
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: SaintMort on May 05, 2007, 05:37:52 PM

Title: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: SaintMort on May 05, 2007, 05:37:52 PM
I recently read a review on a personal favorite film of mine Alex Winter and Tom Stern's "Freaked". For those of you who don't remember freaked... it's a movie version of MTV's AWESOME SHOW Idiot Box.

Entertainment Weekly called it "The Greatest Cult Classic That No One Has Ever Seen"... that seems about right?

What are some other films that have cult classic potentionality but just haven't gotten out there for one reason or anything?

For me I'd put Some Indie Favorites out there like "Dear Wendy", "Brick", and "Chumscrubber" not to mention the gross out comedy "Slackers"
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Raffine on May 05, 2007, 07:55:49 PM
(Expanded from my just posted addition to the "What 50 Films Need to be on DVD" thread)

NIGHT OF THE DEMON (1980) THe ultimate killer bigfoot movie! Banned in England!

Bigfoot rips a biker's dick off onscreen and in closeup (blood spurts from his crotch as he staggers around), rips a fisherman's arm off, rapes a mentally retarded hillbilly named "Crazy Wanda" and gets her pregnant, swings a guy in a sleeping bag around and around and impales him on a tree branch, and forces two girl scouts to stab each other to death with their scout knives! Also contains several flashbacks within flashbacks within flashbacks. There's also a cult of hillbillies who worship Bigfoot and bring him local virgins to rape.

The only movie I've seen where the opening credits roll over a blood-filled bigfoot foot print.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Mr_Vindictive on May 05, 2007, 10:14:15 PM
Quote from: SaintMort on May 05, 2007, 05:37:52 PM
I recently read a review on a personal favorite film of mine Alex Winter and Tom Stern's "Freaked". For those of you who don't remember freaked... it's a movie version of MTV's AWESOME SHOW Idiot Box.

Entertainment Weekly called it "The Greatest Cult Classic That No One Has Ever Seen"... that seems about right?

What are some other films that have cult classic potentionality but just haven't gotten out there for one reason or anything?

For me I'd put Some Indie Favorites out there like "Dear Wendy", "Brick", and "Chumscrubber" not to mention the gross out comedy "Slackers"

See, Freaked is a film that quite a bit of people have seen...atleast in my experience.  It's one of those films that when explained to someone, they look at you like you are crazy.  Once you show them the first five minutes, the normal reaction is "Hey, I saw this on HBO years ago!".  I've had that happen numerous times.


I must own a copy of that film now.  Ebay, here I come!
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on May 05, 2007, 10:54:42 PM
I think my favorite "movie that no one else has seen" isn't the cheesy fare that I usually fall for, but Luc Besson's 1983 post-apocalyptic b&w flick The Final Combat ( I have to give it up for a movie with absolutely no dialogue that still keeps me not only interested, but savagely entertained. A little VHS gem I first discovered in the dusty recesses of my favorite mom & pop video rental establishment shortly before they closed down in the wake of the world's progression to an all DVD society. I miss that place, and my only regret is thinking of all the other great unknown titles that I'll probably never see now that they're gone...  :bluesad:
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Raffine on May 05, 2007, 11:12:40 PM
Here's where I got my uncut (except that biker! :bouncegiggle:) copy of NIGHT OF THE DEMON: (

SHOCKING VIDEOS! is one of the best resources for obscure titles I've seen, and check out those genre categories like "AMERICAN TRASH" "NUNSPLOITATION" "AUSSIE TRASH" and "PEPLUMANIA"( :question:).

It can take quite a while to get your order, but the guy who runs the site explains why in very clear and easy to understand language on the "ABOUT US" page.  :smile:

Post by: Allhallowsday on May 06, 2007, 07:56:04 PM
Quote from: Raffine on May 05, 2007, 07:55:49 PM
(Expanded from my just posted addition to the "What 50 Films Need to be on DVD" thread)

NIGHT OF THE DEMON (1980) THe ultimate killer bigfoot movie! Banned in England!

Bigfoot rips a biker's dick off onscreen and in closeup (blood spurts from his crotch as he staggers around), rips a fisherman's arm off, rapes a mentally retarded hillbilly named "Crazy Wanda" and gets her pregnant, swings a guy in a sleeping bag around and around and impales him on a tree branch, and forces two girl scouts to stab each other to death with their scout knives! Also contains several flashbacks within flashbacks within flashbacks. There's also a cult of hillbillies who worship Bigfoot and bring him local virgins to rape.

The only movie I've seen where the opening credits roll over a blood-filled bigfoot foot print.
Seen it.  Back in my rent-everything-in-the-video-store-days.  We laughed! and grimaced! 

Anybody see THE FURIES (1950) with Barbara Stanwyck, Walter Huston, Wendell Corey, Dame Judith Anderson and Gilbert Roland???  Rarely shown and unavailable for sale, including unjust lynching, family betrayal, scissor throwing tantrum, and a "dainty" derringer, how that fun-filled fantastic over-the-top potboiler is NOT a cult classic is beyond me!   :thumbup:

Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: DodgingGrunge on May 06, 2007, 08:26:53 PM
Criterion has finally released Sweet Movie on DVD.  It falls along the outrage-the-audience (but make it artsy so nobody can be the wiser) exploitation lines of Andy Warhol, Luis Buñuel, Alejandro Jodorowsky, (maybe even Jess Franco?).  Think Fellini with a vengeance!  From start to finish everything is symbolic and surreal, and there are mutes, midgets, golden penises, pedophiles selling candy from a boat, song and dance numbers.  It has all the trappings of a cult classic, yet I've never had an actual conversation with anybody who has seen it.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: zombiedudeman on May 07, 2007, 07:35:19 PM
Quote from: Raffine on May 05, 2007, 07:55:49 PM
(Expanded from my just posted addition to the "What 50 Films Need to be on DVD" thread)

NIGHT OF THE DEMON (1980) THe ultimate killer bigfoot movie! Banned in England!

Bigfoot rips a biker's dick off onscreen and in closeup (blood spurts from his crotch as he staggers around), rips a fisherman's arm off, rapes a mentally retarded hillbilly named "Crazy Wanda" and gets her pregnant, swings a guy in a sleeping bag around and around and impales him on a tree branch, and forces two girl scouts to stab each other to death with their scout knives! Also contains several flashbacks within flashbacks within flashbacks. There's also a cult of hillbillies who worship Bigfoot and bring him local virgins to rape.

The only movie I've seen where the opening credits roll over a blood-filled bigfoot foot print.

that movie is awesome, it was so awesome I uploaded a clip of it on youtube a long time ago
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: RCMerchant on May 07, 2007, 07:52:26 PM
 TRUTH or DARE - A Critical Madness(1986)- dir./w/pr/ by Tim Ritter. 
I first saw this on a rental in the early ninties....WOW! Basically, a no budget film,but fun as hell. Some poor shmuck catchs his old lady screwing around on him and goes crazy...he meets some weird chick who then plays a bloody game of  Truth or Dare. He ends up in the funny farm and plays truth or dare with the other loony's one who blows his own head off with a grenade(how do you get a grenade in the cracker factory,anyway?) He ecscapes,wearing a cooper mask,kinda like on the cover of theold  Quiet Riot album covers! He kills babys,old people with a machine gun,a kid with a chainsaw,and even runs over a baby in a carriage! The whole thing is an insane bloody mess...but almost hilarously funny!
  Two sequels(!!!) followed,neither that iv'e seen called TorD2-WICKED GAMES,and TorD3-SCREAMING for SANITY.

Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: DodgingGrunge on May 07, 2007, 08:32:04 PM
I've never seen the sequels, but I second RCMerchant's comments on Truth or Dare.  That is indeed an entertaining film that seemed to come from nowhere.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Raffine on May 07, 2007, 08:54:06 PM
Quotethat movie is awesome, it was so awesome I uploaded a clip of it on youtube a long time ago

Ha! That clip managed to show some priceless bigfoot mayhem I didn't even mention.  :cheers:

Pulling the guy's guts out and swinging 'em around his head is pretty much what I figured bigfoot would have done to me if he'd caught me in those woods behind my parent's house, despite all the "Benevolent Bigfoot" propaganda in movies back then.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Yaddo 42 on May 07, 2007, 11:32:43 PM
Sorry, I thought this was going to be about "lost" cult classics (like the Lon Chaney film London After Midnight) or films rarely seen due to legal hangups or such (like the Jerry Lewis Holocaust film The Day the Clown Cried).

The best one I can think of off the top of my head would be the uncut verson of The Klansman starring Lee Marvin, Richard Burton, and OJ Simpson. Just a nasty hateful film with three rapes scenes, racist dialogue that makes your skin crawl, and lurid over the top violence that just screams 70s. There are plenty of cut versions floating around from the cheap tape days. But I rarely encounter anyone IRL who's heard of it, much less seen it. When I point out all the things in the film involving OJ that give the movie a weird after the fact dark humor, people crack up and want to see it. I have a cut version on tape, but I saw it uncut on the local independent/Fox station years ago when they would air uncut movies in the late night "safe harbor" hours.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: RCMerchant on May 08, 2007, 05:12:49 AM
Quote from: Yaddo 42 on May 07, 2007, 11:32:43 PM
Sorry, I thought this was going to be about "lost" cult classics (like the Lon Chaney film London After Midnight) or films rarely seen due to legal hangups or such (like the Jerry Lewis Holocaust film The Day the Clown Cried).

The best one I can think of off the top of my head would be the uncut verson of The Klansman starring Lee Marvin, Richard Burton, and OJ Simpson. Just a nasty hateful film with three rapes scenes, racist dialogue that makes your skin crawl, and lurid over the top violence that just screams 70s. There are plenty of cut versions floating around from the cheap tape days. But I rarely encounter anyone IRL who's heard of it, much less seen it. When I point out all the things in the film involving OJ that give the movie a weird after the fact dark humor, people crack up and want to see it. I have a cut version on tape, but I saw it uncut on the local independent/Fox station years ago when they would air uncut movies in the late night "safe harbor" hours.

The KLANSMAN with OJ??? DAM!! I saw this at the flea market on vhs a month or so ago...and bought some kung fu tapes instead-boot,boot-that's the sound of me kicking myself in the a$$)...
As for LOST classics...saw this on youtube a while back-now the 1920 version of the GOLEM was discovered in the 60's sometime,but they found a print of the 1914 version ! I would LOVE to see the whole thing...but I got this little teaser off youtube...

Perhaps there is still hope in finding LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT or FW Muranu's DER JANUSKOPH ( with Conrad Veidt as Jekyll and Hyde and Bela Lugosi as his butler!).
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Joe on May 08, 2007, 06:07:27 AM
QuoteEntertainment Weekly called it "The Greatest Cult Classic That No One Has Ever Seen"... that seems about right?

i own it and alot of people, to my surpise, have seen it or at least have heard about it. most of my collection they have never heard of though. as far as cult movies are concerned entertainment weekly doesnt know dick IMO, only the more famous ones such as freaked and evil dead. i mean doesnt that not make them cult classics anymore? cause now everyone knows about them, or mabey im just talking out of my ass, its early and im grumpy.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Joe on May 08, 2007, 06:19:53 AM
QuoteHere's where I got my uncut (except that biker! ) copy of NIGHT OF THE DEMON:

From the site:
This Hair Beast not only rapes women, he also rips a biker's dick off while he's taking a p**s, forces two knife-wielding Girl Scouts to stab each other to death, tears a guy in half and flings his guts around and more, more, more! You know you're in for a good time when the opening credits roll over a bleeding arm stump!

it says its on there, and if it isnt like you say well then that sucks. i hate that its so hard to find fully uncut versions of movies im still questioning my "uncut" evil speak dvd.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Raffine on May 08, 2007, 10:17:48 AM
QuoteHere's where I got my uncut (except that biker! ) copy of NIGHT OF THE DEMON:

I was a bit unclear with that, I actually meant 'uncut' in a different way.  :drink:

For clarification sake: the copy of NIGHT OF THE DEMON I got from Shocking Videos! does include the biker scene in all it's tellywacker-rippin' glory.  :teddyr:
Title: Jannie Totsiens / Johnny Farewell (1970)
Post by: Trevor on May 09, 2007, 04:24:27 AM
 :buggedout: This is a strange film.........................

The only real cult South African film in my opinion is an eerie (and sometimes very funny) item entitled Jannie Totsiens (Johnny Farewell) which was released in 1970. People back then didn't quite know what to make of it, really, all that mattered was that this film was really quite different to anything they had ever seen before. A catatonic, mother-fixated mathematics professor is sent for observation to a really weird asylum which seems to be an old house. There he runs into members of my family  :bouncegiggle: all with their own problems:

Magda: a jilted bride whose wedding portrait has her holding the hand of someone minus a face;

Koos: an ex soldier who has delusions of grandeur and "friends in the Government";

The Judge: he went mad after his daughter's killer was freed;

Linda: a neurotic killer with parents who continually tell her that she is shaming God: she also has a wonderful habit of carving people up who try to get it on with her;

Liz: a nymphomaniac who constantly writes unsent letters to her dead daughter;

Beppie: a nurse who always is away partying when her patients need her most;

The Director: the guy who runs the asylum: he is almost as bonkers as his patients and has a substance abuse problem;

James: the cook and waiter who endures all the racial abuse he can stand

Frans: the disabled (but 100% sane!) artist whose family put him away because they were ashamed of him

Jannie: the catatonic whose life is changed when the inmates accept him and then try something else with him at the film's conclusion.

Genuinely different, irreverent and shocking ~ a marvelous film indeed.

Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on May 09, 2007, 07:02:16 AM
Oooooh, that one sounds just crazy enough to hunt down Trev! Kudos old bean, you've peaked my bad movie curiosity.


Errrrr, upon initial inspection it seems it would be best of me to ask you this before I go any further Trevor: has this movie ever received any kind of release to a home viewing format?
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Trevor on May 09, 2007, 07:22:03 AM
 :smile: Hi tomb, hope you had a good birthday the other day.  :twirl:

OK, many of the films we have here at the NFA have been digitized (film to digital tape) ~ that cost us plenty money and Jannie Totsiens is one of them.

I can PM you the contact person's address at the company that holds the digital tapes and they can make a copy for you for a small fee.

Snag: the film is 99% in Afrikaans, but I translated the whole of the film (the Afrikaans parts) into English last year and I can email you a copy of that.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Javakoala on May 17, 2007, 09:42:38 PM
I would offer up two (yeah, I just can't decide--sorry):

The Assassination Bureau  Oliver Reed and Diana Rigg in a bizarre 1969 film in which...well, just go find the film and watch it.  Any description tends to dull the effect. I loved this when I was a kid, and have watched it a number of times as an adult and still love it.  No one I talk to has ever heard of it.

And prepare to cringe, as most people have heard of this, but I swear, history will prove me right and it will become a cult film:

Spice World  Let the laughing begin. But if you can sit through this, there are so many throwaway jokes and jabs that it is worth a couple of viewings.  Sadly, there will never be an ultimate double-disk DVD of this, so one scene that existed only in the trailer (not on the DVD) will be lost forever.  The Spice Girls are sitting at a table in their bus, and they are all sweaty and uncomfortable. Ginger says, "I could really use a fan right about now."  The others nod. Suddenly, a panel in the wall opens and a preteen girl runs out, screams something like "Omigod! I love the Spice Girls!" and goes into hysterics before running back into the hole in the wall. Ginger perks up and says, "Oh, that's much better."  Pure cheese.

