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Foods That Remind You Of People, Places and Things

Started by Mr. DS, January 22, 2011, 06:34:25 PM

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Mr. DS

Aka comfort foods in some sort.  Today I picked up a pack of wintergreen mints.  They're the ones that come in pink or white color and are a little smaller than a quarter. Anyhow, I always think of my Godmother when I see/eat them.  She always had some in a little jar at her house which she usually let me enjoy. 
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


Stuffed cabbage-glumpkis. Grandma Bonarski.
Meat and beans-my Dad-the only thing he would cook.
Juju Fruits-the Strand Theater in Paw Paw.
Kessler whiskey-Nickoli Siskaninitz,the old Russian farmer I worked for as a kid. The Guy drank Kesslers like water.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Chocolate chip Pop Tarts.  For some reason I made that my snack for 4th of July while watching the fireworks when I was real little.
Chips Ahoy.  I used to take those on camping trips when I was very small.
Cherry Coke.  I get that all the time at work.  I always think back to when it was new, about 1984 or so.  And the jazzed-up commercial, "New Ch-ch-ch-cherry Coke!  Outrageous.. it's out and outrageous!"  Being a kid in the 80s was pretty sweet.

"O the legend they say, on a Valentine's Day, is a curse that'll live on and on.."

The Gravekeeper

I'm always going to think of my boyfriend when I eat squid now. Unfortunately, I'm always going to remember eating the squid he so lovingly prepared and feeling physically ill on and off for the rest of the night.

A much better food for me is shepherd's pie, meat pie, and cipaille. I'm always going to think of home when I have those, and I'm always disappointed with the fact that store-bought versions aren't anywhere near as good. Ah well, at least the shepherd's pie is easy enough for me to make it for myself; meat pie's easy, too, but it makes WAY too much filling for me to handle all at once. Cipaille? Not going to happen anytime soon; I don't have a proper oven and it takes about a day to make properly.


Grilled cheese sandwiches reminds me of the "good old days" of watching video rentals every Saturday night. Usually around midnight we'd rush in the kitchen and make us a few grilled cheeses in between movies. Back then the wrapped plastic cheese we used seemed less yuck.

And speaking of sandwiches, Bologna sandwiches reminds me of my childhood camping trips.


Burritos remind me of going to Taco Bell when I was about 6 or 7 after swimming at the YMCA.  My dad would take us there and I would always get a bean burrito.  Best thing ever!  One time, I spilled the insides of the burrito all over my new YMCA shirt.  I was p**sed.  :lookingup: