
Movies => Good Movies => Topic started by: the guyver on September 25, 2007, 11:42:28 PM

Question: Which was your favorite of the Star Wars Trilogy? Yes TRILOGY! (Pre Jar Jar)
Option 1: A New Hope votes: 14
Option 2: The Empire Strikes Back votes: 14
Option 3: Return Of The Jedi votes: 4
Option 4: Hated Them All votes: 2
Option 5: Jar Jar is not in these so...none votes: 1
Title: Star Wars
Post by: the guyver on September 25, 2007, 11:42:28 PM
Probably my favorite three movies of all time. I grew up on these movies. I have seen these movies more times than I can count! Just wanted to know what you guys thought!
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: ulthar on September 25, 2007, 11:56:03 PM
I picked IV: A NEW HOPE.  The only REAL Star Wars, imo.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: ghouck on September 26, 2007, 01:01:55 AM
For me it was always Return of the Jedi, followed by A New Hope, and I didn't like Empire Strikes Back so much, , but now it's my favorite of the three, which are three of my favorite movies.
I have to say though, that I've become as much of a fan of The Matrix trilogy as I am a Star Wars fan, maybe moreso. In part because G.L. seems to be retrospectivly ruining much of 4, 5, &6 with crap in 1, 2, &3, mostly Ep1.

Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: GoHawks on September 26, 2007, 02:24:59 AM
QuoteWhich was your favorite of the Star Wars Trilogy? Yes TRILOGY! (Pre Jar Jar)

The 'proper' title for the first movie is "Star Wars".   "A New Hope" was the rerelease's title.

I voted for Empire.  It's my opinion that Empire is much improved over Star Wars in almost every way (acting, special effects, sets, character development, storyline etc...).  I didn't like Jedi too much.  It just seemed to me to be aimed at little kids.  Yeah, I know there was a lot of violence and even a little sexuality, but those damn Ewoks and the fairy tale happy ending?

Speaking of Return of the Jedi, there is a scene in it that I heard about but cannot seem to find.  From Michael Abrash's "Zen of Graphics Programming":

QuoteConsider this: At the end of Return of the Jedi, in the battle to end all battles around the Death Star, there is a sequence of about five seconds in which several spaceships are visible in the background.  One of those spaceships (and it's not very far in the background, either) looks a bit unusual.  What it looks like is a sneaker.  In fact, it is a sneaker ---- but unless you know to look for it, you'll never notice it...

I assume the rerelease had it edited out, but I've looked on the rererelease of the original version on DVD and can't find it there either.  I guess I'll have to find an old VHS copy somewhere.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Ash on September 26, 2007, 02:58:50 AM
For me, it'll always be A New Hope.

Don't get me wrong, I like all of the Star Wars films.  Even the prequels.
But for me, the only true Star Wars movie is Episode 4.

One thing I don't get is everyone saying that Empire is the best.
It's good...but it doesn't compare to the original in my opinion.

Jedi Politics
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: The Burgomaster on September 26, 2007, 04:10:50 AM
I voted for HATED THEM ALL, but this really isn't true.  It's just that, 30 years later, I am sick of them all.  However, back in the day during their original theatrical releases, A NEW HOPE was definitely the most exciting from an audience reaction standpoint.  People in the (sold out and very crowded) theater were clapping and cheering during the attack on the Death Star . . . much like the audience reaction at the end of the original ROCKY.  I think all 3 movies were fairly equal in quality, but A NEW HOPE gets a slight edge because of the great theatrical experience I had with that one.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: RCMerchant on September 26, 2007, 04:47:51 AM
 I can't vote...being the only STAR WARS movie I ever  saw was  the first  one...the original. I thought it was ok-but got burnt out on became  overhyped...! TV specials, toys,cards,fast food wrappers...ugh! But I soon HATED it...because it led to the death of one of my favorite things-Famous Monsters of Filmland. Now...I suspect Jim Warren had everything to do with the overkill aspect of the once cool back pages ads became clogged with ST merchandise...and every f#cking issue had Darth Vader on the cover...I quit buying it! No more Gogos covers,...just  STAR WARS!!!!ARGHHHH!!!! STAR WARS THIS STAR WARS THAT!!!ARGHHHH!!! AH!AH! AH! AHH!!! OH GOD PLEASE BURY ME IN THE DIRT!!! STAR HORRORS!!!   :hatred: HEEHEEEHEEE!!!! CRURSHKILLDESTROY!!!DANGER YOUNG ROBINSON!!!!!  :twirl: AKAKAKAK!!!! SEXVAMPIREBATBITES!!!
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: ulthar on September 26, 2007, 07:10:06 AM
Calm down, RC.  Here's a lollipop.  It's okay, now  :teddyr: :teddyr:

As for this:

Quote from: GoHawks on September 26, 2007, 02:24:59 AM

The 'proper' title for the first movie is "Star Wars".   "A New Hope" was the rerelease's title.

