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Clash of the Titans (2010)

Started by Fausto, April 02, 2010, 02:41:58 AM

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matt G.

alright let me start by saying that im 16  but i enjoy B-movies and movies through 70's - 90's but dammnit this was a good movie i watched the original and it was good for its time but this 2010 remake is good for its time im probably guessing that all of you are gonna hate on the new elm street remake too huh
(granted the new freddy does look kinda stupid) but dammnit im so sick of all of you people crying and complaing stop it just enjoy the movie and if you dont like it go see hot tub time machine i love that movie


Quote from: matt G. on April 04, 2010, 11:19:25 AM
alright let me start by saying that im 16  but i enjoy B-movies and movies through 70's - 90's but dammnit this was a good movie i watched the original and it was good for its time but this 2010 remake is good for its time im probably guessing that all of you are gonna hate on the new elm street remake too huh
(granted the new freddy does look kinda stupid) but dammnit im so sick of all of you people crying and complaing stop it just enjoy the movie and if you dont like it go see hot tub time machine i love that movie

... People can have different opinions you know, it's called freedom of speech.

Psycho Circus


Quote from: matt G. on April 04, 2010, 11:19:25 AM
all of you people crying and complaing

Um, isn't that what you are doing?  :lookingup:   
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


Quote from: 3mnkids on April 04, 2010, 11:58:03 AM
Quote from: matt G. on April 04, 2010, 11:19:25 AM
all of you people crying and complaing

Um, isn't that what you are doing?  :lookingup:   

Hehe, ironicly you are complaining about people complaining.


I so completely agree with Circus on this. To me with today's CGI, you get what I consider to be the equivalent of soulless paint by numbers cartoony monsters with no real distinct personality whereas with old time FX (and the technique could be stopmotion (Ray Harryhausen, Willis O'Brien, Dennis Muren, Phil Tippett, Rankin/Bass), suitmation (Eiji Tsuburaya's work on Godzilla and other Toho films, Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)), puppetry (The Monster That Challenged the World), claymation (Wallace & Gromit, Nightmare Before Christmas, James and The Giant Peach), make-up (Rick Baker, Jack Pierce) , etc.) you tend to get a much more vibrant monster characters with personality plus.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


I Am A MASSIVE Fan Of The Original , But I Am Tossing Around The Idea Of Going To See The Remake.......I Still Haven't Decided Yet

Rev. Powell

This is why Hollywood keeps making remakes.  Even though a lot of you realize ahead of time this is likely to suck, you're still planning to go anyway.  If you would stop going to these movies, they would stop making them. 
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Mr. DS

Quote from: Circus Circus on April 04, 2010, 07:09:03 AM
2010 Kraken:

Looks like a turd with teeth, or even worse the '98 Godzilla!
Kind of looks like Cloverfield, or his inbred cousin...
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


What can I say, I kinda liked it (I can understand why others would despise it).  Honestly, when I re-watched the original recently, I couldn't help but notice how dull the movie was outside of Ray Harryhausen's special effects.  The new movie isn't a classic by any means, but I kinda like some aspects.  The original Love affair with Andromeda (which was always pretty contrived IMHO) is redone with something better, but I particularly like how the soldiers with Perseus are somewhat more fleshed out, and useful.  Yes, they are cannon fodder, but they help Perseus much more then in the original, indeed save his ass on more then one occasion.  And they give tribute to Harryhausen's best ideas, in particular that Medusa actually had the lower body of a snake, brilliant move on Harryhausens part, and they kept it.  Making Medusa otherwise kinda sexy was a acknowledgment that they couldn't really improve on the original Medusa so they had to do some things different.  Also the action scenes didn't suffer quite as badly from shaky cam as some recent movies.  Plus I appreciate they didn't take the easy way out and make the whole movie campy.

Bubu (How I despise that proto Jar Jar) does have a cameo, and don't worry, you cant miss it.

3d adds nothing to this movie btw, save your money and see it in 2d.

Also, I'm actually kind hopefully for the Nightmare on Elm Street remake, the trailer looks very good.

Psycho Circus

Quote from: Rev. Powell on April 04, 2010, 07:23:26 PM
This is why Hollywood keeps making remakes.  Even though a lot of you realize ahead of time this is likely to suck, you're still planning to go anyway.  If you would stop going to these movies, they would stop making them. 

Exactly! Everyone listen to Rev. Powell!!!!  :hatred:

You damn kids today, with your Ip3's, MTVspace and fast food, fast everything. Get a soul...  :wink:

Flick James

Quote from: Circus Circus on April 05, 2010, 05:20:23 AM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on April 04, 2010, 07:23:26 PM
This is why Hollywood keeps making remakes.  Even though a lot of you realize ahead of time this is likely to suck, you're still planning to go anyway.  If you would stop going to these movies, they would stop making them. 

Exactly! Everyone listen to Rev. Powell!!!!  :hatred:

You damn kids today, with your Ip3's, MTVspace and fast food, fast everything. Get a soul...  :wink:

I was going to say the same thing. Rev said it more succinctly than I would have. When will you ever learn that CGI-laden remakes of classics is a bad thing. Stop supporting it. American film and television is in need of a revolution. Our films are remakes, and our television shows are American versions of shows started in Japan and the UK. If there is anywhere that this message should hit home, it's here. You should know better.

I don't always talk about bad movies, but when I do, I prefer

Monster Jungle X-Ray

I saw it last night, and really enjoyed it, a good popcorn adventure film. As a big fan of the original I had a lot of reservations concerning the souless CGI, but it was all done pretty well, except for the Kraken's head/face which was just a lazy design. The Bubo sequence was really funny, and I am glad they included it in the film. I think the Medusa in this film worked on a different level than the Harryhausen one (which is one of my all time favorite film sequences), her face went from being beautiful to hideous whenever she froze people, it just harkens back to the idea that her beauty was once to rival that of the goddesses. The addition of the Djinn to the film was a plus, very nice designs with cool make-up.

My complaints: the goddesses except for a few mentions get practically nil screen time, and I don't remember any of them actually speaking. Poseiden gets one line as does Apollo so it's basically the Zeus and Hades show.

Sam Worthington makes a pretty good action hero, the few swordfights are good, but I just didn't buy him as a Greek. Maybe it was the marine haircut where everyone else in the film had long braided hair. I also expected him at any moment to say ' if it's all the same to you, I'll drive that tanker.'  :wink:

" Society doesn't accept us because of what we are, so we're an enemy of society. " - Pa Mooney, THE RATS ARE COMING! THE WEREWOLVES ARE HERE!


Saw it yesterday, have to say it was just ok. I'm a really big fan of the original; the remake kept the basic story elements but lacked the originals wit, storytelling, character, originality... well basically it lacked everything but better special effects. The whole beginning scene was completely botched and made no sense, the part with Pegasus made no sense, they never clearly explained what these humans were planning on doing to overthrow the gods or exactly why, they tried to fill this movie with so much action, but completely forgot what made the original such a classic. Also I don't know why but did anyone else get the feeling that the original was more adult than this one: there were several scenes of full nudity in the original, most of the fights I felt were much bloodier (even though it was all stop motion), there were people getting burned at the stake.But, all criticism aside the movie was relatively fun to watch and I would say check it out if you want lots of action and cool CGI, but the original will always be better to me.
Smells like popcorn and shame


We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.