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Dark Alex's Really Long Post Thread.

Started by Alex, January 24, 2018, 01:41:12 PM

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WAY off base, sven.
  ER, my maternal family all have titles like that. the weird part is that it's not just about food, it's about what we look like as well. my brother and sister are onionheads because they love onions, but also because they both have curly cowlicks literally on the tops of their heads and wide jaws.
  my 2 cousins mark& mark& i, we are potato heads, since we are the only ones with straight hair that molds to our heads( well, mine is long and gets shaggier the longer it is, like the eyes on potatoes), with very round heads, and we are incapable of passing up any kind of potato  dish. we will also eat them raw,  quite happily.
   " the bishop boys", who are all older than us, they are the carrotheads. they have long pointy faces and very shaggy hair that most have them have lost from the bottom up, instead of the top down. and they would live on carrots if they could.
  there are more, but that just gives you an idea where the names came from. family legend has it that my great grandmother, a full blooded cherokee started that tradition. she was a parsniphead, very pale skin for a full blood, lots of chin hair and loved parsnips roasted or fried into chips.
  yes, my family is a LITTLE odd, lol!

Svengoolie 3

Quote from: 316zombie on September 10, 2018, 07:06:23 PM
WAY off base, sven.

I knew it wasn't what you meant but it waswasa movie joke and this is a movie board.  :wink:
The doctor that circumcised Trump threw away the wrong piece.


If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


Quote from: Dark Alex on September 10, 2018, 01:15:19 PM
Why did the film embarrass you? Are you telling us that you are the one who directed it?

:teddyr: :teddyr:

Some guy named Jeremiah Checkcih - I know that's spelled wrong - did that. I was embarrassed writing the review because the film was so irredeemably bad, Uma Thurman notwithstanding.  :smile:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Its a lovely lookin day outside, clear blue sky and bright sun shine all of which is only mildly spoiled by the strong wind that makes it a day to stay inside and appreciate how nice it looks outside. That being said, when Kristi and Ash wake up I am planning on us going a walk through the village. We've not been doing that as much recently and for various reasons I want us to get back into doing it. We did try a walk yesterday, but we'd barely gotten out of our street when it started raining in a fine mist that promises that in ten minutes you will be soaked through and remain that way.

Not such a nice day for a stroll down to the harbour and maybe pick up some ice creams after all.

Ash kept waking me up crying through the night (although always without actually waking up) in his way that he has of letting us know he needs a feed without actually disturbing his nights sleep. Anyway, he is having his morning nap at the moment and although Kristi slept through the night she has also went to bed for a nap. I am just chilling out in the man cave listening to some slow paced songs (currently Asia's Heat of the Moment). I can also listen to some CCR, since for some reason Kristi doesn't like them. Who can you not like 'Fortunate Son' or 'Run Through The Jungle'?

Did an audition for our local theatre club last night and I'll be playing the part of a warden. Its a small part, although it does involve some lines. Making an effort to get involved in one of Kristi's hobbies.

Today is an important anniversery for me. 17 years ago I started my Phase 2 military training. I'd have a beer to celebrate, but since I am working tonight...

Think tomorrow I'll start painting up my beastman army. Finally persuaded my brother that if he hadn't painted it (or even taken the figures out of their packaging in the past I guess somewhere around 15 years) by now then he never would. It's a fairly small one, a Dragon Ogre, two chariots and 20 assorted beastmen infantry, but I can add it to my small Chaos force making them a decent combined army.

Still think that Trevor has let slip that Jeremiah Checkcih is his nom de plume.  :bouncegiggle: I'll be keeping a closer eye on him from now on, just in case he decides to try and do a follow up.

Well Ash is now awake. Got him playing on the floor with some of his toys. Well, he is attempting to eat them and making happy gurgling noises. I'll put that down as playing with them though. Hmm, I guess I should go to see to lunch.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: 316zombie on September 10, 2018, 07:06:23 PM
WAY off base, sven.
  ER, my maternal family all have titles like that. the weird part is that it's not just about food, it's about what we look like as well. my brother and sister are onionheads because they love onions, but also because they both have curly cowlicks literally on the tops of their heads and wide jaws.
  my 2 cousins mark& mark& i, we are potato heads, since we are the only ones with straight hair that molds to our heads( well, mine is long and gets shaggier the longer it is, like the eyes on potatoes), with very round heads, and we are incapable of passing up any kind of potato  dish. we will also eat them raw,  quite happily.
   " the bishop boys", who are all older than us, they are the carrotheads. they have long pointy faces and very shaggy hair that most have them have lost from the bottom up, instead of the top down. and they would live on carrots if they could.
  there are more, but that just gives you an idea where the names came from. family legend has it that my great grandmother, a full blooded cherokee started that tradition. she was a parsniphead, very pale skin for a full blood, lots of chin hair and loved parsnips roasted or fried into chips.
  yes, my family is a LITTLE odd, lol!

