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Reading anything?

Started by ER, November 19, 2008, 09:52:20 PM

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To be perfectly honest, that one was shameless self-promotion.
I wrote it.

Harper Lee's new book sounds interesting, but I'll want to re-read TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD first.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


did it turn out like you wanted it to? and if not than hey you can at least say you wrote a book even if it does poorly you wrote one. really if you want to save time watch the film. and that's something i NEVER say when it comes for books turned into movies cause the film is 100% perfect! just like the book i can't think of anything that was changed at all. when they do a film of it at some point it's a shame that Gregory Peck is now dead no doubt he would have LOVED to be in it.


TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD is one of those rare examples of a near-perfect book with a near-perfect screen adaptation - something very rarely achieved.

As for my book, I am very happy with it.  It's my second published work - my first one came out last fall and another being released in December, but overall, I think PILATE is the finest thing I have written.  I love ancient Rome and I fell I recreated that world accurately and came up with a very interesting protagonist.  The problem, of course, is getting noticed as a new author.  It's so easy to publish these days that there are thousands of new books to compete with every week.

But hey, when you finish Dreamcatcher, give PILATE a read and let me know what you think!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


your book isn't my type of book i normally read, plus i have plenty of books to read anyways at home. i spent about a hundred bucks at half price books about a month or so ago and i went to a flea market last week and spent another 40. plus i have books i bought back in the 90's i still haven't gotten around to reading.

some of the ones that i have this year i had for years, these are the books i've read so far

1. Two For The Dough-by Janet Evanovich  from (1996) i really enjoyed that one. i bought that about i think 2 years ago or so?
2. Postmortem-by Patrica Cormwell or Cornwell i forget which is her last name? anyways i bought that one in the early 2000's. and i finally got around to reading that in i think March? this one is her 1st in the Kay Scarpetta Series from (1990) onto the next book

3. Blood Relatives-Ed McBain  and old one from (1975) i bought that at a goodwill a few years back i dunno the year however. and that one is actually out of print. and not a very good book either. onto the next book.

4.Hail, Hail The Gang's All Here and old one from (1971) i bought this one early 2000's. and i enjoyed it quite a bit. all these Ed McBain books are part of his 87th Precinct Series that i started reading way back in (1995) i think the year was?

anyways the next one is

5.Three To Get Deadly-by Janet Evanovich from (1997) and i loved this one, i bought that one at half-price this year.

6.Four Blind Mice-(2002) i bought this sucker when it 1st came out and it took me 13 years to read it! a medicore Alex Cross novel. if you read this one it's been done before pretty much.

7. The Big Bad Wolf' (2003) i really loved this one. i also  bought this brand-spanking New and i finally got around to read it recently too.

8. Now You See Her-(2011) James Patterson- i bought this one this year at Half-price books and i really loved it. it makes it sound like the entire book is about a woman who has a cop for a husband and than she learns he's a dirty cop and fakes her death.  he at some point 18 or 19 years later learns she's still alive. and goes after her. but he's by than a chief of Police and is a really dirty cop. the book isn't just about that though, the 1st part is about her marriage to the guy. the next part is her trying to save an innocent man from being killed by the state. she ends up changing her name and becoming a Lawyer. and she does save him. and the very last part of the book is about the ex husband going after her. so it's told very differently than you would normally read it.

a really great book you should check out.

9. IT" (1986) i have read this old Stephen King book at least a dozen times or so. 1st time i was oh 13 or 14 years old. and i picked it up about 2 years ago and read about #728 pages of it and than this year i picked it up and finished it.

10. From A Buick 8. (2002) another King Novel i bought Brand spanking NEW and i finally got around to reading it recently. and i really did love it. when it 1st came out i thought it was another clone of Christine but it's written VERY different than he normally writes and it's told differently too. part of it is in flashback

part of it takes place in the present. and it's a pretty fine book actually. i read it in i think 6 days? some of these i read in one weekend. they were all short books. leaving out "IT" of course. some of these took me a week or so to read.

11. Dreamcatcher (2001) i first bought back when it 1st came out and lost the hardback and had to re-buy it!  a couple years later. i never did find what happend to it. one of those things you know? and i started reading it a few times and i just never for some reason finished it. i never thought it was a bad book though. i'm on Day 13 on reading it and this so far is the longest time i've spent on a book this year.

i've got 130 pages left in it i think now? my point is i have a LOT of catching up to do cause i went a LOOOOONG time without even reading a book and i HATED it. oh and sorry about my ramblings too lol


Quote from: pennywise37 on June 03, 2015, 11:18:12 PM
who's it by anyways? you know what i really want to read? Harper Lee's new one when that comes out in I think July ?

Yeah, that (IMHO) is the big surprise. 54 years after writing her 1st and only novel, Harper Lee wants to bring back the characters from "To Kill a Mockingbird." Well, if J. K. Rowling, if the rumor I heard is correct, wants to bring us more Harry Potter, I guess Harper Lee can give us more of "To Kill a Mockingbird."

And we shall see what we shall see.


I think Harper Lee actually wrote this book first, then lost the manuscript for many years, if I have the story straight.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Classical Economics Reconsidered by Thomas Sowell


yes that is correct, she wrote it in the 50's i believe? which is when the book i believe takes place i think? and than she put it away in i forget what type of container it was is called? sorry i'm still tired as hell from today. anyways the story goes she submitted it and than her i think publisher said well we like this

one but we want like the flashbacks in the story even more. can you write a story about those? so she goes ok and wrote To Kill a Mockingbird which takes place i believe 20 years eariler. in the new book she's in adult in it and it's not edited at all it's like i think Mockingbird was edited like all books are. but what she wrote is what was left in. so she puts it away and really did forget about it. you'd think that she want to i dunno write another book or more books, i wish i knew why she never did? anyways so the manuscript was found really by accident pretty much.


well i just finished DreamCatcher and frankly i LOVED IT! Stephen King in some books i think has done some really terrible endings. but the end of this one i enjoyed a lot in fact. i think one day i have no idea when though i shall read it again at some point but it won't be for a long time i'm sure. now i will have to watch the film again to see what's in and what's cut. he he


I just finished reading A SNIPER IN THE TOWER by Gary Lavergne; this was a true account of the terrible day when Charles Whitman barricaded himself on the observation deck of the University of Texas clock tower and shot people for the next 96 minutes, until two officers from the Austin PD got onto the deck and killed him.  Whitman had already killed his mother and his wife the night before; he then went to a series of sporting goods stores and bought a small arsenal before heading to the Tower, where he killed 16 people and wounded 32 more.

This story has a special resonance for me because my parents and my three older siblings were there that day.  They were leaving the Tower as Whitman arrived, pushing a covered dolly which contained an army footlocker full of weapons.  They actually got off the sidewalk for him and said good morning to him as he passed by; then they got in the car and drove away.  Ten minutes later the shooting started.

This is a fascinating account of one of the crimes of its kind in American history.  Whitman was "an All American Boy," a former Marine and Eagle Scout whose previous life gave no hint of the murderous rage that was building in him.  Lavergne chronicles Whitman's entire story in a very readable fashion; this is a fascinating account of a horrifying moment in my state's history - and the history of my family.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


WOW your family was that close? i'm not a religious guy but i'd say someone was looking out for them that day. it also reminds me of the song by The insane clown posse' from a few years back called" The Tower' a song i love but after reading your story i have a feeling it was prolly based of that. but that's just a guess i have no idea if it actually was. anyways i finished Dreamcatcher and i loved it. now i'm 137 pages into Body of Evidence by Patrica Cornwell'  it's an old one from (1991) have you ever read any by her?


I read a couple of her Kay Scarpetta novels and also her book about the Jack the Ripper murders.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Just finished:
Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll Generation Saved Hollywood by Peter Biskind

Just started: I Am Ozzy by Ozzy Osbourne w/Chris Ayres
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


this is only my 2nd book by her that iv'e read so did you like them? i think Post Mortem was a good book but like many 1st books in a series it was poorly written.
and it's really has to do with more of she's learning how to write for her characters that she creates. Ed McBain for example his 1st 87th Precinct wasn't a bad book but it was poorly written as well and that's like i said they are still learning about their characters, for Mcbain he was still learning the lingo that cops have. and so forth.

the 2nd book though was better than the 1st in Mcbain's case, and so far in the Current book by Cornwell it's vastly better written. at least i think so i dunno what anyone else would think to be honest.


I know my second book was better than my first!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"