I saw STAR WARS in the theatre during it's original run, and I *DO* have a vague recollection of the opening, scrolling, title sequence saying "Episode IV: A New Hope."  I know that my somewhat old and battle worn VHS copy (made pre-DVD days) has this sequence.

Anyone else remember this specificically from the theatrical run?

Anyway, though I am firmly in the "original plan was only one movie, all others tacked on" camp, I do also believe there is at least some basis for calling the first one A NEW HOPE that has nothing to do with later re-releases.  I think now (and thought at the time) the use of calling it Episode IV was just a gimmick to make the story sound bigger than it really was, as at the time, STAR WARS was NOT expected to do well.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Jack on September 26, 2007, 07:28:50 AM
My favorite was Star Wars.  Empire was almost as good, though the stuff with Yoda training Luke got somewhat slow, which is the only blemish on an otherwise great movie.  Jedi wasn't in the same league, like GoHawks said, it seemed like it was aimed much more towards little kids.  The big space battle at the end was pretty cool though, no doubt about that.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Scott on September 26, 2007, 07:42:14 AM
I'll have to go with NEW HOPE.

EMPIRE STRIKES BACK was the better film, but I just have to go with the first film and it's original public effect on people.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Raffine on September 26, 2007, 08:05:42 AM
Quote...because it led to the death of one of my favorite things-Famous Monsters of Filmland.

That's when I stopped buying them, too.

One of the last issues in the original run had a big picture of E.T. on it. Served 'em right!

Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Derf on September 26, 2007, 08:11:49 AM
I voted for Episode IV: A New Hope. It is the original, and the others simply don't measure up to it in my opinion. It works best as a standalone movie, and it best shows the work of a "hungry" director (one that is trying to do the best possible work on the smallest possible budget, and who therefore has to improvise and pay more attention to what he's doing). By the time of Jedi, Lucas was a major celebrity, and the hunger to do his best work was sated to some degree. By the time he felt technology had caught up with his vision enough to do the prequels, he was too well off to delve into the creativity that had spawned the original, and we got Jar Jar.

When it was made, it was titled with the ep. IV subtitle. Lucas envisioned three sets of trilogies, though I don't recall why he started with ep. IV. The idea was to trace the journey of C3PO and R2D2 in three major story arcs. Not that they would be the stars of the story, but they were to be the only characters that were present throughout the series. The first three episodes traced the rise of Obi Wan and Vader. Those characters are killed off in the second trilogy, and the rise of Luke, Leia and Han are presented. The third trilogy was to trace the story of Luke's child and bring the overall story arc to a close. Thankfully, even Lucas is sick of the movies and has abandoned plans to complete his original vision.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: the guyver on September 26, 2007, 10:22:06 AM
Quote from: GoHawks on September 26, 2007, 02:24:59 AM
QuoteWhich was your favorite of the Star Wars Trilogy? Yes TRILOGY! (Pre Jar Jar)

The 'proper' title for the first movie is "Star Wars".   "A New Hope" was the rerelease's title.

I voted for Empire.  It's my opinion that Empire is much improved over Star Wars in almost every way (acting, special effects, sets, character development, storyline etc...).  I didn't like Jedi too much.  It just seemed to me to be aimed at little kids.  Yeah, I know there was a lot of violence and even a little sexuality, but those damn Ewoks and the fairy tale happy ending?

Speaking of Return of the Jedi, there is a scene in it that I heard about but cannot seem to find.  From Michael Abrash's "Zen of Graphics Programming":

QuoteConsider this: At the end of Return of the Jedi, in the battle to end all battles around the Death Star, there is a sequence of about five seconds in which several spaceships are visible in the background.  One of those spaceships (and it's not very far in the background, either) looks a bit unusual.  What it looks like is a sneaker.  In fact, it is a sneaker ---- but unless you know to look for it, you'll never notice it...

I assume the rerelease had it edited out, but I've looked on the rererelease of the original version on DVD and can't find it there either.  I guess I'll have to find an old VHS copy somewhere.

Quote from: ulthar on September 26, 2007, 07:10:06 AM
Calm down, RC.  Here's a lollipop.  It's okay, now  :teddyr: :teddyr:

As for this:

Quote from: GoHawks on September 26, 2007, 02:24:59 AM

The 'proper' title for the first movie is "Star Wars".   "A New Hope" was the rerelease's title.