Now you can go about shredding what little credibility I may have had.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: BTB on May 19, 2007, 08:29:08 AM
The greatest film no one ever has seen would be Nothing Lasts Forever (1984 which I had the chance to see in a special screening, this is a film between Metropolis and Brazil. Beautiful and haunting in good way.  I watched for the cameo of Bill murray and enjoyed it for it's unque approach to love and art.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: RCMerchant on May 19, 2007, 08:41:47 AM
Quote from: BTB on May 19, 2007, 08:29:08 AM
The greatest film no one ever has seen would be Nothing Lasts Forever (1984 which I had the chance to see in a special screening, this is a film between Metropolis and Brazil. Beautiful and haunting in good way.  I watched for the cameo of Bill murray and enjoyed it for it's unque approach to love and art.

    OK...c'mon...the gigs ARE Bill Murray,right?  :tongueout:
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: peter johnson on May 21, 2007, 12:21:19 AM
Great Thread!!
I'm learning lots -- Some comments on different postings here --
Re.  Lost Films --
"London After Midnight" may, indeed, still turn up somewhere.  For decades, the Thomas Edison "Frankenstein"(1910)was thought gone for good, and it turned up suddenly in an ignored/unopened film can in some collector's trunk.
Forrest J. Ackerman still claims to have seen the missing "insect attack" footage from the original "King Kong" on the big screen in The Phillippines.
Editing is a curse, especially on older, unprotected films, for pretty soon it occurs that the chopped-up version is the only one available & the missing scenes are gone for good, as it costs money to properly store prints and negatives, even segments of said.
Gone for good:
The seven (7!!!) hours of footage cut from Erich Von Stroheim's "Greed!", which, at a measley 2 & 1/2 hours is still a good film, but you cry to think of what's gone --
The 2 additional hours of Frank Zappa's "200 Motels".  MGM sold the used videotape at cost, as their number-crunchers had no clue what they possessed.
Some little seen films that should be more CULT than they are:
"Something for Everyone", with Michael York, Angela Lansbury, and a host of character actors.  Gigolo York finds and murders old society ladies, and younger ones as well, for their fortunes.  He gets an odd comeuppance.  To show you how screwy this picture is, it pretends that the (today) well-known tourist attraction of Neurschwanstein Castle is actually Angela Lansbury's character's private home.
"Tunnelvison", with a huge array of early '70's comedians.  Phil Proctor gets shot like Oswald at a Senate hearing on outrageous private TV broadcasts.  Talking penises.  Gratuitous nudity.  Some genuinely funny skits -- topless Betty Thomas (Hill St. Blues, etc.) plays a contestant on a game show where people humiliate themselves.
If you liked "Groove Tube" or "Kentucky Fried Movie", then this is of a piece with those.
peter johnson/denny crane
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Yaddo 42 on May 21, 2007, 06:55:58 PM
Javakoala, The Assassination Bureau used to turn up quite often on our local independent station back in the late 80s/early 90s. Excellent film, I actually wish someone would attempt a steampunk-style remake. But Steampunk doesn't seem to do well in live action films. There was a DVD release a few years ago, I was going to pick up a copy at my local Best Buy, but they began their vicious and ridiculous turnover rate about that time. Guess I can order it, I'd rather have it than some other stuff I bought there. I'd still like to read the incomplete Jack London story that was the source material. I found a novelization or reprint of the story in a used bookstore in Arlington, VA once. Picked up a Master of the World tie-in book of the two Robur novels by Jules Verne instead.

Peter, I saw a program on AMC or PBS a few years ago where very old people were interviewed about their memories of attending movies, with details about mostly silent movies. Interesting show, I'd like to see it again, but I wonder how reliable their memories of things are, just look at our own "What is this Movie?" topics.London After Midnight was mentioned by a few of the people interviewed for the show, probably due its "lost" status. The funny thing was most of the people who said they actually saw it, said it was pretty mediocre.

The superhero comedy The Specials seems to have a cult following, and yet is considered hard to find (DVD copies once went for a pretty penny online) and rarely seen, certainly overshadowed by Mystery Men. Fans of TS seem to actively hate MM, from what I've seen online. Yet, I've seen TS on TV at least once, and have seen DVD copies for sale (one used about a year ago) and a new unopened one at a Family Dollar store the other day. I need to see if people are still paying inflated prices for it, might be worth picking up to make a few bucks if so.
Title: Bar none, the Jerry Lewis Clown in a Holocaust film
Post by: nycalling on May 22, 2007, 04:56:23 AM
The Day the clown cried
only known version apparently exists in Jerry Lewis' vault......
Supposedly Harry Shearer of 'The Simpsons' and 'Spinal Tap' fame saw it and said it was the funniest thing
he'd ever seen (unintentionally funny)
I would also add Blood Freak, Heartbeat in the Brain, The Asphyx and The Great Hollywood Rape Slaughter
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Dr. Whom on May 22, 2007, 09:21:40 AM
Wow! Somebody else liked Spice World. I'm not alone!
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: dean on May 22, 2007, 09:42:01 AM

Don't laugh, Spice World isn't actually that horrible.  I had the pleasure of playing a clip from that movie, as well as Glitter and Crossroads as part of my "Musicals" subject tutorial presentation.  So bad yet so good, they are a B-movie genre onto themselves [pop starlet gone into film]

I especially recommend Glitter: It's so awful you just cannot help but enjoy every 'fade to white' moment in it...
Title: Dean, worse musical film : Can't Stop the Music or The Apple?
Post by: nycalling on May 23, 2007, 01:02:49 AM
Speaking of horrendous affronts to mankind.... :cheers:
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: RCMerchant on May 23, 2007, 05:31:08 AM
 CAN"T STOP the MUSIC: Isn't that the terrifying movie with the Village People and Bruce Jenner? Or was it Mark Spitz? All I know is,I woke up in the middle of the night half drunk...and it was in the middle of the Village People running around like flaming idiots...!Truly bizzare! Not cool. :bluesad:
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: BTB on May 23, 2007, 09:03:32 AM
ARegarding the Village People I have to refer to this great gem about a small australian Village, where a sailor, an Indianand a biker are found murdered and the sole policeman has to fear for his life.

You can't stop the murders

and honestly if you would trust an anonym person with the face of Bill Murray in his Avatar you should watch this movie. One of my eternal favorites.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Joe the Destroyer on May 25, 2007, 12:03:49 AM
Quote from: Raffine on May 05, 2007, 11:12:40 PM
Here's where I got my uncut (except that biker! :bouncegiggle:) copy of NIGHT OF THE DEMON: (

SHOCKING VIDEOS! is one of the best resources for obscure titles I've seen, and check out those genre categories like "AMERICAN TRASH" "NUNSPLOITATION" "AUSSIE TRASH" and "PEPLUMANIA"( :question:).

It can take quite a while to get your order, but the guy who runs the site explains why in very clear and easy to understand language on the "ABOUT US" page.  :smile:

Thanks for the link!  I may have to waste some money come next payday!  :cheers:
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on May 25, 2007, 12:15:33 AM
Yeah, Shocking Videos is a great website because the man really does put his heart into all of his dupes. The descriptions are sometimes better than the actual movies themselves and the DVD box art and the quality of the discs is very well done. My first order took about 2 weeks to get, while it's been about 2 weeks since my last order and I'm still waiting. Oh well, I'm in no rush...  :drink:
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: lester1/2jr on May 27, 2007, 06:24:13 PM
the first one that comes to mind is that jerry lewis holocaust movie.  is that available anywhere?
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Raffine on May 27, 2007, 09:27:16 PM
Quote from: lester1/2jr on May 27, 2007, 06:24:13 PM
the first one that comes to mind is that jerry lewis holocaust movie.  is that available anywhere?


From what I can tell not a single print of this has yet to escape the dark recesses of Jerry Lewis' vault. I wonder if it still even exists.

You used to be able to buy copies of the screenplay on e-bay. Maybe you still can.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: lester1/2jr on May 28, 2007, 09:41:23 AM
even in germany, it's hard to believe someone thought that would be a reasonable  idea for a movie.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: BTB on May 28, 2007, 01:20:22 PM
Hey, for instance there is the last butterfly , a really well executed movie with a mime in a concentration camp. The nwe have Roberto Benigni and Robin Williams in Concentration Camps and then finally we got Train of Life, which is amaziing. Humour is perhaps the only way to cope with the unimaginable and the progression of a selfish Person could be an interesting topic, especially if the motives   are unclear  to the audience.

Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Evan on June 20, 2007, 07:16:47 PM
I think the greatest Cult film not many people have seen is Probably 1983's Doctor Detroit starring Dan Aykroyd. The Plot is: Clifford Skridlow teaches at a small Chicago college run by his father. Conned into managing four prostitutes by their pimp, who skips town to escape the mob boss known as Mom, Clifford draws on his course in medieval literature in his quest to save the women from Mom. The greatest thing about the movie (in my opinion) is the DEVO song for the movie named Doctor Detroit.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on June 20, 2007, 07:56:40 PM
Quote from: Evan on June 20, 2007, 07:16:47 PM
I think the greatest Cult film not many people have seen is Probably 1983's Doctor Detroit starring Dan Aykroyd. The Plot is: Clifford Skridlow teaches at a small Chicago college run by his father. Conned into managing four prostitutes by their pimp, who skips town to escape the mob boss known as Mom, Clifford draws on his course in medieval literature in his quest to save the women from Mom. The greatest thing about the movie (in my opinion) is the DEVO song for the movie named Doctor Detroit.

I LOVE Dr. Detroit!... no, I'm serious... there's no punchline to that statement, I really do like Dr. Detroit...

I remember a Joel episode of MST3K where, during a car chase scene, they do an impromptu promo for the movie touting it's soundtrack that includes tracks by Devo and Cutting Crew... heh heh.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: indianasmith on June 20, 2007, 10:40:18 PM
I must have seen DR DETROIT a half dozen times or more when I was in the Navy.  My favorite part is when he quotes Shakespeare's HENRY V as the hookers get him dressed up in his Dr. Detroit costume for his confrontation with "Mom".  I  hated that they never made the promised sequel!
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Amontillado on June 21, 2007, 08:07:44 PM
All this talk of Dr. Detroit  (:thumbup: by the way) made me think of two other movies not a lot of people seem to know about. Both starring Walter Matthau and a well known actor/comedian. The first is another Dan Aykroyd movie called The Couch Trip. It usually gets panned, but I think its hilarious. "I hope this place has cable, I can't take terrestrial TV without drugs?" The other one was The Survivors with Matthau and Robin Williams. That one was really funny. The plot wears a bit thin, but its got plenty of laughs with both physical comedy and dialogue. A really overlooked gem. Matthau's got a great line in that one too when he asks and obviously Indian woman: "Do you treat everybody like cows?....Oh...well...I guess you don't then..." I also liked the fact that the psychos in both movies share my name.
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on June 21, 2007, 08:39:17 PM
The Couch Trip is one of those movies I came into late, so I've never seen the whole thing. If it's got Dan Akroyd in it, I'm obligated to give it a chance, so maybe I'll try to hunt it down and finally see it in all of it's skeleton clown endorsed glory.  :teddyr:
Title: Re: Greatest Cult Film That No One Has Ever Seen?
Post by: Marklevitz on June 22, 2007, 11:40:18 PM
I'm going to have to say, "The Wickeds"... HERE, check out this shameless plug!!!