
Other Topics => Weird News Stories => Topic started by: Torgo on May 09, 2008, 03:34:29 PM

Title: Spells Cast at Anti-Marine Rally in California
Post by: Torgo on May 09, 2008, 03:34:29 PM,2933,354689,00.html (,2933,354689,00.html)


Title: Re: Spells Cast at Anti-Marine Rally in California
Post by: indianasmith on May 09, 2008, 09:35:59 PM
What a bunch of total losers.  I hope the Marines moon them.

Title: Re: Spells Cast at Anti-Marine Rally in California
Post by: Ash on May 09, 2008, 09:45:08 PM
Burn 'em at the stake!


Title: Re: Spells Cast at Anti-Marine Rally in California
Post by: CheezeFlixz on May 09, 2008, 11:09:39 PM
As a former Marine I would handle it like this ...

I'd take Code Pink cookies and milk, I find the best way to defuse situations such as this would be to make a mockery out of it.  These moron believe it or not want to be taken seriously, treat them like the moron they are. I'd even set outside and applaud their antics. There goal is to get under your skin ... turn the table and get under theirs, but you do it by giving them the response they least expect.

Title: Re: Spells Cast at Anti-Marine Rally in California
Post by: Shadow on May 10, 2008, 01:18:03 AM
Ah, Berkeley, where I once worked.

One of the most worthless cities in the entire nation. :lookingup:

Seriously, I think these people need to have their heads examined. Why blame the Marines (or the military in general) for the war? They were not the ones who decided to start it. If you want to protest someone, then protest the people who made the decision - the current administration in D.C. - and not the ones who are just doing their job.

I drive a fuel truck, delivering gasoline and diesel. Every now and then I get someone who wants to berate me for the price of gas. What the hell can I do about it? I just deliver it! Looking at my situation with the type of thinking the morons at Code Pink use, I am personally responsible for gouging people at the pump.

Title: Re: Spells Cast at Anti-Marine Rally in California
Post by: SynapticBoomstick on May 11, 2008, 12:34:08 AM
Marines protect the country but by all means, blame them. They wanted this :lookingup:. Everybody needs a cause and just about any cause can be found on the west coast. This reminds me of a point my brother used to make about people writing into his gaming magazine demanding to know why they only released a certain game for a certain system.

Sorry, that's the only similar tale I've got :drink:

Title: Re: Spells Cast at Anti-Marine Rally in California
Post by: AndyC on May 16, 2008, 03:58:21 PM
As a former Marine

I was under the impression there was no such thing as a former marine.

Seriously, why do people like this always seem to think goofy theatrics are going to win over the public? How can one make a plea for sanity while looking and sounding like a complete loon?

Title: Re: Spells Cast at Anti-Marine Rally in California
Post by: CheezeFlixz on May 16, 2008, 06:57:51 PM
As a former Marine

I was under the impression there was no such thing as a former marine.

No it's no such thing as an EX-Marine (barring you're kicked out) but since I'm no longer active, for a long time now. I'm called a former Marine. But I'm still a jarhead at heart.

Title: Re: Spells Cast at Anti-Marine Rally in California
Post by: Mr. DS on May 16, 2008, 07:29:10 PM
"Avada Kedavra!"

Is it me or is there too much acid available in CA?