
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Ash on September 19, 2006, 02:40:37 AM

Title: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Ash on September 19, 2006, 02:40:37 AM
Hey all,

Thanks to Loyal1 for setting the page up!
She gave me the password to the site so I've started maintaining the official Myspace page on a regular basis.
I check it pretty much everyday and have added a couple of new things recently.

I need your help to find cool new things to add to it like videos or clips from B-movies.
If you find something really neat on the net, let me know.

I also need help to find a great song that can be played when the page starts.
Right now, I just threw on a random song, but we need something that fits more with the spirit of
(I turned the Auto-Start feature off so you'll have to press play to listen to the song)

Andrew, if you're reading this, I'd like your permission to either post some reviews or links to your reviews in the blog section or on the front page itself.
I can also put up a link to your store where people can purchase a T-shirt.
What do you say?

Also, Dean mentioned something about us creating mini video reviews of certain films.
If you create any, post them to Youtube or another similar site such as (, let me know and I'll post them on our Myspace page.  If you do, please try to get footage from the films to use in your review.  It makes them so much more entertaining.
I actually might make a few myself.  I've got some good high-end Sony DVD camera equipment with a tripod and editing software...I might as well put it to good use.

Or maybe you could show off some pics of your DVD collection or just pics of you & friends.
Let me know and I'll post them in the blog, the bulletin board or on the front page.
Those of you who have your own websites like Scott or LH-C, I can post those too which can help bring some extra traffic your way.

I really want people to enjoy the Myspace page and I need your help.

Also, I was wondering if we can make this thread a sticky so it stays at the top.
Otherwise, it will fall back in the forum pages and be forgotten.

Check out the Official Myspace Page here (

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Ash on September 19, 2006, 09:19:40 AM
Since we all love bad's no coincidence that the Myspace page is somewhat video heavy.
Make sure your video programs are up to date or else they won't be able to play the clips.

You should watch all of the videos I've uploaded onto it.
You'll laugh your ass off!

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: dean on September 19, 2006, 09:52:11 AM
Haven't really had a good look at it yet.  I kind of have a thing against myspace, and the fact that I have to sign up for it to be able to participate beyond just looking kind of annoys me.  But it is nice to have a spot where I can just pop in when in the mood for a short crappy movie clips!

But yeah, if I did sign up as a 'friend' I don't really see what that gets me, so if anyone can enlighten me as to why I should bother, please let me know.  I really don't know enough about myspace to worry about such things!

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Ash on September 19, 2006, 10:04:37 AM
You should definitely sign up for a free Myspace account!

I know that a lot of people have something against Myspace...I used to too.
No longer...
Set aside your indifference and create your own space.

The level of customization is friggin' unbelievable!
You can tailor it to your exact personality using pictures, music & joke.

It may take you some time to figure out all the nuances of Myspace but when you do...look out!
It really is a fun & great site!

You know al the movies you love to talk about can add music & movie clips to your page and more!

Skaboi...gimme some backup here.

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: dean on September 19, 2006, 10:12:25 AM
Yeah, I know you're a fan Ash, but I have yet to find any real reason to create a myspace account.  I just don't see what's so good about it, though I have nothing too personal against it really, I just don't see what it offers that I can't already get off a self created blog.  

But hey, I'm looking for a reason!  At the least I'll still knock my head on the badmovies myspace to check out the clips and whatnot!

What are some other's thoughts on myspace?  I find the whole concept fascinating in how it seems to have caught on soo much.

Also have you guys seen the 'V' myspace [as in the character V from the movie V for Vendetta]?

This is also a curious thing, since you now have characters from movies on myspace.   What's ironic is last time I looked, the number one friend for V was the new Daisy Duke...

It's amazing at the marketing of it all.  Sorry I don't have the link on hand, you folk will have to search them out.  Maybe your favourite characters are still out there, posting online in their myspace sites!

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Ash on September 19, 2006, 10:24:51 AM
Just try it.

If you don't like it...which I seriously doubt...then you don't have to go back there.

You've heard too much from the media.

Like Obi-Wan-Kenobi once said, "Let go of your feelings..." least give it a try!
Just look at mine & Skaboi's pages.
We've got some cool s**t on there!
What've you got to lose!?

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Mr_Vindictive on September 19, 2006, 10:52:13 AM
Yeah, I'm with Ash when it comes to myspace.  I used to think it to be obnoxious and such until I started a page, but I really enjoy it now.  It's a great way to keep in touch with friends, quick way to start a blog, and a great way to find other people who are into the same interests as you (i.e. bad movies, world of warcraft, etc).  I've also found it to be a great place for music as many of the bands allow you to download the MP3s of the songs from MySpace.  I'm one of the converted at this point.

Title: Official Announcement!
Post by: Ash on September 19, 2006, 12:24:19 PM
Here Here!
Listen up everyone!

I just wanted to say to you all here & now that the Official Myspace Page has no intention in any way shape or form of stealing the almighty original's thunder.

Please consider the page ( as a companion & enhancement piece to go alongside the original site.
Always remember that it was affectionately created by fans & friends of Andrew &

So what are you waiting for?
Come on down and check it out!
Click here (

Title: Re: Official Announcement!
Post by: RCMerchant on September 19, 2006, 06:17:29 PM
I checked it out,But I cannot be a part because MY(f**king)SPACE says my E-Mail is already in use by some one else! Which It isn't! So I cannot log in, or talk, or nuttin. I ,unlike 3/4 of America, don't have a MYSPACE. So  I am commited to the board.(Which just suits me fine.)

Title: Re: Official Announcement!
Post by: RCMerchant on September 19, 2006, 06:17:31 PM
I checked it out,But I cannot be a part because MY(f**king)SPACE says my E-Mail is already in use by some one else! Which It isn't! So I cannot log in, or talk, or nuttin. I ,unlike 3/4 of America, don't have a MYSPACE. So  I am commited to the board.(Which just suits me fine.)

Title: Re: Official Announcement!
Post by: Doc Daneeka on September 19, 2006, 06:44:26 PM
I checked it out,But I cannot be a part becau- Oh wait...

Anywho, the main reason I lack a MySpace is because the majority of the website sounds like a roost for porn-freaks and pot-junkies. Probably a hell of a lot of pop-ups too. I might check out your collective page for a while though, sounds like a bunch of fun.

Title: Re: Official Announcement!
Post by: RCMerchant on September 19, 2006, 10:16:48 PM
Gee, I Guess I aint the LONE RANGER. I do have a Frapper site through BAd Movies...but I aint gt even ONE visitor.And you Know WHAT? As Johnny Rotton wud say.."and I DONT CARE!!!!!!!" Self Indulgent BULLs**t"

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: loyal1 on September 20, 2006, 12:07:34 AM
A reason I liked myspace is not so much the hype of it all but for the fact that when I joined people from my past just came out of the woodwork.  It was good to hear from them and see what they are up to and into.

As for friend list...I think it's neat to get to know the members on a more personal basis.  Everyone's page is different and reflects their personality.  You end up staying connected and share things, comments, music, video clips ect.  And you have complete control of who you want in your friends and network.  

Myspace is what you make of it and what you want out of doesn't have you and wastes your time on nonsense.  To me, why knock it until you give it an honest chance...because when it comes dowm to it, you have preconcieved notions of what it is from what you have heard or think it is.  When in actuality it just depends on what you choose to do with it if you create an account.
That's just my view.

Hope that helps

Title: Music suggestions....
Post by: loyal1 on September 20, 2006, 12:17:07 AM
I know this seems obvious but the song "Monster Mash" that cheesy 50's song.  I mean if your looking for a "good" song wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose of "bad"?

Just a suggestion.  You had that Flash song from Queen on video...that definitley

Title: Re: Music suggestions....
Post by: Ash on September 20, 2006, 12:54:08 AM
I looked and I couldn't find that Flash Gordon theme song.  I only found the video.
Queen would have to have their own Myspace page for me to use that song and even if they did, I doubt that song would be available to choose.

I hadn't seen you on in a while and the page hadn't been updated so I took it upon myself to add some stuff.

And the reaction I got from most everyone else here was somewhat expected.
I try to do something nice and look how they respond.
With the typical closed-mindedness I've come to know & expect from a lot of people here.
Not everyone here, but those of you I'm talking about know who you are.

Title: Re: Music suggestions....
Post by: loyal1 on September 20, 2006, 01:19:27 AM
So in this myspace split are we the greasers or the socs?

I think the greasers...this ones for you Ponyboy!

Title: Re: Music suggestions....
Post by: dean on September 20, 2006, 03:42:26 AM
I'd say a good idea for songs to put on the site are a heap of the dodgy theme songs, like the Flash Gordon one already mentioned.  Things like the 'hooray for Santy Claus' song from Santa Claus Conquers The Martians and maybe alot of the Hammer film theme music would be a welcome addition I'm sure.  Plus Monster Mash is a classic!  I'm sure there's also a heap of nice, short video clips from some classic b-movies.

Oh and by the way, I'm not here to crap all over myspace.  I think the idea for the badmovie based one is great.  I'm just annoyed that I have to sign up for something I won't use and every time I try and access something on the site it tells me 'I must be logged in to do that' essentially forcing me to join.  It's almost like peer pressure on steroids!  It'd be so much easier if you didn't have to join up yet still be able to participate but oh well, guess they're making money this way...

Anyways I was looking for suggestions of what is so good about it other than just 'it's great so try it out.'  Such as some of the specific features that really help other than the ability to put some pics and videos up.  I know you guys like it, I just wanted to know why you guys like it so much.  Since I've already got my own blog, and that works great for personality and tastes and whatnot, I just don't see the point in splitting my time between two different 'spaces' that do essentially the same thing, unless there was a real reason to.  This is especially since I barely have time to concentrate on one thing these days!  But I do admit there's some good ideas there, I just don't know how they work and can't be bothered devoting a heap of time to it without a bit of prior knowledge!

But yeah, like I said, I'll stick my head in and check it out, and who knows, I may just crack yet and start my own up!  But in the meantime, I guess I'll have to be a shadow on the wall...

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Scottie on September 20, 2006, 04:05:25 AM
Check out the film festival of which I am president on Myspace.

So far myspace has been good for getting out the word for this film festival. With like 125 friends in a few weeks, it's pretty cool. Eventually we'll get like 4 gajillion friends be able to spam the crap out of everybody just like everybody else and tell them to come to our film festival. Thank you myspace.

Title: Re: Music suggestions....
Post by: Ash on September 20, 2006, 06:38:01 AM
Actually dean I wasn't referring to you at all in my previous post.  It was the others I was talking about.
You were the only one who gave a legitimate and decent reason as to why you really didn't want to create an account and I understand that.
No sense making an account if you're never going to use it.
If I have one beef with Myspace it's the one you mentioned about not being able to do hardly anything on it or even look at something if you're not a member.

Title: Re: Music suggestions....
Post by: odinn7 on September 20, 2006, 07:05:08 AM

> And the reaction I got from most everyone else
> here was somewhat expected.
> I try to do something nice and look how they
> respond.
> With the typical closed-mindedness I've come to
> know & expect from a lot of people here.
> Not everyone here, but those of you I'm talking
> about know who you are.

Typical...I was waiting for something like that.

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Scott on September 20, 2006, 07:43:14 AM
How do I link youtube video to the page? I have a membership, but haven't used it since joining August 1st.

Title: Re: Official Announcement!
Post by: RCMerchant on September 20, 2006, 11:52:37 AM
I apoligize for my response.Actually, I was really frustrated with my computer telling me that my E-mail address wasn't mine.Sorry.

Title: Re: Music suggestions....
Post by: ulthar on September 21, 2006, 11:31:43 AM
Personally, for what it's worth, I find web pages with music EXTREMELY annoying.  I tend click off such a site immediately, and never visit again.  Perhaps that's just me.

I know it was mentioned that the music is not automatically played (my vote would be to keep it that way - for ALL web sites).

About the myspace page, I just have one question.  I'm not trying to be antagonistic but asking a legit question.

What's the point of it?  Is it to generate traffic/interest in THIS site?   I guess as a network engineer type and one who dabbles occasionally in 'professional' web development, I ask the question from the perspective of what use is a site whose only purpose seems to be to generate traffic for another site.  In other words, why not just put the time and effort into creating/publishing meaningful content for THIS, the core BadMovies, site.

You might also ask: Will it have the alternative effect of diluting the information on this site?  Will some associate the 'name' BadMovies with the myspace site and NEVER visit here.  I can imagine someone hearing "nowhere else on the 'Net is there more movie knowledge than" and thinking "oh, I've seen that page..." when all they've seen is the myspace page.  All I'm saying is that I can see it causing confusion.

Just wonderin'.

Title: Re: Music suggestions....
Post by: Ash on September 21, 2006, 12:07:27 PM
ulthar Wrote:
Personally, for what it's worth, I find web pages
> with music EXTREMELY annoying.  I tend click off
> such a site immediately, and never visit again.
> Perhaps that's just me.

Yes, It's just you. (

What's the point of it?  Is it to generate
> traffic/interest in THIS site?   I guess as a
> network engineer type and one who dabbles
> occasionally in 'professional' web development, I
> ask the question from the perspective of what use
> is a site whose only purpose seems to be to
> generate traffic for another site.  In other
> words, why not just put the time and effort into
> creating/publishing meaningful content for THIS,
> the core BadMovies, site.

I've already stated that it is a companion page that only serves to enhance and bring attention to what is already here.
It was designed to be both a fansite for us regulars and to bring thousands of other Myspace users that would've otherwise never known about us.
I doubt that "thousands" of people wll show up but it's always good to have some new blood.
Plus, the amount of traffic this site sees in a month, Myspace sees in a day!!

Why make it?
Because we could.
And we did.

And Andrew only has so much time on his hands as it is with his family & military duties.

I might also ask: Will it have the alternative
> effect of diluting the information on this site?
> Will some associate the 'name' BadMovies with the
> myspace site and NEVER visit here.  I can imagine
> someone hearing "nowhere else on the 'Net is there
> more movie knowledge than" and
> thinking "oh, I've seen that page..." when all
> they've seen is the myspace page.  All I'm saying
> is that I can see it causing confusion.

Hehe!  Only for the weak minded!

To put it simply ulthar, the average Joe can see that it was created by fans & friends and he or she will ultimately come here to check out the real thing.

The way I see it, if they're too stupid to realize that is a real website that our Myspace page is modeled after, than they're dumber than dirt and wouldn't be welcome here anyway.
You need to relax and stop analyzing s**t so much!
Remember what Ferris Beuller said about that lump of coal?

Title: Hey People, Andrew OK'd the myspace page!
Post by: loyal1 on September 21, 2006, 12:59:51 PM
The only person who needs or should have any anal retentive questions and negative comments about why we shouldn't have a myspace page is Andrew and he had all ready given me and skaboi the AOK to set it up.  You don't want to see it or be on it don't!  But unless you are going to help construct it by adding some cool news, blogs, videos, and share this in a positve manner...keep out of it and don't bother with your 2 cents.  It is annoying and tiring.

Let us who want to have our fun with it.  Enough from the cynical peanut gallery all ready! I am actually getting p**sed off lol.


Title: Re: Music suggestions....
Post by: ulthar on September 21, 2006, 01:04:37 PM
> Yes, It's just you. (link to definition for "uptight")

So, Ash, let me get this straight.  I'm "uptight" just because I find obnoxious music on web pages extremely annoying and choose, with my own free will, not to visit such sites?

And weren't you the one calling everyone on this board who does not fawn all over myspace "close-minded"?

Flame away, Ash.  Shout me down, like I know you will.

Title: Re: Hey People, Andrew OK'd the myspace page!
Post by: ulthar on September 21, 2006, 01:13:05 PM
Okay, I see how it works now on BadMovies.Org.

Free speech is nice so long as long you say the right things.   Disagree with something and get trampled.

Nice friendly forum we have here these days.  I gotta say, I love the influence MySpace is having on the BadMovies.Org forum already.

Title: Re: Hey People, Andrew OK'd the myspace page!
Post by: loyal1 on September 21, 2006, 01:46:32 PM
That's what I am saying...nice friendly forum we have on here.  For the most part it is negative things said about it and all this reluctance and judging.  If you do not want to be something to contribute to making the most out of it why bother?

It just gets tiring when all Ash did was ask for some help and to check out the site...look at all the negativity pretty much through the whole thing.  He was defending himself more than anything .

Enough all ready.  Your free speecjh was heard over and over again

Title: Re: Hey People, Andrew OK'd the myspace page!
Post by: ulthar on September 21, 2006, 01:58:14 PM
What negativity are you talking about?  I've read this entire thread and saw nothing "negative."  Perhaps the negativity was in another thread somewhere?  I must have missed it and certainly was not trying rehash something that's been said before.

My initial comment about the music was in direct response to a message with the subject line "music suggestions."  I thought I'd throw in a couple of other things I thought of, also.  I prefaced my questions with a clear statement that I was not trying to antagonize but was wondering.    This thread had the air about it of looking for input.  So, I gave some input.

Then I got jumped on and insulted.  And basically told to shut up.  It's cool, though.  No hard feelings.  I could not care less about myspace and the myspace page.  I won't read it, nor will I begrudge those that do.

Ya'll have fun with it.

Title: Re: Music suggestions....
Post by: Ash on September 21, 2006, 02:02:43 PM
ulthar Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------

So, Ash, let me get this straight.  I'm "uptight"
> just because I find obnoxious music on web pages
> extremely annoying and choose, with my own free
> will, not to visit such sites?

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.
(glad you noticed my link)  :)
Each new song that auto-plays on a person's Myspace page is a personal statement by that page's creator.
If you don't like it, turn it off.
But before you do, just remember, that person went to some trouble to find that particular song and they put it on there because they want you to hear it.
They want you to know that that's the kind of music they're into.

I've visited hundreds of Myspace pages.
Do I like every song that's played?
No way!  
Hip-hop & Gangsta Rap made after 1993, especially on pages created and ran by caucasian males make me shudder and yes, I do turn that music off.  

Do you know how many cool new bands I've learned of and came to like just because I gave a bit of leeway and let the main page song play?

Come on dude!...Just relax, live life, work hard and have fun!
You super-analyze anything that is thrown your way.

And weren't you the one calling everyone on this
board who does not fawn all over myspace

Yes, I admit I did.
But this closed-mindedness that you've shown in this thread is exactly what I was referring to above.
It's from a lot of other people here too.

Just by responding the way you did, you made my point for me.

Flame away, Ash.  Shout me down, like I know you

Ulthar, you ask too much.  :)
(I'm gonna let you off the hook this time)

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Scott on September 21, 2006, 02:53:09 PM
Nobody has told me how to put a youtube clip on the Myspace page. Any suggestions. : )

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Ash on September 21, 2006, 02:59:46 PM
All you need to do is look for the code for whatever you want on the YouTube page itself.
You want the "Embed" code.

Myspace is all about HTML.
Just copy & paste code into whatever Myspace box you want.

Title: Re: Official Announcement!
Post by: RCMerchant on September 21, 2006, 04:18:43 PM
Well...I visted the page,and,dammit,it is pretty cool.So I got myself a space....I'm kinda old and set in my ways,so naturally I resist change,but an old dog CAN learn new tricks...

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Scott on September 21, 2006, 05:28:33 PM
Thanks ASHTHECAT. Kinda like any webpage. Just thought it might be different for video.

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Ed, Ego and Superego on September 22, 2006, 01:35:04 PM
Goodness me!  What a discussion.  
I am pretty anti-MySpace, but I just naturally dislike fads.  I must say that Ash made a fine product here.  Good job, man.  

I can't promise I'll do anyting towards the project, but I think its a worthy effort.  I do prefer our little forum home here.

Title: Re: Official Announcement!
Post by: loyal1 on September 23, 2006, 01:19:53 AM
Sweetheart, it doesn't matter how old you are...I can have a good laugh with my 99 year old great grandmother,  Shes full blooded Italian and has an attitude like you wouln't believe.  I am happy you got a page...I will be looking for you. :)

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Scottie on September 23, 2006, 09:46:12 AM
So, how about some movies?

Title: Final Thoughts...
Post by: Ash on September 24, 2006, 03:41:27 AM
Thanks to many of you that decided to check out our Myspace page.
When I introduced our page here on this forum, I knew I'd have to walk through a s**tstorm and it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I do not consider Myspace to be a fad.
There's just too many people who use it and there's too many ways for people to customize their pages for it to be a short-lived fad.
I think it will be around for quite a while.
Sure, it may eventually wane in popularity, but I think it will stick around.

My only regret was that so many of you judged it all before you actually tried it.  (and some of you still haven't tried it)

Dean was asking why he should check it out and wanted additional reasons to help convince him.
Dean. I'm afraid that the only way you can truly see what Myspace is all about is to seriously dive into it and see for yourself.
Dean was also concerned about blogs. (he has stated that he already has one & that was his primary concern)
To tell you the truth, I rarely read the blogs on Myspace.  I do read a few, but not many.
For me, it's always been about the music, friends, videos and the amusing comments.

And thanks to Loyal1 & Skaboi for obtaining Andrew's permission.
I was going to do the same but they beat me to it!
I kept wondering to myself if Andrew would get really p**sed off that we created that Myspace page using his website name without his explicit permission.
After all, it was I who decided to rename it, "The Official Myspace Page" and I did that without asking permission.
I just assumed that since I'd been a regular here for so long, he wouldn't mind.
Thank you Andrew for approving it!

Remember the reaction I got a couple of years ago when this board went down for about a week?  
I created my own temporary message board for us regulars to use until this site came back up?
The resulting backlash against me was furious!
I was accused of trying to steal traffic away and subvert everything that Andrew has created here...which was never my intention.
(I tried searching for that thread but couldn't find it)

When I wrote this particular thread, I knew that I would get resistance...and I most definitely did.
Why do you think I wrote that Official Announcement post?
My intention was never to steal this site's thunder.  Far from it.
Many of you attacked Myspace & I for all the wrong reasons.

Look, I'm a devoted fan of
Only a tiny handful of us have remained totally faithful to this site for years & years and I happen to be one of them. (I've been here almost 7 years)
I'd call that serious devotion!
So when you question my motives, I take offense to it.  

I've already sent ulthar an apology via the Private Message feature.
I was kind of hard on him...but at the time I felt he deserved it.  
Maybe we we were both in crappy moods that day (I was) and just butted heads like a couple of mountain happens!

You know, we're all friends here.
No matter what I say or do, always remember that I do it with good intentions.

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Ed, Ego and Superego on September 26, 2006, 02:58:31 PM
Hey Ash,
 Thats a goodly post.  We are all al friends here and you did do a nice job on the page.  Those that don't want it don't have to visit.  I'm indifferent to most web things, but you never know.  I never was a discussion board person either.
We'll make a private bet about the longetivity/faddishness of MySpace and I'll say no more.  See you in a few years on the subject.

Title: Another Song suggestion
Post by: Ozzymandias on October 04, 2006, 11:01:36 PM
Ozzymandias speaks: I doubt it can be found on Myspace, but I have a song by the Diamonds called "Batman, Wolfman, Frankenstein or Dracula." It is about a guy who finds out he can "get lucky" taking his dates to scary movies.

Speaking of the Diamonds, if I could find a way to do it, I'd load on to Youtube a video (on VHS) I have of Boris Karloff and Art Carney singing "Little Darlin" on the Dinah Shore Chevy Show. Rumor has it that it inspired Bobby Pickett's Monster Mash.

Ozzymandias has spoken!!!

Title: Re: Another Song suggestion
Post by: Ash on October 04, 2006, 11:21:19 PM
I've tried thinking of songs to use and I keep drawing a blank.
That Rob Zombie song was the only thing that I could think of that somewhat gels with the whole idea of this website.

By all means, if you find something, send me a message through Myspace and I'll put it on.
The Myspace page will be seeing some major changes soon.
So far, it's pretty good but it feels like it's lacking something.
I aim to correct that.

I've also put up a couple of really bad short videos on the site.
Have you watched them yet?
Venom of the Spider is so bad it's good!
And if you find any other bad/good videos on Youtube or another site, please let me know.
I'm always looking for new material to put on it.

You'll also notice that I've brought some really interesting friends to it such as Evil Dead: The Musical, Spooky Empire Inc. and Troma.

I even sent an invite to Mr. Lobo and he accepted!

Title: Re: Another Song suggestion
Post by: Ozzymandias on October 05, 2006, 01:46:59 PM
Ozzymandias speaks: That Rob Zombie song is fine. I'll try to make an MP3 of the Diamonds song. It's hokey 50s stuff but it fits us.

I find it's best to watch the videos at work. My home computer takes a while to load. If you go to my page you will find Lawrence Welk dancing with an old lady to Velvet Underground's "Sister Ray."

Ozzymandias has spoken!!!

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Astro Jones on November 27, 2006, 01:26:44 PM
How about Torgo's theme from Manos?

Title: Re: Music suggestions....
Post by: Rombles on November 30, 2006, 05:44:08 AM
ulthar Wrote:
Personally, for what it's worth, I find web pages
> with music EXTREMELY annoying.  I tend click off
> such a site immediately, and never visit again.
> Perhaps that's just me.

Yes, It's just you. ([url][/url])

Sorry, I have nothing particularly insightful or helpful to add to any Myspace debate here, othere than to say NO, it is not just Ulthar.  I also hate sites that start up with music when first loaded.  That is why my speakers are off, and stay off unless I'm specifically using them for something.  I love music, and have an incredibly diverse collection, and could in no way be accused of narrow-mindedness in my musical taste, but when I'm in the mood for new music I'll actively seek it out - I don't like to have it forced upon me.

Just in case anyone cares.

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Ash on November 30, 2006, 02:20:43 PM

The Myspace page is growing daily.
I usually get at least 1-3 new friend requests per day and regular friends are always dropping by to add comments.

I try to keep it updated on a regular basis by adding new videos and spotlighting reviews here.

Trying to find that perfect balance has been somewhat difficult when maintaining the page and it's content.
Some people want hardcore stuff while others like the more subdued approach.
Some people want horror B-movies while others like the Godzilla stuff.
It can be a tightrope sometimes but I just try to walk the line and find that middle ground.
The page isn't the greatest...but it doesn't suck either.
It's always changing and I guess I'm always looking for ways to make it totally kickass.

For those of you who haven't been there yet, definitely check it out.
Here's the URL:

And yes, music plays when you go to the page.
I think pages without music are boring.

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: clockworkcanary on November 30, 2006, 02:37:08 PM
I'd love to check out the myspace companion to badmovies but unfortunately, work has it firewalled! grrr.  And at the moment, I no longer have internet access at home (but that should change soon enough) so I can't even check my own myspace page!  But anyway, it's a good idea and I can't wait to check it out.

As far as songs go (themesongs) - there are lots to choose from really.  One that comes to mind right away is "Teenagers from Mars" by the Misfits.  Also, you could try to find any crazy theme to any old school b-flick -that'd be cool.  The Manos theme, for example.  Too bad we couldn't make a collage of soundscape from various b-movie audio-clips justaxposed with some old school erie music.

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Ash on November 30, 2006, 02:50:06 PM
Hey Canary...if you make something cool for it, let me know and I'll put it up.
You don't mind if I post your Board Game on it, do you?

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: KYGOTC on November 30, 2006, 03:58:37 PM


Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: clockworkcanary on November 30, 2006, 04:06:06 PM
Hey Canary...if you make something cool for it, let me know and I'll put it up.
You don't mind if I post your Board Game on it, do you?

No go right ahead - that'd be awesome!  I'll try to sneak on my g/f's computer soon and check out the myspace since I can't access it from here.

Oh...another song I thought of ...."Godzilla" by Blue Oyster Cult

Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: Ash on December 01, 2006, 08:20:24 AM
I made a few changes to the page earlier this morning. 
Check it out now...  
It looks pretty good!  :thumbup:


I even improved my own page. 


Title: Re: Official Myspace Page
Post by: clockworkcanary on December 01, 2006, 12:31:17 PM
Hey Canary...if you make something cool for it, let me know and I'll put it up.
You don't mind if I post your Board Game on it, do you?

Not sure if you'd be interested but I made a post of my bad-movie related photoshop projects under the off-topic folder that you can use if you like.  I only have a couple posted so far but you're welcome to use any of them for the myspace site (but it'd be cool of you cited me for them if possible :)