LOL Okay, thanks!
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Got bored at work about 22:00 and decided to come home. Couldn't see ISIS invading tonight. It is a bit cold and windy with a threat of for those desert dwelling types .

Seem to have picked up another fan of my stories (I think that makes 4, yay!), so I dug out my older ones, printed them out for him and started on another one since I am currently stuck a bit with 'The Lore'. I could have stayed in work and wrote more, but that would have meant staying in work and that seems a silly idea when you are allowed to go home.

At work Jim is becoming increasinly convinced that the original moon landings were faked, although he believes that later moon missions were successful. His logic is based on the amount of stuff that could have went wrong, the corners that were cut to get things to happen and the old one about radiation in space.

As long as he doesn't figure out that the world is really hollow and has dinosaurs living under the surface all will be good and I won't have to tell the Illuminati that they'll have to travel back in time and kill his parents. Or is it the New World Order that does that? I can never tell the difference. Could also be the Masons or the Vatican I guess.

Although I suspect they are all just a fake front designed to distract us all from who is really the power behind the throne...  :twirl:

Maybe I'll take some tinfoil into work with me tomorrow and make Jim a hat.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Got a phone call from Bally this morning. He urgently needed someone to save his bacon and volunteer to work Saturday. Normally I should have Friday off, but I volunteered to help out Dave.

Well f**k, but that is my weekend all shot to s**t then.

Mum and Elizabeth should be coming up tomorrow. The plan was to take them to the Friends & Familys day on camp on Saturday.

It's funny, but I find s**t like this much more annoying than actually being sent out on deployments. That kind of stuff you expect to have to do. Oh well, I'll dig out a can of suck it up and get on with it I guess.

Got some laundry on, Ash is sleeping after I fed and changed him, Kristi is just waking up. Breakfast was made, hall was hoovered and dishes were sorted. I looked after him the last couple of nights to give Kristi a better sleep. Hopefully tonight Kristi can get the living room and our bedroom tidied up.

Saw this and thought of AHD.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Got into work and found out that the "couple of hours" Bally had asked me to work for him, actually meant I had volunteered to work the entire day.

I was slightly annoyed about this before, but now I am seriously p**sed. I specifically mentioned that I had family coming up for the friends and family day and he assured me that it was only a couple of hours. When the warrant told me (and bear in mind that our warrant is a very laid back, polite chap who (almost) never swears), he ordered me to go tell Bally that he was a c**t as Bally had been told that it was a full day thing.

I was trying to deal with that while my older brother started incessantly texting me to ask about who Katrina was and why she'd tried to add him on facebook. I replied that she was Aaron and Leona's mum and that I was dealing with a problem at work so didn't really have the time to text right now. He continued texted me demanding to know who she was and why she had added him even after I had said that I was dealing with a problem and would get back to him when I could. The messages kept coming in and he accused me of playing games so eventually out of sheer frustration he got a reply from me, but it was all in caps and after that he stopped messaging me, until I later sent him another one giving him all the info I could but explaining that I had no idea why she had added him, and if he didn't want to accept he could either refuse, or block her. That was a few hours later though once I'd had time to calm down a bit.

It is the 3rd anniversary of us losing Lilly-Beth next Tuesday which is guaranteed not to improve my mood any either. Since I am losing my weekend I did chat to Dave about some leave took that day off so I can go out to the cemetery and pay a visit.

And to think tonight, I'd planned on coming in, having a relaxing night and doing some writing. Right now I can feel how tense my body is. I could break rocks on my shoulders / neck muscles and I'd have to get my head transplanted onto my chest to have it any lower right now. Still I have a fair amount to go before I am near snapping at someone (or just snapping someone). My hands aren't stuck curled up into fists and my fingernails haven't drawn blood from my palms yet. When that happens I'll know yup, time to explode. Either I need some time with a punch bag down the gym or I need to go see a cute babies smile. Recently that one seems to have been quite effective in calming my more extreme moods. And besides I don't want my temper running my life.

Over the years I've collected a long list of things that tell me just how irritated I am, since I quite often don't know until you reach a certain point, and that point is too late as I've just blacked out for a few seconds and hit someone. When that happens it can be a few minutes before they wake up again. Not let myself get quite that angry for many years now and I'd hate to lose my record now.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Dave decided to give me Tuesday off as a freebe as a thanks for working Saturday which has improved my mood a bit. As I pass Bally's house on the way home I did think about keying his car, but decided not to. He may be being honest when he said he didn't know it was the full day.

