
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: BTM on January 11, 2007, 08:51:08 PM

Title: Does this FEAR weapon really exist?
Post by: BTM on January 11, 2007, 08:51:08 PM
Okay, this is probably a dumb question, but does that 10mm HV Penetrator really exist?

For those who haven't played it, it's pretty much a nail gun, it shoots out giant spikes.  As cool as that's be, it doesn't seem very practical.  Even if you're talking good armor piercing capabilities, you'd think you could get the same effect with a smaller, teflon-coated projectile...

But, I'm not a weapons expert...
Title: Re: Does this FEAR weapon really exist?
Post by: Andrew on January 11, 2007, 09:00:12 PM
I have never seen an actual weapon like this.  At least, as you describe it.

Honestly, if people want penetrating power they just use a larger round.  A 30-06 rifle does evil things to a human body.  You do not want to see a person hit by a .50 cal round or larger.
Title: Re: Does this FEAR weapon really exist?
Post by: Mr_Vindictive on January 11, 2007, 09:01:38 PM
I'm a huge fan of F.E.A.R. and I believe that Odinn7 on this board is as well.

As for the Penetrator, to my knowledge it does not exist.  I'm sure that a similar weapon has been tested at some point but I don't believe one is actually being used today.

It is a shame though.  Nailing those bad guys to walls is a hell of a lot of fun.   :smile:
Title: Re: Does this FEAR weapon really exist?
Post by: ulthar on January 11, 2007, 10:04:47 PM
A nail would not make a stable projectile.  The length to diameter is too large.  Spin stabilization becomes ineffective when the L/D is larger than about 10 or so.  If  the material is really dense, as is used for penetration projectiles, the 'max' stable L/D is even smaller.  There is at least one patent ( for a "large L/D penetrator" projectile, designed for armor piercing situations, and the L/D is only 1.5; in this case, 1.5 is considered "large."

A nail has an L/D of what, roughly around 20 or so?
Title: Re: Does this FEAR weapon really exist?
Post by: BTM on January 11, 2007, 11:25:47 PM
Quote from: BTM on January 11, 2007, 08:51:08 PM
Okay, this is probably a dumb question, but does that 10mm HV Penetrator really exist?

For those who haven't played it, it's pretty much a nail gun, it shoots out giant spikes.  As cool as that would be, it doesn't seem very practical.  Even if you're talking good armor piercing capabilities, you'd think you could get the same effect with a smaller, teflon-coated projectile...

But, I'm not a weapons expert...
Title: Re: Does this FEAR weapon really exist?
Post by: BTM on January 11, 2007, 11:29:19 PM
Quote from: Skaboi on January 11, 2007, 09:01:38 PM
It is a shame though.  Nailing those bad guys to walls is a hell of a lot of fun.   :smile:

Dude, I play multiplayer on that a lot, and I was playing this one DM where me and a guy where in a hallway with a low ceiling, and he jumped up, and I was firing the Penetrator at him (it's my weapon of choice) and I NAILED HIS CORPSE TO THE CEILING! 

It's was funniest thing ever! 


Title: Re: Does this FEAR weapon really exist?
Post by: BTM on January 11, 2007, 11:31:07 PM
Quote from: ulthar on January 11, 2007, 10:04:47 PM

A nail has an L/D of what, roughly around 20 or so?

That I couldn't tell you.  I say "nails" but, to be honest, in the game they look like freaking railroad spikes.  Dunno how they could fit 25 of them in one clip (but, hey, it's just a game.)

Wow, you sure know your projectiles.  Er.. you dont' work at the Post Office, do you?
Title: Re: Does this FEAR weapon really exist?
Post by: odinn7 on January 13, 2007, 12:04:13 AM
FEAR rocks but the weapon doesn't really was said, there's no practical use for it really. Fun in the game though.
Title: Re: Does this FEAR weapon really exist?
Post by: Ash on January 15, 2007, 05:48:40 AM
That FEAR weapon doesn't exist...but this one does...

( (

Ma Deuce ( takes great pictures!