
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Psycho Circus on November 18, 2008, 07:58:28 PM

Title: Horoscopes
Post by: Psycho Circus on November 18, 2008, 07:58:28 PM
Here's mine for today:

Scorpio (10/23-11/21)

"If you are still preoccupied by a career issue, you need to have a conversation with someone you trust before it turns into a career crisis. These concerns aren't going to go away unless you share your woes. Keeping it all bottled up inside will only increase your stress and make the problem seem bigger than it truly is. Get a fresh perspective from someone who has been there before. They'll have some sound advice that will help you relax and see a new way to handle things."

It's actually spot on, although I don't really buy into the whole astrological thing.

Title: Re: Horoscopes
Post by: Patient7 on November 18, 2008, 08:02:33 PM
I don't think so but I don't really care, I think they should put out really specific one's to freak out just a couple people reading them like, "Break up with her Jim, all your friends think she's a b!tch and she's cheating on you."

Title: Re: Horoscopes
Post by: Rev. Powell on November 18, 2008, 09:50:48 PM
Here's mine for today:

Scorpio (10/23-11/21)

"If you are still preoccupied by a career issue, you need to have a conversation with someone you trust before it turns into a career crisis. These concerns aren't going to go away unless you share your woes. Keeping it all bottled up inside will only increase your stress and make the problem seem bigger than it truly is. Get a fresh perspective from someone who has been there before. They'll have some sound advice that will help you relax and see a new way to handle things."

It's actually spot on, although I don't really buy into the whole astrological thing.

It's spot on for me too, and I'm a Gemini.

Title: Re: Horoscopes
Post by: ghouck on November 18, 2008, 10:05:09 PM
I don't believe in horoscopes, and I don't consider myself a superstitious person, but I do find myself reacting unconsciously in a superstitious manner. I avoid the typical superstitious things like 'walking under a ladder', but don't tend to take them too seriously, and usually don't notice what I've done until after I've already done it.

Title: Re: Horoscopes
Post by: JaseSF on November 18, 2008, 10:33:08 PM
Pretty sure they just write vaguely about experiences common to most everyone and of course each individual person can then relate to it.

Title: Re: Horoscopes
Post by: Trevor on November 19, 2008, 06:53:24 AM
I'm a Virgo (11 September 1967) and while I don't buy into this whole astrological thing, I am pretty similar to what the astrologers say.

They never say anything about my underpants, thankfully.  :buggedout: :buggedout:

Title: Re: Horoscopes
Post by: ER on November 19, 2008, 09:51:13 AM
They're nonsense. I was born on December 24th, Jesus was born a day later, yet we're nothing alike, y'know?  :wink:

I remember the time in high school I was cutting up magazines for my friend's art class collage project, and we read the horoscope section for the same time period in two different magazines, like Vogue and Seventeen or their ilk, and the advice given to the identical star sign was completely opposite and along the lines of "now is the perfect time for love or business" while the other said "now is the time to concentrate on yourself and not begin a new romance or launch a new career." It was stupid.

Not that I base my disbelief in horoscopes in this one thing alone but it goes to show you.

Title: Re: Horoscopes
Post by: Jack on November 19, 2008, 10:33:45 AM
I said I believe in them, but only in the vaguest sense.  The general personality traits for a person's sign usually tend to be somewhat accurate.  Well, I don't actually believe that, but it's kind of an interesting coincidence I've noticed.  Don't believe in the daily advice thing though, like Jase said, it's just general stuff that most anybody can relate to.  I hate reading those damned things - just what I need, somebody predicting I'm going to have a really bad day.  I'd rather not know that 'till it happens, thank you.

Title: Re: Horoscopes
Post by: ER on November 19, 2008, 11:15:16 AM
More thoughts on this...

If you think about it, if horoscopes were accurate and the time, date, place of your birth determined much of your personality, then all babies born at the same hospital at the same general time would have nearly identical personalities, life circumstances, lucky and unlucky days, and of course we know life isn't like that. Heck, if it was, people would do their level best to just have babies strictly during desired astrological times. We'd know via some sort of astrological profiling that "this group of kids in the nursery today will grow up to be dishonest, self-centered risk takers, so we better keep an eye on them, but those kids born here last week will have a predisposition toward generosity, so they're all right."

Astrology is a game, that's all.

Title: Re: Horoscopes
Post by: WilliamWeird1313 on November 19, 2008, 12:08:27 PM
More thoughts on this...

If you think about it, if horoscopes were accurate and the time, date, place of your birth determined much of your personality, then all babies born at the same hospital at the same general time would have nearly identical personalities, life circumstances, lucky and unlucky days, and of course we know life isn't like that. Heck, if it was, people would do their level best to just have babies strictly during desired astrological times. We'd know via some sort of astrological profiling that "this group of kids in the nursery today will grow up to be dishonest, self-centered risk takers, so we better keep an eye on them, but those kids born here last week will have a predisposition toward generosity, so they're all right."

Astrology is a game, that's all.

Village Of The Damned?