
Other Topics => Entertainment => Topic started by: indianasmith on June 19, 2007, 07:41:55 PM

Title: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: indianasmith on June 19, 2007, 07:41:55 PM
This is an increasing trend in Hollywood, with mixed results - I liked Silent Hill and Resident Evil, and could have lived without Tomb Raider and Doom.  But there are LOTS of awesome games out there.  Many of them have graphics that approach the quality of movie special effects from a decade or two ago.  So which one would you MOST like to see as a movie that hasn't been done yet?

Personally, I'm thinking the Elder Scrolls series, especially Morrowind, would make an awesome movie.
:hot: :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: ulthar on June 19, 2007, 07:57:06 PM
While I'll admit up front that I am totally out of the video game loop these days, I will have to say "none."

The appeal of video games ia that they are interactive - a key incredient that movies don't have.  I think the story lines that lend themselves well to good gameplay don't really translate to a good "just sit back and watch it" medium.

For some reason, it seems to work better the other way.  Games made from movies don't do too badly, do they?
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Shadow on June 19, 2007, 08:00:50 PM
I'd like to see a movie set in the Starcraft universe.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Andrew on June 19, 2007, 08:25:39 PM
Never played it, but from what I know of the gameplay and the what I've seen of the artwork, "American McGee's Alice" would be a fun film if approached the right way.

"Missile Command" could be an interesting, completely bleak, flick.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: akiratubo on June 19, 2007, 09:03:04 PM
The Battletoads arcade game.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Torgo on June 19, 2007, 09:26:31 PM
The 1st 2 Shadow Hearts games would make excellent movies if they adapted the plots correctly for the screen.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: DodgingGrunge on June 20, 2007, 01:10:54 AM
I'm with Ulthar.  I think Video Games translate poorly into film.  But that being said, there were a bunch of Dragon's Lair-type games in the early nineties that were movies, set up like choose-your-own-adventure books.  Some of them might adapt quite well.  I wouldn't mind seeing Night Trap adapted for film, especially with the right cast (Linnea Quigley or Barbara Crampton maybe?) and an uncut format.

Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: BlackAngel75 on June 20, 2007, 01:59:49 AM
Quote from: indianasmith on June 19, 2007, 07:41:55 PM
This is an increasing trend in Hollywood, with mixed results - I liked Silent Hill and Resident Evil, and could have lived without Tomb Raider and Doom.  But there are LOTS of awesome games out there.  Many of them have graphics that approach the quality of movie special effects from a decade or two ago.  So which one would you MOST like to see as a movie that hasn't been done yet?

Personally, I'm thinking the Elder Scrolls series, especially Morrowind, would make an awesome movie.
:hot: :bouncegiggle:

You liked Silent Hill?  :question: :question: :question:  Apparently I wasn't watching the same movie that you were, 'cuz halfway through Silent Hill, I fell asleep.  And I rarely fall asleep in a movie theater.

As far as video games as movies go, several come to mind.  A no-brainer is of course both installments of Max Payne.  It was made as a "video game noir" of some sorts.  Then, a movie based on at least one of the GTA games, I vote for San Andreas.   And I certainly won't forget God of War.  And for a military spin, of course Metal Gear.  Maybe The Sons of Liberty.  And Finally the Syphon Filter series.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Mr. DS on June 20, 2007, 06:51:49 AM
How about Pong?  :bouncegiggle:  Actually Maniac Mansion I always though was an addicting game that would make a great goofy horror comedy. 

Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Mr_Vindictive on June 20, 2007, 07:59:17 AM
Quote from: The DarkSider on June 20, 2007, 06:51:49 AM
How about Pong?  :bouncegiggle:  Actually Maniac Mansion I always though was an addicting game that would make a great goofy horror comedy. 



Great choice.  There was actually a Maniac Mansion sitcom that aired in the early 90s.  I recall watching it most every week. (

As for other games, my top pick would be the Half Life series.  The games themselves play out like films but I believe with a talented director and cast, they could make for a hell of a good film.  Just imagine seeing those striders ripping through City 17 on a theater screen:


Also, I second the GTA film.  Although, my pick would have to be for Vice City.  San Andreas was a great game but Vice City is by far the better game in my opinion.  The music, the style, the cars, etc. 
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Ash on June 20, 2007, 09:18:25 AM
Quote from: Andrew on June 19, 2007, 08:25:39 PM
Never played it, but from what I know of the gameplay and the what I've seen of the artwork, "American McGee's Alice" would be a fun film if approached the right way.

Your wish is granted.
Sarah Michelle Gellar has officially been cast as Alice.

Check this out:
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Andrew on June 20, 2007, 10:37:16 AM
Quote from: Ash on June 20, 2007, 09:18:25 AM
Quote from: Andrew on June 19, 2007, 08:25:39 PM
Never played it, but from what I know of the gameplay and the what I've seen of the artwork, "American McGee's Alice" would be a fun film if approached the right way.

Your wish is granted.
Sarah Michelle Gellar has officially been cast as Alice.

Check this out:

Not certain how I feel about that casting, but I'm interested in seeing the final product.  Thanks for the pointer.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on June 20, 2007, 10:54:27 AM
Hmmmmm, video game movies...

I think the Legend of Zelda is an obvious pick. Not sure who would play link, but I imagine the movie would be based on either Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess. Maybe the former as the first and the latter as a sequel. My fiancee and I go back and forth about this, but I'm convinced that the Undertaker could play Ganondorf thanks to his large frame and enlarged forehead with CGI obviously being used to portray his Ganon form. A few years ago I would've said Orlando Bloom for adult Link after his stretch as Legolas, but I'm open for suggestions there. Though I don't see huge starlets clamoring at the chance to play Zelda, I'd like to see Scarlet Johanson or Kate Winslet in the role. Whatever the case it'd have to be done on a grand fantasy scale like Lord of the Rings, not on the cheap like Quest of the Delta Knights.

Hmmm, other good game-to-movie conversions... I'd like to see an animated movie for Paper Mario or a balls out Splatterhouse or Altered Beast flick! Nobody probably remembers it, but I wouldn't hesitate to drop $10 to see a movie based on Totally Rad, bad '80s lingo, fashions and title kept entirely in check! Hell, I don't care if it was director by Uwe "living breathing scum of the Earth" Boll so long as I get me a Totally Rad movie!  :teddyr:

Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Mr. DS on June 20, 2007, 11:39:14 AM
another one I'd like to see...

Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: rebel_1812 on June 20, 2007, 05:39:08 PM
Quote from: tombofanubisdotcom on June 20, 2007, 10:54:27 AM
Hmmmmm, video game movies...

I think the Legend of Zelda is an obvious pick. Not sure who would play link, but I imagine the movie would be based on either Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess. Maybe the former as the first and the latter as a sequel. My fiancee and I go back and forth about this, but I'm convinced that the Undertaker could play Ganondorf thanks to his large frame and enlarged forehead with CGI obviously being used to portray his Ganon form. A few years ago I would've said Orlando Bloom for adult Link after his stretch as Legolas, but I'm open for suggestions there. Though I don't see huge starlets clamoring at the chance to play Zelda, I'd like to see Scarlet Johanson or Kate Winslet in the role. Whatever the case it'd have to be done on a grand fantasy scale like Lord of the Rings, not on the cheap like Quest of the Delta Knights.

Hmmm, other good game-to-movie conversions... I'd like to see an animated movie for Paper Mario or a balls out Splatterhouse or Altered Beast flick! Nobody probably remembers it, but I wouldn't hesitate to drop $10 to see a movie based on Totally Rad, bad '80s lingo, fashions and title kept entirely in check! Hell, I don't care if it was director by Uwe "living breathing scum of the Earth" Boll so long as I get me a Totally Rad movie!  :teddyr:

A Link to the Past might also make a good story line since Zelda has more interaction with link in that one.  I think a Final Fantasy movie based on one of the actual story lines of the games would be good.  I'd pay money to since a theatrical version of Final Fantasy 7 or 6.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on June 20, 2007, 06:37:16 PM
As long as it's not the cure to insomnia that Advent Children was... uggh.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: BlackAngel75 on June 21, 2007, 01:08:34 AM
I got some more, a good comedy in Jak & Daxter and Ratchet & Clank.  Hell, maybe make a movie with all four of them.  For mindless action fun, Duke Nukem (c'mon) and the Devil May Cry series.  For some old school, Castlevania.  And I can't believe any of y'all, ANY OF Y'ALL didn't think of this as a movie:
(karma point)
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Ash on June 21, 2007, 04:33:14 AM
Quote from: BlackAngel75 on June 21, 2007, 01:08:34 AM
For some old school, Castlevania

Your wish is granted!

Check this out:


( (

Don't worry, Paul W.S. Anderson won't be directing.
He's too busy destroying the remake of Death Race 2000.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Amontillado on June 22, 2007, 03:48:10 PM
I hope they don't touch Ninja Gaiden. Those are my favorite games. I'm currently going through Black for the fifth time (up to Master Ninja and man am I sick of the "Game Over" screen). Never beat The Ancient Ship of Doom, but I've heard that the ending is disappointing. That game is tough.  Though isn't Ryu Hayabusa in the DOA movie? That might open the door...

Karma point indeed Black Angel. The scene in Shaun of the Dead when he uses the trampoline to get over the fence was an obvious nod to said spectacular video game. Keeping my fingers crossed about that Castlevania. I've known about it for awhile, and I'm a little more than skeptical. The tagline "Dracula Begins" sends a foreboding shiver down my spine.

I'd like to see a Redneck Rampage movie, but you know they'd cast Larry the Cable Guy and it would be atrociously littered with "Git 'r done" puns.

Forget Maniac Mansion! I want to see Monster Party!!

How awesome would it be to watch a kid with a baseball bat battle a giant fried shrimp who talks like a greaser on the big screen!
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: rebel_1812 on June 23, 2007, 09:41:28 PM
I was thinking about this question the other day.  Crono Trigger would make a good movie if you wanted a dramatic story with good characters.  A movie based on the Contra series would make a good action film.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Kester Pelagius on June 23, 2007, 11:42:56 PM
Dungeon Keeper (

And since I know many reading this will probably click the link and go WTF? here's the real point of that post:


Also I would like to see John Water's do a screen adaptation of Leisure Suit Larry.

Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: BlackAngel75 on June 24, 2007, 01:30:09 AM
Leisure Suit Larry by John Waters???  I have A Dirty Shame on dvd, and based on watching that, Larry is a perfect fit for him.  Just make sure it's NC-17
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Inyarear on June 27, 2007, 04:35:17 AM
Quote from: akiratubo on June 19, 2007, 09:03:04 PMThe Battletoads arcade game.

Yeah, especially if it were completely animated and filled with very cartoonish violence just like the game it's based on. That "whack the giant rat repeatedly in the crotch" maneuver in the boss fight on the one level would make it a memorable cult hit, as would the "huge drill to the face" maneuver one of the toads used on all his lesser foes.

The story in Ninja Gaiden is like a cheap ninja movie in and of itself, so a movie based on it that played its premise completely straight would probably be memorable as one of the very first video game movies that didn't suck outright. (The plot's a bit cliched and the "Engrish" would need to be ironed out, but it's not as if there's anything specifically bad about it.)

Since I'm thinking of what's feasible for someone more in the B-movie budget range, this is the piece I'd like someone to do:


The story's so simple and straightforward that Charles Band could do it. (True, it doesn't have any little puppets in it, but it's a teen sword-and-sorcery flick with ugly monsters in it. How tricky is that?)


The part about a lonely geek guy secretly being the big hero in some other world has been done before, but how many of those stories actually end with the guy not only getting the girl, but bringing her home to Mommy and Daddy? (OK, technically the game didn't mention the part about bringing her home to meet the folks. But that's pretty much what would have to have happened next.) Best of all, even though he's called upon to rescue a princess, the girl he gets at the end is his cute little fairy sidekick from the other world, who's turned into a human-sized teenager in ours.


The director of this film would also get bonus points for making the Princess Rosebud's cell look just like the snow globe from Citizen Kane and tossing in another reference or two like that. ("Rosebud? Wasn't that the name of a sled or something?")

I'd hold out some hope for Castlevania, but isn't Uwe Boll working on that one? I swear, that guy could ruin anything. You want to see any of these made into good movies, you've got to keep him out of it. If we could have just one truly decent video game movie that got decent reviews and made a decent amount of money, the rest of these would almost certainly get to be movies as well.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Amontillado on June 27, 2007, 04:09:48 PM
YES! I love that game! Up, up, up, down, left, right, start. I also loved in the description of Blackhorn's right-hand-man in the instruction booklet. It read, simply, "Heart of stone, face of bone." I forget what that guy's name was, but he was one of the hardest bosses in the game. After you kill him, isn't that when Astyanax get trapped thus Cutie has to sacrifice herself? Man that last scene in the game in that gif down there used to give me a chill. It was very off-putting for some reason. Oh, and if any of you out there are stuck in the castle maze, you go into the door the skeleton comes out of the ground in front of. Got that?

It's actually pretty funny that you wrote about Astyanax because I thought of that very game after I had written my original post. I was thinking, that or Rygar would make a pretty good fantasy movie.

I also think an Earthworm Jim movie would be great to see, but since they already had the cartoon series I won't hold my breath. I was also thinking that I would like to see a Mega Man movie, but that would be a guarenteed bone job. You can tell right away that it would come out worse than Alone in the Dark. Oh, and on that note, I'd like to see a competant director get their hands on Darkseed.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: BlackAngel75 on June 28, 2007, 01:18:30 AM
I think, if I can remember there was a Battletoads pilot that came on Fox a long time ago and it was the same as the game (I think)
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on June 28, 2007, 08:59:29 AM
Quote from: BlackAngel75 on June 28, 2007, 01:18:30 AM
I think, if I can remember there was a Battletoads pilot that came on Fox a long time ago and it was the same as the game (I think)

Ironically enough, I just bought this thing on eBay last week. I thought it was an entire series for the longest time or, as you said, that it was at least a pilot. The person I bought it from told me it was actually just an animated one-shot deal that was released around Christmas time to promote the release of the videogame and that nothing more was ever intended following that.

Does anyone else remember their advertising campaign for the game that said "Next to the Battletoads, turtles are just pond scum!"? That single ad gave me a long running biase against the game that still exists somewhere in the pit of my gamer stomach. I had the same issue with the Dick Tracy movie when I saw some ad that touted it as being better than Batman and somehow Warren Beaty in a bright yellow trenchcoat and hat was supposed to be cooler than friggin' Batman...  :question:
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on June 28, 2007, 09:14:13 AM
You know what movie really needs to be made? Toobin'. Seriously, it could be a combination of Deliverance, Vanishing Point, The Descent and Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown. The hero (we'll give him a name later) and his friends have embraced the extreme sport of white water inner tube racing and have taken a trip together to toob the raging waters of the Chattooga River. They come across rival toobers (not carrots) who hassle them and dump them into the water. Our hero's toob gets a hole in it and he gets out his traveling patching kit to fix it, but while doing so he's drawn into the woods by the sounds of what could only be described as a pig squeeling... Along the way our characters are fleshed out through a series of flashbacks explaining their motivations and the different histories they've all experienced that somehow brought them together in a common bond as friends.  :teddyr:

Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Ed, Ego and Superego on June 28, 2007, 09:54:27 AM
My choice would be Adventure on the Atari 2600.  Just a cube moving around a maze. 
Now who to play the cube?
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Amontillado on June 28, 2007, 03:18:34 PM
Toobin' was a hard game...

What about Deja Vu? I know that Denzel was just in a movie of the same name, but this could be an awesome noir.
The best opening to a Nintendo game ever.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on June 28, 2007, 03:52:24 PM
Deja Vu! Yes! That was one of my favorite games in the old days! I rented it for two weeks in a row trying to get through it when I was, like, 10 and remember the unbelievable anger and disappointment when I got to the end, only to learn that I'd either disposed of key pieces of evidence or held on to the wrong items and gotten myself convicted.  Damn it what I wouldn't have given for internet cheat sites in those days. :bluesad:

I had the same item management problems with Shadowgate and Uninvited, only I never made it nearly as far... I gotta dig out my emulator this weekend.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: madbliza on June 28, 2007, 05:00:40 PM
I used to play this ole SNES game called Flashback. Mostly cause I liked falling to my DOOOOoooom.

Still, I wouldn't mind seeing that as a film.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on June 28, 2007, 05:09:57 PM
I never played much Flashback other than a few rounds at a friend's house one night. Yeah, I seem to remember falling a lot in that game. I think that's why I gave up on it. According to Wikipedia though, it's the highest selling French game of all time! Although, given their description, there might be copyright problems with making a movie, as it seems there are Phantasm-like flying balls and They Live type glasses that let you see aliens who are plotting a secret take over of the planet.

Maybe it's time to brush off the SegaCD and dig up a copy of this on eBay somewhere.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: rebel_1812 on June 28, 2007, 05:30:58 PM
Quote from: Amontillado on June 28, 2007, 03:18:34 PM
Toobin' was a hard game...

What about Deja Vu? I know that Denzel was just in a movie of the same name, but this could be an awesome noir.

If you want film noir, Shadowrun would be a good bet.  It was a futuristic/fantasy/detective games for the snes.  It wasn't that popular but it was a great game.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on June 28, 2007, 05:51:52 PM
Quote from: rebel_1812 on June 28, 2007, 05:30:58 PM
Quote from: Amontillado on June 28, 2007, 03:18:34 PM
Toobin' was a hard game...

What about Deja Vu? I know that Denzel was just in a movie of the same name, but this could be an awesome noir.

If you want film noir, Shadowrun would be a good bet.  It was a futuristic/fantasy/detective games for the snes.  It wasn't that popular but it was a great game.

I second that.  :thumbup:

It's so sad that the XBox360 release has been reduced to a first-person shooter though. And here I was waiting for a Deus Ex sized return to my teen years...
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Amontillado on June 28, 2007, 07:40:25 PM
I never had an SNES, so I missed out on a bunch of cool games. I'm always behind the times when it comes to gaming because I've always had to buy the stuff myself. I had to save up my allowance enough to pay for half my NES when I was seven (though I doubt I actually paid half of it). I've never played Super Mario World[/i] or Chrono Trigger or even Zero Wing.

Quote from: tombofanubisdotcom on June 28, 2007, 03:52:24 PM
I rented it for two weeks in a row trying to get through it when I was, like, 10 and remember the unbelievable anger and disappointment when I got to the end, only to learn that I'd either disposed of key pieces of evidence or held on to the wrong items and gotten myself convicted.  Damn it what I wouldn't have given for internet cheat sites in those days. :bluesad:

Hey man, you're better at that game than I was then. My brother, our neighbor, and I spent a good month on that game. Then an additional couple weeks because we too were extremely disappointed with the ending. We found four endings. The first was getting whacked at the end by the same woman by whom you would get whacked by if you ran into her midway through the game. The second was the aforementioned getting yourself convicted. The third was turning yourself in because you found out you were a mobster, and the fourth was getting wacked by a bunch of thugs. My favoirte part of that game was when you found the fat lady in your trunk. If you hit her it would say something like, "Your fist makes waves in her flesh, but she does not wake up." I must have punched her fourty times.

As I was writting this I just had another idea that could possibly make a good movie: Parasite Eve.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on June 28, 2007, 09:14:37 PM
Hahaha, yeah, I remember laying virtual fist to the fat trunk lady many times too! It's disturbing to think of that now, but it was the funniest thing in the world when I was 10, heh heh.

As Parasite Eve, it's actually based on a book that was already turned into a movie. Check it out here ( I imported it on VCD a loooooooooong time ago, and sure enough I've never watched the damn thing. I think you can get it on NetFlix or Blockbuster now thanks to the fine folks at ADV.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: dean on June 29, 2007, 09:13:46 AM


Nuff said really.

Though the Metal Gear Solid and Half Life series are games that feel and play like movies anyways, and therefore really don't need to be made, I'd still really like to see a good movie based on it, just because it's so fun.

In fact:


Not a bad effort from just a bunch of students, I do kind of like the sound design in it...

But other than that, there are heaps that would be fun, but for some reason Killer Instinct sits in my mind, just because I like the character design in it:



Take your pick why really... both are good reasons, plus the basic story idea wasn't too bad either [Evil Corporations running world instead of govt. etc]

Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: quabrot on June 29, 2007, 02:19:20 PM

There's a few good ideas here too.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Amontillado on June 29, 2007, 02:33:40 PM
Well... look at that.
The cop's line in that Pacman clip is hilarious.

I've been whistling the main song in Deja Vu for days now... (
...this song. The link is initially forbidden, so just click the here.

And while everyone's doing the video clip thing...

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

If they don't finish this, I'm gonna be wicked p**sed!
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Inyarear on June 29, 2007, 10:18:34 PM
Quote from: Amontillado on June 27, 2007, 04:09:48 PMYES! I love that game! Up, up, up, down, left, right, start. I also loved in the description of Blackhorn's right-hand-man in the instruction booklet. It read, simply, "Heart of stone, face of bone." I forget what that guy's name was, but he was one of the hardest bosses in the game. After you kill him, isn't that when Astyanax get trapped thus Cutie has to sacrifice herself? Man that last scene in the game in that gif down there used to give me a chill. It was very off-putting for some reason. Oh, and if any of you out there are stuck in the castle maze, you go into the door the skeleton comes out of the ground in front of. Got that?

It's actually pretty funny that you wrote about Astyanax because I thought of that very game after I had written my original post. I was thinking, that or Rygar would make a pretty good fantasy movie.