I saw STAR WARS in the theatre during it's original run, and I *DO* have a vague recollection of the opening, scrolling, title sequence saying "Episode IV: A New Hope."  I know that my somewhat old and battle worn VHS copy (made pre-DVD days) has this sequence.

Anyone else remember this specificically from the theatrical run?

Anyway, though I am firmly in the "original plan was only one movie, all others tacked on" camp, I do also believe there is at least some basis for calling the first one A NEW HOPE that has nothing to do with later re-releases.  I think now (and thought at the time) the use of calling it Episode IV was just a gimmick to make the story sound bigger than it really was, as at the time, STAR WARS was NOT expected to do well.

When George Lucas wrote the book it was titled simply "STAR WARS". By the time the movie came into production  he had already written sequels to the "STAR WARS" book. Once it hit the big screen it received the part number and "A NEW HOPE"
There you have it.....the nerd comes out. :teddyr:
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Mr. DS on September 26, 2007, 11:24:39 AM
I had to go with Empire although the 8 year old version of myself in the 80s would have gone with Return.  Watching Return as an adult really puts in to perspective the ridiculous nature of the Ewoks helping to trump the empire.  Empire I thought had a wonderful dark feel to it. 
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: VogNhymn on September 26, 2007, 03:09:32 PM
Quote from: Derf on September 26, 2007, 08:11:49 AM
I voted for Episode IV: A New Hope. It is the original, and the others simply don't measure up to it in my opinion. It works best as a standalone movie, and it best shows the work of a "hungry" director (one that is trying to do the best possible work on the smallest possible budget, and who therefore has to improvise and pay more attention to what he's doing). By the time of Jedi, Lucas was a major celebrity, and the hunger to do his best work was sated to some degree. By the time he felt technology had caught up with his vision enough to do the prequels, he was too well off to delve into the creativity that had spawned the original, and we got Jar Jar.

When it was made, it was titled with the ep. IV subtitle. Lucas envisioned three sets of trilogies, though I don't recall why he started with ep. IV. The idea was to trace the journey of C3PO and R2D2 in three major story arcs. Not that they would be the stars of the story, but they were to be the only characters that were present throughout the series. The first three episodes traced the rise of Obi Wan and Vader. Those characters are killed off in the second trilogy, and the rise of Luke, Leia and Han are presented. The third trilogy was to trace the story of Luke's child and bring the overall story arc to a close. Thankfully, even Lucas is sick of the movies and has abandoned plans to complete his original vision.

I remember reading that as a kid. The droids were supposed to be the eyes of the story. I still might have that article at my folks house.

I voted for Empire. I love the original trilogy. Still my favorite movies ever - that and Conan and Excalibur. I didn't like Episodes 1 and 2 but 3 was just as good as 4,5 and maybe better than 6. (never really liked the Ewoks)
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Shadow on September 26, 2007, 05:14:55 PM
I voted for the first one that came out in 1977, whatever you want to call it. :teddyr:

Anyone besides me remember seeing the Revenge of the Jedi trailer back in 82-83?
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Torgo on September 26, 2007, 05:27:13 PM
The 1st one is still my favorite though Empire comes a close 2nd.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Ometiklan on September 26, 2007, 07:36:59 PM
I Liked Empire the best and Jedi the least....Ewoks Why did it have to be Ewoks?
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Mr. DS on September 26, 2007, 07:55:50 PM
Did anyone watch the Family Guy Star Wars episode the other night?
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: ulthar on September 26, 2007, 08:16:42 PM
Quote from: The DarkSider on September 26, 2007, 07:55:50 PM
Did anyone watch the Family Guy Star Wars episode the other night?

Yes.  Both my wife and I watched, and lauged our &^%es off. 
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: indianasmith on September 26, 2007, 09:30:39 PM
The first one was IT.  I remember sitting in the theater at age 13, with the lights going down and that unforgettable theme music echoing in my ears . . . my girlfriend (now my wife) was forgotten for  the next two hours as my jaw dropped lower and lower with each new ubelievable scene . . . there had NEVER been a movie like this!  I LOVED IT!!!

And so a nerd was born . . . . :teddyr:
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Scott on September 26, 2007, 09:39:25 PM
Wow, IndianaSmith you married a girl you went to STAR WARS with when you were 13? That's amazing. God Bless both of you.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: indianasmith on September 26, 2007, 09:51:24 PM
We were chasing each other around on the playground in second grade . . .

I guess it was meant to be!
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: ghouck on September 26, 2007, 10:56:51 PM
QuoteDid anyone watch the Family Guy Star Wars episode the other night?

How about the Robot Chicken Star Wars Special? It had some pretty funny stuff in it. The "phone call" between Vader and The Emperor after the first Death Star was destroyed had me laughing. It was rumored that Lucas himself help with it.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: KYGOTC on September 27, 2007, 12:27:09 AM
The trilogy was great.......and then the new trilogy came out..........why? Why? :bluesad:

And then, why cant anyone see it the way it was seen in theaters anymore? All these "special" editions and altered versions are all you can get now, so now the original trilogy sucks, too. ........Sad times.

Quote from: The DarkSider on September 26, 2007, 07:55:50 PM
Did anyone watch the Family Guy Star Wars episode the other night?

"Great, kid! Don't get penisey!"
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Mortal Envelope on September 27, 2007, 12:21:29 PM
It's all about Empire for me - I like them all but this was the darkest, most gripping story for me.  I liked that it had a downer ending and we really get to see just how bad Vader can be.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Allhallowsday on September 27, 2007, 10:22:30 PM
Quote from: Shadow on September 26, 2007, 05:14:55 PM
Anyone besides me remember seeing the Revenge of the Jedi trailer back in 82-83?
YES !!!

Quote from: ulthar on September 26, 2007, 07:10:06 AM
As for this:
Quote from: GoHawks on September 26, 2007, 02:24:59 AM
The 'proper' title for the first movie is "Star Wars".   "A New Hope" was the rerelease's title.
I saw STAR WARS in the theatre during it's original run, and I *DO* have a vague recollection of the opening, scrolling, title sequence saying "Episode IV: A New Hope."  I know that my somewhat old and battle worn VHS copy (made pre-DVD days) has this sequence.
Anyone else remember this specificically from the theatrical run?
I believe the opening title sequence was added on after the release of EMPIRE STRIKES BACK... I do also believe that George Lucas had a vision of a background history for his original film, that swiftly developed into at least one superb sequel.  Somewhere buried around here I have TIME and maybe NEWSWEEK magazines with STAR WARS covers.  I recall in one of the juiced-up cover stories about the release of EMPIRE, the writer excitedly describing the scrolling sequence at the beginning of the film and that EMPIRE was "Episode V...!!"  It may be the same article where LUCAS describes a nine film cycle... !!
If that "Episode 4" title had been included in the very first release, it seems unlikely 20th Century Fox would have allowed it, but not impossible.  The  idea of it being the first film, yet "episode 4" suggests lost earlier episodes (which is cool and of course we get that story in the later series of films).  The idea is too great, and a bit too "grindhouse," embryonic if I recall those articles at all, and though inexpensive for a STAR WARS film ($11 million - a bargain even in 1977 considering it was the first film to exceed $300 million, it's closer to $800 million now)... $11 million was a lot of bread to risk on STAR WARS the unlikliest smash of all time !! 
My own favorite has to be EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, for reasons already cited by Mortal Envelope but, I have to go with the only true STAR WARS, the first film, which is incredibly fun and exciting, and the second film would not have been very interesting at all or so good for me without that first film...  :smile: 

KYGOTC Mortal Envelope Shadow, and Ometiklan (Ewoks and Grace from REAR WINDOW ) :thumbup:
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Him on September 28, 2007, 10:59:59 AM
Quote from: Derf on September 26, 2007, 08:11:49 AM
When it was made, it was titled with the ep. IV subtitle. Lucas envisioned three sets of trilogies, though I don't recall why he started with ep. IV. The idea was to trace the journey of C3PO and R2D2 in three major story arcs. Not that they would be the stars of the story, but they were to be the only characters that were present throughout the series. The first three episodes traced the rise of Obi Wan and Vader. Those characters are killed off in the second trilogy, and the rise of Luke, Leia and Han are presented. The third trilogy was to trace the story of Luke's child and bring the overall story arc to a close. Thankfully, even Lucas is sick of the movies and has abandoned plans to complete his original vision.

I think Lucas originally intended Star Wars to be just one film, but when it came down to writing the script, he realized he wouldn't be able to tell the whole story in just one film, so ihe came up with the idea of doing a series of films.

He started with "episode 4" because that was the beginning of the actual story. The events of the prequel trilogy were just backstory to be referenced in dialog. After he finished "episode 4" he decided that the back story was interesting enough to warrent its own trilogy. The sequel trilogy was essentially combined into one film. Return of the Jedi.
Title: Star Wars
Post by: Xenorama on October 06, 2007, 01:37:34 AM
i went with STAR WARS as well, the first one.

Lucas claims he always wanted the "Episode IV" title at the beginning, but the studio wouldn't let him.  i find this, along with other spurious claims (such as knowing Vader was Luke's father from the beginning, the FX never living up to his vision) ridiculous.  in all the interviews i read with him back from 77-83 (he's only reclusive when he's not hyping something) he never once mentioned the effects not living up to what he wanted them to be.

i love the first movie, but quickly got sick of the massmarketing of the last three movies.  all those toys made in China- seems like George doesn't mind using an enslaved peasantry of a empire to make money for him...

Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: HappyGilmore on October 06, 2007, 08:33:36 AM
Only two I saw were Episodes 1 and 2. 

Kinda didn't like them.

Jar Jar rocked though.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: KYGOTC on October 06, 2007, 11:53:29 AM
Quote from: HappyGilmore on October 06, 2007, 08:33:36 AM

Jar Jar rocked though.

Are yousa serious?
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: HappyGilmore on October 06, 2007, 06:55:06 PM
Quote from: KYGOTC on October 06, 2007, 11:53:29 AM
Quote from: HappyGilmore on October 06, 2007, 08:33:36 AM

Jar Jar rocked though.

Are yousa serious?
Mesa very serious.

Honestly.  I haven't seen the three Star Wars movies with Harrison Ford/Mark Hamill, etc.  Of the new trilogy, I saw Ep. 1, and was bored.  Saw Ep. 2, and only part I liked was Yoda in the lightsaber battle at the end.  The rest, eh.

To each their own, I guess. :bluesad:
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: KYGOTC on October 06, 2007, 07:05:43 PM
Quote from: HappyGilmore on October 06, 2007, 06:55:06 PM
Quote from: KYGOTC on October 06, 2007, 11:53:29 AM
Quote from: HappyGilmore on October 06, 2007, 08:33:36 AM

Jar Jar rocked though.

Are yousa serious?
Mesa very serious.

Honestly.  I haven't seen the three Star Wars movies with Harrison Ford/Mark Hamill, etc.  Of the new trilogy, I saw Ep. 1, and was bored.  Saw Ep. 2, and only part I liked was Yoda in the lightsaber battle at the end.  The rest, eh.

To each their own, I guess. :bluesad:

Yea, i think the big problem is that Lucas doesnt know how to count. I think if he would have done 1,2, and 3 first, there wouldnt be as many problems.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: HappyGilmore on October 06, 2007, 07:14:54 PM
I heard the '70s version was decent.  But having experienced the first two, eh. 

Lucas sure has made some great movies, what with Howard the Duck and The Phantom Menace.

And I liked Howard the Duck.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Kooshmeister on October 11, 2007, 06:27:35 AM
A New Hope, because I just like the story. It's also the best of the novelizations (ghostwritten by Alan Dean Foster).
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: DistantJ on October 24, 2007, 07:33:35 AM
All of the Star Wars films were just fine. I like Star Wars, I like The Empire Strikes Back, I like Return of the Jedi, I like Episode 1, I like Episode 2, I like Episode 3. *Gasp* Controversial. I can't see anything particularly wrong or right about either the prequels or the originals. I enjoy all of them.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: Spiff on October 25, 2007, 04:18:20 AM
Can't speak for the US but by the time Star Wars hit this side of the planet, it definitely had the 'Episode IV' title in scrolling title. I remember (as a little kid in the cinema) thinking I'd missed the first three.
Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: HarlotBug3 on October 26, 2007, 06:21:08 PM
Frankly, I am so certain that episode 3 was nothing short of GL shooting the bird and yelling SUCKERS! that I will never patronize another thing with his name on it, past or present.

I was too young to see episode 4-6 in the theaters, thus I don't have the BIAs that confuses an annoyance with the ewoks for anything being better than the raw action of episode 6.

Title: Re: Star Wars
Post by: maxtype on November 03, 2007, 08:25:29 AM
I went with Empire.It's been my favorite since childhood.Darker and deeper than Star Wars,I loved the battle of Hoth,the Super Star Destroyer,and the Questions! Is Darth Vader really Luke's Father? Will Han Solo survive? For a 7-year old,waiting 3 YEARS for the Answers was exquisite torture! :smile:

Also,the dialogue is smoother,we find out who Princess Leia wants,and the effects were even more spectacular than Star Wars.

Of course,when speaking of The Trilogy,you are asking me would I prefer steak,pizza,or Babyback Ribs for dinner! :teddyr: