
Other Topics => Television => Topic started by: Viktorcrayon on March 23, 2007, 05:51:40 AM

Title: Deadwood
Post by: Viktorcrayon on March 23, 2007, 05:51:40 AM
This is the topic i wanted to start, that caused a small revolution on the board  :teddyr:

Anyhow, this series is completely awesome. It's a western, wich i don't really like usually, but this just fits me perfectly. It's dark, gritty, ruthless, funny, emotional.

The violence is so cold and ruthless, and i really love that.

The casting is a wet dream come true. Brad Dourif for gods sake!!! And i had never seen Ian McShane before, but he is simply brilliant as "Al" (i watched it with my parents, and my mom totally got the hots for him, even tho he's sort of a psycho)

Also, the mayor and his shakesperean english is awesome.

So... Did anyone else watch it? Any comments?
Title: Re: Deadwood
Post by: Ash on March 23, 2007, 06:41:56 AM
I missed the entire first season and started watching it from the first episode of season 2.

Awesome show!   :thumbup:

I'm not usually big on westerns either but this show is fantastic.
Here's the link to the official site:

I have to say that Al Swearengen is also my favorite character.
Some of the words that come out of his mouth are the most filthy and hilarious I've ever heard.
( (

I'd love to buy this shirt ( but I wouldn't be able to wear it outdoors because of what's written on the front.
And I've heard that people have created drinking games where you have to take a drink everytime someone says the word "c**ksucker" in the show.

I was kind of disappointed how they ended the show but either way, it's still good.
I've heard that HBO is planning to make a 2 hour Deadwood movie that will tie up some loose ends.

Scott's our resident western expert....I would definitely recommend that he check this show out.
I'd like to buy the DVD sets but they're outrageously expensive.  Something like $80 per season.

I give it 4 out of 4 stars.   :thumbup:
Title: Re: Deadwood
Post by: Mr. DS on March 23, 2007, 06:44:27 AM
I've been cranking through season 1 and 2 on DVD because I don't have HBO.  It was one of those shows I wanted to watch put kept putting it off.  Glad I started watching it though.  Al is a prick that you simply end up loving in the long run and the cast is filled with amazing "that guy" actors. 
Title: Re: Deadwood
Post by: Yaddo 42 on March 23, 2007, 08:02:14 AM
Been avoiding reading any details about Season 3, since I rent the show on DVD. But I love this show, and hate that it and Rome are ending. Both are much better than what The Sopranos has become in later seasons.

I had to space out episodes of Season 1 since so many were rented out when I wanted them, but I burned through Season 2 in about 10 days, often watching two and three episodes a night. What a cast and the way they act out the interactions and scheming. So many fascinating characters you love, or love to hate, and can't take your eyes off of. Al, obviously, but Doc and Cy, and Wu (takes a talented actor to get so much out of only a few words of English). A great show to watch with subtitles, just to watch the awesome dialogue play out. One of my all time favorite scenes was when Al had tea with Alma. After all the nasty history they had despite rarely being near each other, this brutal monster and this genteel lady (on the surface anway) sharing tea and talking shop. And the way he cover his mouth mockingly after swearing when telling her what kind of tea he liked, just too damn funny.

McShane really makes the show, so glad he gets a chance to shine. Even showing Al's own kind of soft side at times, or covering it up from others like when the town went to the little boy's funeral. Or his own twisted little family when he was recovering from his stroke, or the episode when the blonde hooker goes back to him after all he does to her. Love the shirt, Ash, wish I could get away with wearing one also.

Viktorcrayon, maybe your mom would like some of McShane's other work like the similar character in modern times he plays in Sexy Beast or his old British TV series Lovejoy, another charismatic rogue but a nicer one. He's even good in by the numbers roles like a father and town leader in We Are Marshall.

I had heard there were drinking games, the girl I hang out with who's in college has confirmed this for me, it has a college following (She' doesn't watch it herself, shes a Grey's Anantomy fan), but never any clear cut rules. I came up with:

one sip/drink for any use or variant of "f*ck".
two sip/drink for "c*cksucker"
three sip/drink for "c*nt" or variations
and chug down or slam the whole thing for any use of "hooplehead" (mostly used by Al but others have used it)

FTR:I know we try to keep it decent on this board, but I really hate editing like that when having an adult discussion or writing about language. It just draws attention to what's being left out.
Title: Re: Deadwood
Post by: Mr. DS on March 23, 2007, 11:19:05 AM
Quote from: Yaddo 42 on March 23, 2007, 08:02:14 AM
Been avoiding reading any details about Season 3, since I rent the show on DVD. But I love this show, and hate that it and Rome are ending. Both are much better than what The Sopranos has become in later seasons.

I would have loved to see them do more seasons with both Rome and Deadwood also.  The Sopranos seemed to have tanked out in Season 5.  Way too many new characters and sub plots, many of no particular interest.  Is it me or did they focus way too much Tony and Carmella's seperation? 
Title: Re: Deadwood
Post by: Yaddo 42 on March 24, 2007, 04:59:54 AM
That was part of the problem for me, the other part was that Tony and some of the other characters had reached the point where they had no surprises left. WHen his latest mistress got burned, I knew he was going to walk away despite his early claims to help her out and see to her recovery and plastic surgery. AJ was going to keep being a lazy screwup, Carmilla would keep on griping, Tony's sister would be her same old manipulative self, etc. The developments with uncle Junior were interesting but not enough for me.

Give me Al and the crew in Deadwood any day.
Title: Re: Deadwood
Post by: Scott on March 24, 2007, 10:30:22 PM
Quote from: Ash on March 23, 2007, 06:41:56 AM

Scott's our resident western expert....I would definitely recommend that he check this show out.
I'd like to buy the DVD sets but they're outrageously expensive.  Something like $80 per season.

I've been wanting to see the DEADWOOD series for a while now. Only saw about 10 minutes of it when I had some of the movie channels for a brief free trial once. Maybe I'll rent it if I can find the a season or two of it.
Title: Re: Deadwood
Post by: Ash on March 26, 2007, 03:48:01 AM
Quote from: Yaddo 42 on March 23, 2007, 08:02:14 AM
I had heard there were drinking games, the girl I hang out with who's in college has confirmed this for me, it has a college following (She' doesn't watch it herself, shes a Grey's Anantomy fan), but never any clear cut rules. I came up with:

one sip/drink for any use or variant of "f*ck".
two sip/drink for "c*cksucker"
three sip/drink for "c*nt" or variations
and chug down or slam the whole thing for any use of "hooplehead" (mostly used by Al but others have used it)

Oh man...
By those rules, a person would be passed out drunk before the end of a one hour episode!
Title: Re: Deadwood
Post by: D-Man on March 26, 2007, 08:38:22 AM
Deadwood was a good show, though I liked Rome even more.  It's a shame they're both ending so early, but maybe that's a blessing in disguise...I'd hate to see the quality slowly suffer, like what happened with The Sopranos.  The Only HBO series that has managed to keep my interest past 3 seasons has been OZ (currently renting the 4th season off of Netflix, and intending to get the last two as well.)
Title: Re: Deadwood
Post by: Yaddo 42 on March 27, 2007, 12:11:53 AM
QuoteOh man...
By those rules, a person would be passed out drunk before the end of a one hour episode!

Isn't that the point of drinking games?  :tongueout: :drink:
And a  :cheers: for good measure.

But my tolerances have gone up lately, another positive side effect of exercising and adding a little (very little, believe me) muscle mass.
Title: Re: Deadwood
Post by: Snivelly on April 14, 2007, 08:58:27 PM
I know this thread has been dead for awhile, and I hope no one here gets mad when people revive them.....

This is what I hate about HBO.......I suspect sometimes that the execs there have a huge collective case of ADD.  They spend money and time developing projects like Deadwood, Rome, and my absolute favorite, Carnivale, then they abandon it in midstream when a new shiny object comes into their field of vision.  They can turn out fantastic shows, but then they just lose interest, right when the show hits its stride.

BTW, Ian McShane is the voice of Captain Hook in Shrek III.
Title: Re: Deadwood
Post by: Viktorcrayon on May 18, 2007, 03:07:28 AM
Quote from: Snivelly on April 14, 2007, 08:58:27 PM

This is what I hate about HBO.......I suspect sometimes that the execs there have a huge collective case of ADD.  They spend money and time developing projects like Deadwood, Rome, and my absolute favorite, Carnivale, then they abandon it in midstream when a new shiny object comes into their field of vision.  They can turn out fantastic shows, but then they just lose interest, right when the show hits its stride.

I do agree with that notion. What happened to Oz for example???
Title: Re: Deadwood
Post by: Snivelly on May 18, 2007, 05:30:31 AM
Oz ended after it's 5th season, and though the producers and writers left some of the storylines open on purpose, they did manage to wind up most of them.  That was an excellent show, but it took me awhile to get into it because of the violence.