Still, it'll be a long time before I volunteer to help him out any again.

Ash was awake when I got home last night / this morning which is highly unusual for him. He was happy enough, but I managed to get him settled for bed some time in the wee small hours. I had hoped that he'd sleep late, but he woke at his regular times. Got up and fed him, but was too angry with the work thing to get back to sleep afterwards. He was back up at half seven and as long as one of us was paying him attention all was fine, but when we left him to go do housework he'd start screaming the house down. Decided he needed a time out and put him in his cot, and left him to scream there. Eventually he cried himself to sleep where he is remaining for the moment. When he wakes up, if he is in a better mood we'll take a walk down the shore finally. Kristi was wondering if his teeth were bothering him, but i think he just needs a good sleep.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Bally decided not to be here for shift handover for what ever reason...

Not been able to find out where to go on Saturday, who to report to (although I have found out the title of my job). Going to Aviemore for a high ropes course tomorrow so I won't be able to find out any details. Going to leave it up to other people to get in touch with me and let me know what is happened, not that I am going to have any other choice.

I got a message from our work I.T. system asking me to review it (specifically Excel) and let them know what I think of it. My official reply said "Every time I have to just try and open one of the files on this system my brain feels like it has been ass-raped by a sandpaper cock."

Because of the system we use I have to click on any file I want seven times before I can open and edit it, and more than half the time it will tell me the sheet is locked for editing because I have it checked out, so you have to shut it all down and restart the whole process from the beginning and hope the next time it will let you in.

Doubtless I'll be called in to explain myself on that one to the higher ups on my review. Maybe I should prep some pictures to illustrate what I mean?

Mum and sister got up safely. Not seen them yet as they didn't get in until after I got to work, but I should be finishing early tonight and get to see them before everyone goes to bed. Unless of course Kristi forgets to take the keys out of the door and I end up having to wake the house up to get in. When I got home on Tuesday night she'd done that. Was trying to let her know I was there, but not wake Ash up so I tried a very quick ring of the door bell. After a couple of minutes no response. So I rang a bit longer and waited... still nothing. Tried ringing her mobile phone, nothing. Had to start risking waking up the little fellow if I was going to try anything louder. So I rang the house phone, let it rang 14 times... still nothing. At this point I'd been trying to get in for twenty minutes, it was cold and raining so with a shrug I pressed the door bell and kept it pressed in until a light came on in the house and I finally got let in. Luckily Ash managed to sleep through the whole damn carry on though.

Forgot to bring my dinner in with me tonight, so I can either binge on junk food or go hungry. Ryan has brought in a drifter and a sandbox to play with tonight. When he told me that, I figured the sandbox was to hide the body of the drifter in when he'd finished, but it turns out they are some sort of remote control cars. I had a go with one and managed to knock the paper recycling bin over. Since it has a triangular body Ryan then made a jump ramp out of it.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Sitting up by myself now, everyone else is sleeping.

The only problem I find with sex is unlike most guys, afterwards I am wide awake and full of energy (we have came to call it sexergy). With six hours of it, I can normally cuddle up with someone and go to sleep holding my partner. Never did find someone who could last longer than that alas.

On the plus side I am not feeling as tense and angry as I was earlier on tonight.

Time to watch some more Amacus and Hammer movies. Shame I don't have a couple of beers to completely relax with. So I guess I'll sit here and wait for tiredness to stroll its way in eventually. It#s after midnight and I'd like to get to sleep sooner rather than later for tomorrow and the High Ropes exercise.

Hello darkness my old friend...

Once this movie finishes I'll go lie down and read a bit I guess, although the only book within arm reach is 'Mr. Tickle' which i was reading to Ash yesterday.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Dark Alex on September 13, 2018, 06:22:50 PM
Sitting up by myself now, everyone else is sleeping.

The only problem I find with sex is unlike most guys, afterwards I am wide awake and full of energy (we have came to call it sexergy). With six hours of it, I can normally cuddle up with someone and go to sleep holding my partner. Never did find someone who could last longer than that alas.

Six.... Six hours?

For once I know not what to say.

What does not kill me makes me stranger.


12 years ago Bev managed 6 hours. The next night she managed maybe half an hour and the night after that less than five minutes. 17 years ago Tanya did much better. She got to six hours, and then after a four hour sleep we did it all morning, but no one ever managed to break the six hour mark.  :thumbdown:

Unfortunately the more I get the more I want.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


As Barry Fitzgerald said in The Quiet Man, "Homeric!"   :cheers:
What does not kill me makes me stranger.