
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: Neville on March 01, 2002, 07:10:30 AM

Title: Ramblings about Vanilla sky (may contain spoilers)
Post by: Neville on March 01, 2002, 07:10:30 AM
Not that I am a great fan of Amenabar's ("The others") original, "Abre los ojos"
 (see ). It is a really good movie, but I don't share the entusiasm some people have about it here in Spain. I was kind of proud when I learned that an US remake was on the works, but when I saw it yesterday... the horror! I really tried not to compare it whith the original, but it is so bad that doing so was the only way to keep me awake.

Ok, the original has good, concise dialogues, but here they had been completely rewritten, with lame results: they are too moralistic, a flaw Amenabar avoided, full of pretensions and too long. Between this and the happy idea by director Cameron Crowe to have at least a pop song per scene, everything looked at least twice as long. Oh, and Crowe also though it was a good idea to explain absolutely everything a couple of times, so we understood what was going on. What a pity he did not realise that leaving details to imagination is a must on any kind of movie, that is, unless you think of the audience as jerks.

And the acting... Tom Cruise, as in MI2, tries to convert the movie into a narcisist one man show, and his character is now the sum of all (presumed) virtues instead of the son of a b***h of the original. This and his stupid overacting (spends half of the movie either grinning as an idiot or shouting) make him absolutely unbearable.

About Penelope Cruz... OK, she is not great in spanish movies, but at least she is natural. Not here, were she is even as bad as Cruise.

I have to say that, on the other side,  Cameron Diaz was way better than the original actress (and she is quite good), and also is given more lines, and that Kurt Russell is quite good, specially at the ending.

Anyway, if you are interested in this movie, please, watch the original. C'on, its even available at Amazon. Or read Philip K. Dick's "Ubik", which shares some ideas with this film. You won't regret.

Title: Re: Ramblings about Vanilla sky (may contain spoilers)
Post by: Trumpey on March 02, 2002, 09:11:27 AM
I liked the original and didn't bother to see vanilla sky

Title: Re: Ramblings about Vanilla sky (may contain spoilers)
Post by: Funk, E on March 04, 2002, 05:58:38 PM
Remakes rarely transend the original. La Femme Nakita vs Point of No Return is a painfully classic example, ouch just thinking about it makes me hurt.

Title: Re: Ramblings about Vanilla sky (may contain spoilers)
Post by: Lee on March 05, 2002, 11:14:21 AM
Hey! Point Of No Return is a cool movie! OK, maybe it's not exactly original but what remake is? Besides, Bridget Fonda is hottie!

Title: Re: Ramblings about Vanilla sky (may contain spoilers)
Post by: Funk, E on March 05, 2002, 11:38:57 AM
err... did you see La Femme Nakita? Do you honestly think PONR compares? If so to each their own but as far as I'm concerned PONR is a travisty. Perhaps a better example would be comparing Barbed Wire to Casablanca. Now before you say "BW was a cool movie" I'll tell you right now I liked it, but as a retelling of the same storyline as Casablanca it is a waifish shadow to the original.

Title: Re: Ramblings about Vanilla sky (may contain spoilers)
Post by: Lee on March 05, 2002, 07:08:59 PM
I'm still not sure what makes Casablanca so special. Don't get me wrong, I liked it a bit, but true classics have way more going for them than this movie has. Yes I've seen La Femme Nikita. I tolerated the subtitles throughout the whole movie. I enjoyed it.

Title: Re: Ramblings about Vanilla sky (may contain spoilers)
Post by: Funk, E on March 05, 2002, 07:41:51 PM
Herm... okay, that's cool. To each their own I guess.Just curious... what do you consider a true classic?

Title: Re: Ramblings about Vanilla sky (may contain spoilers)
Post by: Lee on March 06, 2002, 09:40:35 AM
It's A Wonderful Life. I love that movie! Can you guess what my favorite line is?

Title: Re: Ramblings about Vanilla sky (may contain spoilers)
Post by: Funk, E on March 06, 2002, 11:22:06 AM
What? every time a bell rings it means an angel gets their wings?

Title: Re: Ramblings about Vanilla sky (may contain spoilers)
Post by: Jay O'Connor on March 06, 2002, 12:15:26 PM
True Classics?

Lawrence Of Arabia.
Lion in Winter
Arsenic And Old Lace
African Queen
Magnificent Seven

Title: Re: Ramblings about Vanilla sky (may contain spoilers)
Post by: Funk, E on March 06, 2002, 12:52:59 PM
Interesting that for the 7th entry you used the magnificent 7... herm... coincidence? I'd agree whole heartedly with those choices. I also think The Manchurian Candidate, Citizen Kane and the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari qualify (funny those are all black & white flicks) Wizard of Oz especially when played to Dark Side of the Moon ;-)