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Fear of Clowns....your fear is justified!

Started by trekgeezer, August 11, 2004, 12:20:16 PM

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Has anyone else seen anything about this? Seems like I saw it on post, but couldn't find it with the search.

 Here is the official site, you can see it in regular html or flash. Looked at the cast and can't say I've ever seen any of them.

Fear of Clowns

Post Edited (08-11-04 12:21)

And you thought Trek isn't cool.


I've seen this site. I'm not afraid of clowns. Clowns are simply an evil race that must be wiped out from all corners of the earth.

The thing is, alot of comedians become comedians becuase they had a rough childhood, or they have some deep seeded psychological issues stemming from some really crappy experiences that they've had to overcome. What the hell does it take for a person to be a clown?

Serial Killers with big floppy shoes


Susan wrote:

> The thing is, alot of comedians become comedians becuase they
> had a rough childhood, or they have some deep seeded
> psychological issues"

The phrase "deep seeded" is actually "deep seated".

Sorry, had to correct you's the second time I've seen you use that.
It's the Grammar Nazi in me...can't help it.

Post Edited (08-11-04 13:26)


Maybe it;s fear of proper grammar we should be concerned with.

And you thought Trek isn't cool.


Ash - thanks. I guess deep seeded isn't as bad as a message i saw on the net the other nite where someone was referring to "paper view" ;-)


>someone was referring to "paper view"

My mother calls it "pay preview".