Yeah, I figured out that clue pretty fast. I think I was only 11 or 12 when I played Astyanax, but the Princess said to look for a sign, you know, and the skeleton was about the only thing that kept appearing out of place.

Since it seems we're all having a movie night now, I've decided to post the cut scenes from a version of the game in which I enhanced the dialogue a bit to make it sound a bit more credibly like something people would actually say. (I also corrected a mistake of cultural translation: Astyanax says he's sixteen, yet he claims to be a freshman in high school. This is not because the kid's been held back a year, but because Nintendo never paid enough to hire some of our native-born American translators. In Japan, elementary school runs through the sixth grade, and then junior high runs another three years, so high school is three years long as well, meaning Astyanax is a first year student by Japanese standards, but a sophmore by American standards.) I also changed a few subtle details in the graphics, specifically Cutie. Hopefully, you'll agree they're an improvement.


Under all the lame dialogue of the original and the rather simple platform-jumping game that went with it, there's actually a pretty good story in there. I wasn't able to do anything about how the characters keep flapping their lips when they're done speaking, but truth be told, I figure any movie based on this game would have plenty of extra dialogue between its characters anyway.


There's a lot of stuff left unsaid here that I tried to slip in between the lines. For example, considering that Princess Rosebud is the only member of Remlia's royalty we ever get to see, why isn't she a queen instead of a princess? My theory is that she hasn't been properly crowned yet because the first thing Blackhorn did in his quest to take over the world was to kill her parents, the King and Queen, and take over their city. Thus, the celebration she mentions at the end was probably going to be her crowning ceremony in addition to a celebration of Remlia's liberation and a chance to pin some medals on Astyanax for it.

Something else I see implied here is that Cutie had something of a crush on Astyanax right from the start, and that she almost certainly made the decision to have him be Remlia's champion and Rosebud's rescuer almost entirely by herself, whatever she pretends about everyone else. (Rosebud et al probably just told her to find them a human champion and left the rest to her discretion.) A movie could delve a lot more deeply into her personality and motives and why she would pursue such an unlikely relationship with a guy who's way too large for her in more ways than one.

Beyond the cut scenes, I also see some highly amusing possibilities for both drama and comedy in just how exactly Astyanax is to explain to his parents where he met this beautiful young woman. She needs a place to stay, and persuading them to let her stay with them is likely to be a tricky business. One thing that might be worth knowing for this purpose is Cutie's real name: I doubt even cute little fairytale creatures would give their children a name like that! I'm thinking "Cutie" is a nickname, and that her real name's initials are Q.T. Again, exploring this possibility makes for good movie fodder.

Then, of course, there are a lot of laughs to be gotten just from the fact that this is a "sixteen-year-old-boy saves the world!" story. For all his manly deeds, Astyanax is still very young and vulnerable at the end. (I figure this might be part of what made him so charming to Cutie in the first place.) How he got such an uncommon name I'd like to know; maybe his parents knew something he didn't? Maybe he actually has more heritage from Remlia than he knows? How he ever managed to survive growing up going to school with a name like that is something I'd like to know too.

These older games might actually be easier to adapt into movies than newer ones precisely because the old video game makers couldn't be bothered to go into depth on these subjects with the young, semi-hyperactive boys who made up a large percentage of their target market. Now that those boys are grown up and could maybe use a good date movie to go see with their wives and girlfriends, though, they might find it worthwhile to adapt these old toys of theirs into some shiny new playthings. The youth market, which continues to hold a lot of sway over what kind of movies are made these days, would also probably be interested in this kind of movie. I don't see why no one has been able to make these video-game-to-movie adaptations work yet.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: CoreyHeldpen on July 01, 2007, 06:49:45 PM
How about these?

Just get Tim Burton to direct and we've got this decade's Mars Attacks!

Mechs + Giant Bugs = Good Time, whether its a game or a movie. That's a fact of life.

If done like Troy or 300, and if Uwe Boll was kept far away, this could be pure awesome.

Now of course, the only way to do this would be anime, everything about the games was in true anime style; the story, the action, the artwork, the characters, everything. Only problem is, there's ten games. Which one would the film be based on?
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Inyarear on July 05, 2007, 01:40:35 AM
Quote from: rebel_1812 on June 23, 2007, 09:41:28 PMI was thinking about this question the other day.  Crono Trigger would make a good movie if you wanted a dramatic story with good characters.  A movie based on the Contra series would make a good action film.

Chrono Trigger was an excellent RPG and the story was every bit as good as you say, but the problem with adapting any RPG into a movie is that these RPGs are just too open-ended and lengthy to fit into a movie format. Time constraints mean you have to follow just one storyline and leave a lot of stuff out, and if you do that, the players howl and the non-players don't understand what the heck is going on.

Contra, on the other hand, might make a pretty good mindless action film, but there isn't really much story to elaborate there. If you add a story, the movie just becomes a generic action film that happens to use video game characters' names, and if you don't, then you don't have much of a movie either. Doom had the potential to be a good movie (though it turned out to be mediocre at best) because what story there was raised all kinds of interesting questions a movie could have answered (What does Hell want with a Martian moon base?) or at least explored, and also provided a character (every gamer geek's hero, the lone survivor) who could have been explored in more depth. (What helped him survive where the others didn't? How does he feel about killing off former comrades? How does he cope with the horror of being in a nightmarish situation where only his demonic enemies can hear him scream?) Contra involves a guy (or a couple of guys) going up against an alien overlord that has come to Earth and is trying to take over. Hmmm... Predator rip-off, anyone? I'm not sure what you can do with the contras that hasn't already been done a million times in other military/science fiction flicks.

Of course, if you just wanted lots of mindless carnage and mayhem, I guess you could always do a Duke Nukem movie... or a movie about one of my old favorite NES games, NARC, for which the movie poster would read: "Just say 'no'... or else!"
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: rebel_1812 on July 06, 2007, 03:35:40 PM
Quote from: Inyarear on July 05, 2007, 01:40:35 AM
Quote from: rebel_1812 on June 23, 2007, 09:41:28 PMI was thinking about this question the other day.  Crono Trigger would make a good movie if you wanted a dramatic story with good characters.  A movie based on the Contra series would make a good action film.

Chrono Trigger was an excellent RPG and the story was every bit as good as you say, but the problem with adapting any RPG into a movie is that these RPGs are just too open-ended and lengthy to fit into a movie format. Time constraints mean you have to follow just one storyline and leave a lot of stuff out, and if you do that, the players howl and the non-players don't understand what the heck is going on.

the same thing is said about every movie made from a book.  The book is always more indepth and covers more plot then the movie made from it.  Yet some very good movies have been made from books, for example Clockwork Orange.  I think it is possible to translate an RPG storyline to the silver screen without losing too much.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Inyarear on July 10, 2007, 08:46:06 PM
Quote from: rebel_1812 on July 06, 2007, 03:35:40 PM
Quote from: Inyarear on July 05, 2007, 01:40:35 AM
Quote from: rebel_1812 on June 23, 2007, 09:41:28 PMI was thinking about this question the other day.  Crono Trigger would make a good movie if you wanted a dramatic story with good characters.  A movie based on the Contra series would make a good action film.

Chrono Trigger was an excellent RPG and the story was every bit as good as you say, but the problem with adapting any RPG into a movie is that these RPGs are just too open-ended and lengthy to fit into a movie format. Time constraints mean you have to follow just one storyline and leave a lot of stuff out, and if you do that, the players howl and the non-players don't understand what the heck is going on.

the same thing is said about every movie made from a book.  The book is always more indepth and covers more plot then the movie made from it.  Yet some very good movies have been made from books, for example Clockwork Orange.  I think it is possible to translate an RPG storyline to the silver screen without losing too much.

Well yeah, but have you noticed that most of the successful adaptations came from short books? Stanley Kubrick changed maybe three or four minor elements from the American version of Anthony Burgess' novel to make his film; the entire remainder of the story is there.

RPGs run for hours and hours, and it's frightening to think how badly you'd have to slice and dice their plots to make them fit in a two-hour slot. Maybe if video game movies catch on we'll get to see a high-budget four-hour marathon of a movie made from a video game, but there has to be some success with a shorter video game adaptation first. That's why I favor video games with a minimal story for adaptation: you can make up lots of stuff to cover all the gaps between the canonical parts, and as long as it's believably consistent with the source material, you've got yourself a film players and non-players alike can enjoy. If there's no story at all, there's nothing to adapt, but if there's too much story, there's too much to adapt. See how this works?

By the way, I just thought of another game that would be easy to adapt into a low-budget action flick because its story is so minimal: Rolling Thunder. There are several versions of the game, but all of them involve a hot shot pumping an extraterrestrial villain and his hooded KKK-resembling minions full of lead in order to save a damsel in distress who's actually a gun-toting tough gal herself. (She's just down on her luck; in the sequel, she's out there blowing away the bad guys right next to the tough guy from the first game.) There's more story in the synopsis from the manual than there is up on the screen. Mostly, the stuff on the screen consists of pictures of the gal being "distressed" in various ways (being chained up, hung up crucifixion-style, given full-body shock therapy, etc.). It's fast-moving, it's got a weird scenario, lots of gunplay, a hot chick, and a hot-shot guy who somehow manages to look good in a red shirt and long white pants. What more do you need?
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: JPickettIII on July 11, 2007, 11:43:22 PM


I did not see this yet, I would love to see Metal Gear made into movie.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: dean on July 12, 2007, 03:36:16 AM

JPickett, if you're interested, I think I posted a fan movie based on Metal Gear above.  It looks pretty good for a bunch of Italian Film Students.  It's the one just below the pacman movie comic.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: Inyarear on July 20, 2007, 03:05:03 PM
Quote from: JPickettIII on July 11, 2007, 11:43:22 PM[youtube=425,350]

Not a bad premise, but the acting in that cut scene definitely needs some improvement. That raspy voice gets kind of annoying after a while, and some of the lines just don't sound very natural. There's also an awful lot of telling where, in a movie with a higher budget, there definitely ought to be more showing. Where Psycho Mantis starts talking about his past, for instance, I'd cut to some footage of him as a child and tell the tale in flashback if I were the director. Snake's own descriptions of himself are rather over the top, too. I'd trim those lines a bit and have him talk a little less melodramatically and a little more casually; he shouldn't really have to say "it doesn't matter" three or four different ways before the gal gets the point.

The tale Psycho Mantis tells of how he came to be what he is reminds me a lot of Doro's origins in Octavia Butler's book Wild Seed. (Near the end, it's revealed that Doro first learned of his ability to jump from body to body whenever he died, displacing other people's souls from their bodies and thereby killing them, when he accidentally killed his own parents and then his whole village.) With Psycho's story, dramatizing it would be easy. You just show him with his hands over his ears vainly trying to shut out all the noise from other people's minds, and then looking up at his father, seeing how his mother died giving birth to him through his father's eyes, and going berserk.

The language is clearly translated from the Japanese: although the subtitle's spellings are flawless and the flaws in the grammar (such as the split infinitive at -6:25) are no worse than any native speaker's, native speakers just don't talk the way these people do. "Don't regret your past--learn from it!" might show up on a bumper sticker here in America, but no one actually says things that way here. If Snake is supposed to be an American, I'd probably have him say "Are you finished moping around yet? Chalk it up to experience and let's go!" Also, instead of "More complaints?" he'd be saying "Now what?"

In short, there'd have to be some interpretation on top of all the translation, or everyone's going to sound remarkably stiff. That's what I did in those hacked cut scenes from Astyanax. That line "Come get some!" (and yes, I stole that right out of Duke Nukem) was my more robust American interpretation of the much weaker original translation: "Can you defeat me?" (From the context, I deduced that the question was supposed to be rhetorical.) That's the same kind of interpretation you'd need to do on Metal Gear Solid.
Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: asimpson2006 on July 20, 2007, 05:54:23 PM
Here is what I would like to see be made into a movie

Metroid  A classic game that could be done correctly if someone went down the right path with it.

King of the Fighters  If made this film like the made the first Mortal Kombat movie then it might be pretty good.  If the follow the path of Street Fighter, then may god have mercy on us all.

Final Fight  It would be tough to do right but they could probably could make a decent movie out it.

I wouldn't mind if they did a movie based on the Max Payne games.  A movie based on KOTOR[b/] wouldn't be bad either if they didn't try to make Star Wars look bad.

Title: Re: What Video Game would you most like to see as a movie?
Post by: rebel_1812 on July 20, 2007, 08:58:56 PM
Quote from: asimpson2006 on July 20, 2007, 05:54:23 PM
Here is what I would like to see be made into a movie

Metroid  A classic game that could be done correctly if someone went down the right path with it.

King of the Fighters  If made this film like the made the first Mortal Kombat movie then it might be pretty good.  If the follow the path of Street Fighter, then may god have mercy on us all.

Final Fight  It would be tough to do right but they could probably could make a decent movie out it.

I wouldn't mind if they did a movie based on the Max Payne games.  A movie based on KOTOR[b/] wouldn't be bad either if they didn't try to make Star Wars look bad.

I'm pretty sure there are plans to make a Max Payne movie.