Thumbup

I know I can make it on my own if I try, but I'm searching for the Great Heart
To stand me by, underneath the African sky
A Great Heart to stand me by.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #1183 on: May 23, 2019, 07:39:05 AM »

I was actually thinking we should get Bob and Indy to run some classes for us so we can have some inspirational teachers.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
Uncle Zombie and Eminent Poo Person
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 2131
Posts: 22887

« Reply #1184 on: May 23, 2019, 07:57:45 AM »

I was actually thinking we should get Bob and Indy to run some classes for us so we can have some inspirational teachers.

Agreed  Thumbup

I lecture about four times a year - universities, ninja gatherings, swingers clubs and zombie conventions, colleges, that kind of thing - and I like it.

I know I can make it on my own if I try, but I'm searching for the Great Heart
To stand me by, underneath the African sky
A Great Heart to stand me by.
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