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Movies Much Better Than You Remembered?

Started by dcj2112, August 20, 2020, 11:58:24 AM

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I was just thinking have you ever seen a movie that you HATED, took some years off from seeing it then watched it again and liked it?

I'm drawing a blank on this ever happening to me. But it must happen sometimes.

I have given films a second chance sometimes. But it turns out the way you'd expect. Like when I watched Leprechaun: Origins simply because I watched the whole franchise and didn't want to leave that one out. It wasn't as bad as I remembered it. It was worse!


I can only think of films that were worse on a repeat viewing just now. A few years ago I sat down to watch the Tim Burton and Joel Schmucker Batman movies. I enjoyed the first two and all the way through I was not looking forward to watching Batman & Robin. When I got to Batman Forever though I found that to be way worse than I remembered. Both Jim Carry and Tommy Lee Jones's overacting. The neon-soaked wonderland that was his version of Gotham was garish and tacky looking. I thought Val Kilmer was passable as Batman, but then it isn't really the actor playing Batman that makes a good Batman film in my opinion. It is the bad guy (or girl), and Schmucker never had a single decent one of them.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


I never cared for SUSPIRIA, but decided to give it another chance, since I hadn't seen it since 1993.
I loved it!
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Quote from: Alex on August 20, 2020, 12:42:44 PM
I can only think of films that were worse on a repeat viewing just now. A few years ago I sat down to watch the Tim Burton and Joel Schmucker Batman movies. I enjoyed the first two and all the way through I was not looking forward to watching Batman & Robin. When I got to Batman Forever though I found that to be way worse than I remembered. Both Jim Carry and Tommy Lee Jones's overacting. The neon-soaked wonderland that was his version of Gotham was garish and tacky looking. I thought Val Kilmer was passable as Batman, but then it isn't really the actor playing Batman that makes a good Batman film in my opinion. It is the bad guy (or girl), and Schmucker never had a single decent one of them.

That reminds me I just remembered one that kind of applies.

I remember after phenomenal Alien and Aliens being really disappointed in Alien 3. When I rewatched the series when the DVD box set came out I thought 3 was better than remembered. Although I'm not sure if that counts since I believe I watched a different cut of the film.

Alien Resurrection I found to be worse than I remembered during that viewing. It's been years since I've watched the movies now. Not sure how I'll feel about those two whenever I get a chance to revisit them.


Friday the 13th Part 2

It is probably the laziest most unoriginal sequel in movie making history. The very definition of a blatant cash-in. It is pretty much a remake of the first, and even uses music from My Bloody Valentine (1981). I was never impressed by the fact that Jason was now doing the killing, the very idea seemed kinda lame to me back then.

It took me a few years to warm up to the movie, and I really love the scenes with Alice (Adrienne King) at the beginning, especially the one-take shot. That is inspired filmmaking (on a horror cliche level). If it wasn't for that I'd rate Part 2 much lower.


Quote from: claws on August 21, 2020, 08:21:38 AM
Friday the 13th Part 2

It is probably the laziest sequel in movie making history. The very definition of a cash-in. It is pretty much a remake of the first, and even uses music from My Bloody Valentine (1981). I was never impressed by the fact that Jason was now doing the killing, that very idea seemed kinda lame to me back then.

It took me a few years to warm up to the movie, and I really love the scenes with Alice (Adrienne King) at the beginning, especially the one-take shot. That is really inspired filmmaking (on a horror cliche level). If it wasn't for that I'd rate Part 2 much lower.

I love the whole franchise, but it's been a few years since I really watched any of them. Part 2 was actually one of my more watched ones. It's the shortest movie in the whole franchise and it goes by quickly. Good to squeeze in if you're a few minutes shy of being able to watch a more proper movie.


the only film I've ever done a virtual 180 on is THE BIG LEBOWSKI. hated it the first 3 or 4 times I saw it, then on about the 5th viewing (and I only persevered so much because I am a big Coen bros fan), I suddenly loved it. still do now...
Quotethe movie was cringe, corny, cheesy and "what the biscuits" is with this atrocious acting and childish corny thing of a movie???


2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY   I always liked the soundtrack, but I was bored the first 2 or 3 times I saw the film.  I have seen it maybe 10 times now.  It has become a favorite (a film I call "motionless"). 
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


^ It amazes me that more folks don't like it! I reckon because there isn't s**t blowing up every 5 minutes.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!

Gabriel Knight

Hard one. I remembered MINORITY REPORT as a very smart and thoughtful movie, but recently I rewatched it and, while it does have an interesting script and it's entertaining enough, overall it's nothing more than another flashy blockbuster from Spielberg.

Another one I recalled being extremely funny was QUICK CHANGE from Bill Murray. After rewatching it I realized it's nothing but another crappy romantic comedy and all the fun was sucked away after the first half hour or so. Still a nice movie tho.

INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTALL SKULL is another case. I already commented it in different threads, but to make it short, it's not as bad as everyone make it out to be. The problem is that it should've been a masterpiece, because it had to follow a great trilogy after many years, and sadly it failed miserably at doing so. The script needed way too many changes, and that f**king kid had to go.
Check my crappy and unpopular reviews and ratings:


Disney's "THE BLACK HOLE".  I watched it in the theater when it was first released.  I remember me and my best friend wanted our money and 2 hours back. We got neither.   I remember on a whim, renting it on DVD about 15 years ago to see if it was bad as I recalled... it wasn't outragously bad as I recall, but it still isn't a great movie. But it did have teeny tiny moments of decent story telling.


Quote from: kornula on August 21, 2020, 06:10:50 PM
Disney's "THE BLACK HOLE".  I watched it in the theater when it was first released.  I remember me and my best friend wanted our money and 2 hours back. We got neither.   I remember on a whim, renting it on DVD about 15 years ago to see if it was bad as I recalled... it wasn't outragously bad as I recall, but it still isn't a great movie. But it did have teeny tiny moments of decent story telling.

I loved it as a kid, but watched it back in March on Disney+ as an adult and hated every second of it. I still can't understand how Disney could screw up a movie with that much star power and cool subject matter so completely. The only cool thing about the movie is still the evil robot Maximillian.
First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"


Quote from: dcj2112 on August 20, 2020, 11:58:24 AM
I was just thinking have you ever seen a movie that you HATED, took some years off from seeing it then watched it again and liked it?

I'm drawing a blank on this ever happening to me. But it must happen sometimes.

I have given films a second chance sometimes. But it turns out the way you'd expect. Like when I watched Leprechaun: Origins simply because I watched the whole franchise and didn't want to leave that one out. It wasn't as bad as I remembered it. It was worse!

I bought Red Sonja (1985) on DVD last weekend; Walmart had it for like $5 while my wife and I were shopping for cheap garbage bin movies. I hated this movie in the '80s ever since I first saw it on HBO or Showtime. Andrew gave it a proper sh*t review on this website and I agreed with every word that he said about it. But after watching it the other night, I was oddly entertained by it. Yes, it is still a bad movie, but it has its charms; like the swordplay is actually well-choreographed in some spots. Bridgette Nielsen's acting was terrible but she obviously had some fencing lessons; perhaps not anywhere near as good as her stunt double's lessons but the scenes where she had to swing her sword around, she seemed to kind of know what she was doing. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a little more graceful with his sword-swinging in this one than he was in the Conan movies. A young Ernie Reyes Jr. was already a little martial arts expert by then, and I've always been a fan of both Ronald Lacey and Pat Roach from the Indiana Jones films, and they are both silly yet entertainingly bad in this movie. And I had never noticed the matte paintings in the background of some of the set pieces in this film before, but some of them look absolutely beautiful on a 4K TV despite the poor DVD quality of the movie. In my opinion, the only things that really weighed this movie down were the absolutely wooden performances by Bridgette Nielsen, Sandahl Bergman, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. I almost want a proper reboot of this movie but with a better storyline than that silly talisman McGuffin and maybe another buff wooden actress that isn't Gal Gadot or Gina Carano, but only because I'm a longtime Robert E. Howard fan and there really haven't been any decent translations of his work aside from Conan The Barbarian (1982).
First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"


We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Crossroads. I just needed MORE drugs to see its inner beauty.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.