
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Inyarear on May 18, 2006, 03:44:53 PM

Title: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: Inyarear on May 18, 2006, 03:44:53 PM
Well, well, well. In the tradition of "The Last Temptation" and "Saved!" the "Da Vinci Code" movie seems to be headed for failure. Not only are professional critics (who rarely know what they're talking about) panning this crap, but the audience (which usually knows much more than elitists about why it likes or doesn't like a film) is jeering it too. Wanna bet we'll be seeing a review of it on this site someday?
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: AndyC on May 19, 2006, 06:49:28 AM
Now there's a clearly unbiased opinion.
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: Mr_Vindictive on May 19, 2006, 07:21:46 AM
I have no doubt that the film will make quite a bit of bank, but apparently it's not too good.  I have yet to read a glowing review of the film.  Most of the reviews so far have said the film is mediocre at best.
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: ulthar on May 19, 2006, 08:02:04 AM
I've heard a little bit of the (negative, if there is such a thing) hype of this, but I find it hard to believe Tom Hanks would be in a movie that is mediocre at best.  Doesn't the presence of Tom Hanks usually MAKE a movie good?

Is this the one that he will be saying "yeah, I blew it that time"?
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: ulthar on May 19, 2006, 08:10:26 AM
How much of the negative hype is based on:

(1) Expectations based on the book's popularity.  A lot of people liked the the book, and found it 'interesting.'  SHOCKER: The movie is not as good as the book upon which it is based.

(2) Expectations bases on the popularity of The Passion of the Christ.  I think some in Hollywood thought 'the time was right' for ANY movie with a religious theme to be popular.

Is it really being judged on its merits, or is it being compared to source material and other recent 'successful' religious themed depictions.
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: Neville on May 19, 2006, 08:13:17 AM
I'm not a believer, and I really wouldn't mind watching a movie that attacks the Catholic Church, because I've never liked them, but chances are "The Da Vinci Code" won't be any good. I read the novel like one year ago and though it was pretty lame, with all those cardboard characters, cliffhangers every two pages (Mr. Brown, that is not suspenseful, it's annoying, get it?) and endless exposition scenes.

I had some faith that the movie would try to do things right, but form the reviews and opinions I've been reading these days it looks like they haven't.
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: Mr_Vindictive on May 19, 2006, 09:04:27 AM

Most of the reviews I have read have been by people who actually haven't read the book.  It doesn't seem to me that the reviewers are comparing it to the source material, as much as being just out right bored with the film.

I've not read the book, so I have no opinion either way on the film.  I'll probably skip it and wait until it hits cable a few years from now.  Like I said earlier though, it's going to be a hit despite what any critics say.  People love the book, and they'll be more than willing to sit through what might be a "meh" film just out of devotion to the source material.
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: ulthar on May 19, 2006, 09:17:45 AM
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.  A bad review has never kept folks from going to a boring movie, has it?
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: Neville on May 19, 2006, 09:28:29 AM
With the adecuate dosis of poorreviews, controversy and idiots saying all the wrong things, everything can be a box office success. Except "Showgirls", which is the exception that proves the rule.
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: Just Plain Horse on May 19, 2006, 03:43:38 PM
I'm waiting for the day they make The Da Vinci Crowed, where Jesus comes back from the dead as a goth punk mime who kills every person he comes in contact with in odd, yet darkly humorous ways. Remember, when the meek enherit the Earth, take it back by force.
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: Mr_Vindictive on May 19, 2006, 06:20:22 PM

I'd see that in an INSTANT!
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: Ed, Ego and Superego on May 19, 2006, 06:50:56 PM
"Jesus is back, and this time...ITS PERSONAL"
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: Scott on May 19, 2006, 09:47:02 PM
Just came back from DA VINCI CODE tonight. First I'd like to say that I believe you have to be into the subject to appreciate the movie. I mean they say things that are very offensive to "Christians" and also if you figure that most of the critics are probably following Cannes Film Festival lead by putting it down. Then you can understand those elements putting down the film.

It's not an art film as Ron Howard simply fills a functional role as director to put this story forward. Again you have to be into the subject to appreciate it. I'm not a big fan of Dan Brown who wrote the DA VINCI CODE as I read HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL many years ago, so I just never read the DA VINCI CODE for that reason and the fact that he is simply just rehashing the work of HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL in novel form.

For myself I thoroughly enjoyed the film DA VINCI CODE just as I liked similiar films like THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST and even NATIONAL TREASURE.

No matter if the legend or myth is true I like real historical mysteries. Like any news story or historic note it's a challenge to seek out the truth when the official version leaves reasonable doubt and that's not to say I lean one way or the other. It's simply that I enjoy a good mystery.

Perpetual doubters have always annoyed me and I have always liked to keep the alternate possibilities open.

DA VINCI CODE has my approval. The theater was sold out so the usher told us, but I saw some empty seats. The large crowd was good and you where able to listen to the film without much distraction.
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: Foywonder on May 20, 2006, 03:46:56 PM
Inyarear Wrote:
> Well, well, well. In the tradition of "The Last
> Temptation" and "Saved!" the "Da Vinci Code" movie
> seems to be headed for failure. Not only are
> professional critics (who rarely know what they're
> talking about) panning this crap, but the audience
> (which usually knows much more than elitists about
> why it likes or doesn't like a film) is jeering it
> too. Wanna bet we'll be seeing a review of it on
> this site someday?

A $90 million opening weekend box office, international box office through the roof, nearly breaking records in heavily Catholic countries like Italy & Mexico, and reasonably good word of mouth from casual moviegoers thus far would seem to disagree with you.
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: LH-C on May 20, 2006, 04:57:38 PM

Me too!!

As for The Da Vinci Code - had no interest in the book, have no interest in the movie.
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: AndyC on May 20, 2006, 06:47:56 PM
One thing about this movie is sure to entertain me -- waiting for the appearance of Clint Howard. Anybody know who he's playing this time? I should probably look that up.
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: AndyC on May 20, 2006, 06:51:25 PM
OK, the IMDB doesn't list Clint Howard anywhere in this movie. Put me on the side of people hating this movie. A Ron Howard film without Clint is an abomination.
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: trekgeezer on May 21, 2006, 06:26:06 PM
Hey Rance wasn't listed either. You know he usually manages to have dear old Dad in most of his movies too.
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: Rombles on May 25, 2006, 09:04:27 AM
I really really really hope this dies quickly.  I am a scheduler for Griffin Press, Australia's leading printer of paperback novels.  Australia has a population of 20 million, and we have printed nearly 2 million copies of this damn book.  I'M SICK TO DEATH OF REPRINTING IT!!!!!  At one point last week we had 4 separate orders in the place for a total of another 80,000 copies!  Enough is enough, please I'm begging you, if you haven't read the book and want to, please borrow a copy from someone who already owns it, don't buy it, IT ONLY ENCOURAGES THEM TO REPRINT MORE!!!!!
Title: Re: Da Vinci Croaks
Post by: BoyScoutKevin on May 25, 2006, 11:49:10 AM
I got an opening week total of $77 million. The largest opening week so far this year. I guess some movies are just critic proof. On a scale of A to F, with A being best, the critic for the local daily gave it a B-. The critic of the local daily down the road gave it a C. The critic for the local weekly had better things to do then review this. And the critic for the local business weekly, hated it most of all. He thought the whole film just stunk.

Two of the few critics who seemed to like it, were Ebert and Roeper. Both of them giving it a thumbs up. And yet they hated "Hoot," which  they gave thumbs down to. A film which I actually liked more then I expected I would. I want what those guys are smokin'.

If you see the film, it is recommended that you read the book first, if you have not already read it.
The film supposedly makes better sense that way, as alot of the book is left out of the film.
Title: Uh, whoopth...
Post by: Inyarear on May 25, 2006, 12:28:52 PM
Eh, I guess my comparisons were a little off. This movie is apparently going to be more like the Harry Pothead and the Stoned Philosopher film, except with lower critic ratings. Go figure.