
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Ash on March 20, 2007, 02:14:12 AM

Title: The T-Rex Rifle
Post by: Ash on March 20, 2007, 02:14:12 AM
I was surfing around Youtube and found this clip of these guys shooting a .577 T-Rex rifle.

That thing has got some serious recoil!
I can only imagine the bruise that it'd put on your shoulder.

At first I thought it was a shotgun but if you watch it all the way to the end, you'll see a guy work the bolt on it.  Check out the size of the spent round he takes out of it.
Who makes this gun and why would you need one that powerful?
To hunt elephants?
Anybody know of a webpage that provides more info on it?


Would you shoot one of those?
Title: Re: The T-Rex Rifle
Post by: Trevor on March 20, 2007, 03:26:54 AM
 :smile: Hi Ash.

I seem to recall Michael Jeter and Bruce A Young testing something like this in Jurassic Park 111 ~ I think that one of their colleagues blew up an aeroplane with it.  :teddyr:

It would probably just bounce off a T-Rex's bum, anyway and as we know, a T-Rex's arms are too short to scratch his bum.
Title: Re: The T-Rex Rifle
Post by: Andrew on March 20, 2007, 08:15:15 AM
I would say that most of these people are not used to firing rifles.  That rifle does appear to have a mother of a recoil; it does not have a heavy duty buffer system like that used by many modern high power rifles.  My uncle has a powerful Sharps buffalo rifle and the one time I fired it I looked like a lot of the people in that clip.  However, I was about 15 or 16 at the time.  He could fire it and the result looked like the last guy in that clip.  You could tell it had recoil, but he kept control of it at all times.

Tyrannosaurs were big, but about the same weight as an elephant.  Any weapon suitable for killing an elephant would work.  The one difference is that the Tyrannosaurus would be more aggressive.  Some to think of it, an Allosaurus would probably be even worse, as they are generally regarded as pure predator.
Title: Re: The T-Rex Rifle
Post by: raj on March 20, 2007, 08:52:16 AM
Might be good on hippopotamuses.   Hippopotamuses are mean sumb***hes.  I don't think I'd be as bad as most of those guys in the video, but my shoulder would be hurting bad for about a week.
Title: Re: The T-Rex Rifle
Post by: CheezeFlixz on March 20, 2007, 09:47:52 AM
Clearly they've never heard of firm grip, well planted into the shoulder and a good stance. In other words the basic of firing any shoulder fired weapon. We had in the Marines a weapon called the SASR which is a 50 cal bolt action shoulder fired sniper rifle, it had kick but it would knock you on your a$$ unless you well didn't follow the basics.

I'm surprised it still shot straight after being dropped so many times.
Title: Re: The T-Rex Rifle
Post by: Dennis on March 20, 2007, 11:15:10 PM
The rifle has a pretty good kick, which would be normal for a large caliber firearm. Watching some of those guys brought the phrase "that's gonna leave a mark" to mind, and yes, I would like to try that weapon out. I recently watched a program about the .50 caliber Barret sniper rifle, fires a standard .50 caliber round, semi-automatic, 10 round magazine, and a very strong recoil system with a muzzle brake, you can fire 10 aimed rounds in 4-5 seconds, according to the program a Canadian sniper team in Afghanistan took out a Taliban mortar crew from a range of 1 1/2 miles or there abouts.
Title: Re: The T-Rex Rifle
Post by: CheezeFlixz on March 20, 2007, 11:39:47 PM
I rifled around the internet and couldn't find a picture of the one I used in the Marines, I have some pictures of it somewhere. It predated the Barret model M82 SASR and M107 as it was from the early 80's we used it in Beirut. It did not have a magazine as it was a single shot, and it let you know real fast when you pulled the trigger. I still have shoulder pain on cold days. LOL   
Title: Re: The T-Rex Rifle
Post by: T-Rex Television on March 21, 2007, 06:02:47 PM
Wow,that thing is cool. I'd fire one if I had to chance, just to say I did and to see what it felt like. Jeez, you don't even need to shot the prey with it, just make them stand behind you  :teddyr:
Title: Re: The T-Rex Rifle
Post by: Yaddo 42 on March 22, 2007, 06:03:07 AM
How about a howdah pistol? A multi barrel pistol in one of those large Nitro or Express elephant gun rifle calibers.

I saw one fired on American Rifleman Television when that show was still fun and they provided more info on the older guns they featured. Blisters aplenty after firing one of those. How you were expecting to hit anything with one of those under the best of circumstances much less in the heat of the moment when fending off a tiger or other attacking or wounded wild animal.

Google around for more info, Wikipedia is kinda sparce.
Title: Re: The T-Rex Rifle
Post by: Ash on March 22, 2007, 06:44:51 AM
Take a look at this custom made .60 caliber elephant pistol...
(it looks like it hits him in the face)

Check out this guy who is a master at speed shooting...
I'd love to be able to shoot that fast!   :smile:

Or how 'bout this one?
Title: Re: The T-Rex Rifle
Post by: Poogie on March 22, 2007, 10:53:53 AM
On the first one I liked how the gun flew in front of the sign posted, "AIM EVERY SHOT"   :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: The T-Rex Rifle
Post by: Ed, Ego and Superego on March 22, 2007, 12:40:29 PM
I once saw a 10 Gauge bolt action goose gun (maybe a Mossberg) at a pawn shiop.  The thing was a cannon.  I always thought about trying to get a slug that it would fire. 
Title: Re: The T-Rex Rifle
Post by: Yaddo 42 on March 23, 2007, 06:24:27 AM
I used to see 10 gauge shotguns, mostly goose guns, at the turkey shoots I went to. Lots of old timers had them, and younger folks were often wary of firing them even when the owners wanted to lend them out. The longer barrels came in handy for tighter patterns. Later on I saw less of them, but more people using guns with screw-in choke tubes.