
Other Topics => Entertainment => Topic started by: KYGOTC on March 10, 2008, 09:48:09 PM

Post by: KYGOTC on March 10, 2008, 09:48:09 PM
I have been looking forward to this game for almost a year, and after months and several push backs, its finnaly here! I even hosted the tounement at my work for the midnight release.
Ive got ALMOST everyone unlocked. I need to get Jigglypuff.

Soooo....Did anyone else pick this up, and if so, we should exchange wii codes to the MAX so we can fight eachother online! I still need to fix my wireless conection, but when i do, it's ON!

....So did anyone else get it?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on March 10, 2008, 10:27:14 PM
We picked it up on Saturday night too. Between the two of us, my fiancee and I have put in probably 18 or more hours in the 48 hours or so we've had it. By Sunday night we'd finished probably 50% of the Subspace Emissary adventure and unlocked Falco, Captain Falcon, and Marth. While she was at work today, I unlocked Luigi, Ness and Sonic. I want to say we unlocked Captain Olimar and the Pikmin too, but I don't remember if they were available from the start or not... a lot of the last few days have been a blur for me.  :bluesad:

I'm aching to unlock Mr. Game & Watch and R.O.B. though. And geekdom help me, Nintendo and their "gotta collect 'em all!" mentality have me fiending for new stickers, trophies and level building materials too. IGN is apparently hosting a site right now where people can upload their personalized levels and downloads ones other players have made while they're at it. That's probably the first thing I'll wind up doing when I wake up tomorrow. Heh heh. :tongueout:
Post by: KYGOTC on March 11, 2008, 12:03:57 AM
Quote from: AnubisVonMojo on March 10, 2008, 10:27:14 PM
We picked it up on Saturday night too. Between the two of us, my fiancee and I have put in probably 18 or more hours in the 48 hours or so we've had it. By Sunday night we'd finished probably 50% of the Subspace Emissary adventure and unlocked Falco, Captain Falcon, and Marth. While she was at work today, I unlocked Luigi, Ness and Sonic. I want to say we unlocked Captain Olimar and the Pikmin too, but I don't remember if they were available from the start or not... a lot of the last few days have been a blur for me.  :bluesad:

I'm aching to unlock Mr. Game & Watch and R.O.B. though. And geekdom help me, Nintendo and their "gotta collect 'em all!" mentality have me fiending for new stickers, trophies and level building materials too. IGN is apparently hosting a site right now where people can upload their personalized levels and downloads ones other players have made while they're at it. That's probably the first thing I'll wind up doing when I wake up tomorrow. Heh heh. :tongueout:

Yea, you get Olimar right off the bat.

I havent made any stages yet. Ive been more focused on unlocking stages and Jigglypuff cuz im having a ssbb party at my house on friday and I want as much availible as possible.

Ya know those little peices of paper that will show up on the ground? You can pick those things up, but what do they do?
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on March 11, 2008, 07:56:08 AM
Quote from: KYGOTC on March 11, 2008, 12:03:57 AM
Ya know those little peices of paper that will show up on the ground? You can pick those things up, but what do they do?

Those are the stickers for the sticker album. You don't know what you've picked up till you go into the album and check out the "new" menu. If you haven't played around with them yet, you can arrange them against backgrounds to make scenes (or, if you're like me, perverse scenes), or in Adventure mode you can stick 'em to the bottom of characters you have to enhance their powers.
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on March 11, 2008, 11:32:13 AM
Man, the WiFi on this game sucks on my end. Either nobody's around to play against (I have to go Global since few of my friends own Wii and none of my friends own the game) or when I do find people to brawl with, I get disconnected.  :hatred:
Post by: Patient7 on March 11, 2008, 04:07:09 PM
I'm hoping to get it for Easter.  You can go on the internet with the wii???  I knew you could get news and watch t.v but I didn't know that you could face off other people.  Cool.
Post by: AnubisVonMojo on March 11, 2008, 04:36:11 PM
Quote from: Patient7 on March 11, 2008, 04:07:09 PM
I'm hoping to get it for Easter.  You can go on the internet with the wii???  I knew you could get news and watch t.v but I didn't know that you could face off other people.  Cool.

Yeah, the cool part is that it comes with WiFi installed. Unfortunately, if you don't have wireless service, you need to buy an ethernet adapter. It's the opposite of the 360, which comes ethernet standard, but required you to buy a $100 wireless receiver if your computer is nowhere near your entertainment center... and that, ladies and gents, is why I don't have XBox Live.  :lookingup: