
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Doctor Menard on January 08, 2009, 10:07:18 PM

Title: Hacked Websites
Post by: Doctor Menard on January 08, 2009, 10:07:18 PM
This is the second time since December 26 that my websites have been hacked. Last time they hacked one website (same person), then deleted over 20 domains. Apparently they left a backdoor I did not catch and have hacked most of my websites.

For some reason they have not hacked the CargoShip, but I wouldn't put much faith in that. Outside of the two arcade sites (Nickels' Funland is non-existent), that is a bear to get back up. Mainly because it has 238 radio shows in mp3 files and over this slow cable connection, it takes 24 hours to upload the 2.1 GB of files.

In the meantime, while I'm looking for new hosting and trying to knockout what I can of the hacked files, in the rare event that someone on here has put one of my sites in their favorites, don't visit one until I get this cleared up, as I don't know what else they may have done.

My web portal is on different hosting and has not been hacked.

Title: Re: Hacked Websites
Post by: Doctor Menard on January 09, 2009, 10:09:55 AM
Though I have gone through and replaced the files for the websites that were hacked, I would still caution against visiting any.

Webmaster Dungeon is now gone. Whether it will return is undecided at the moment.

Several domains are down as, being that I am going to be relocating them to another server, it seems kind of pointless to upload them just to move them again.

Title: Re: Hacked Websites
Post by: Captain Tars Tarkas on January 09, 2009, 04:27:35 PM
That is a shame, I know how annoying some of that stuff can be.  Hope it all gets sorted out.  Luckily I have never had a serious attack yet.

Title: Re: Hacked Websites
Post by: Rev. Powell on January 09, 2009, 07:39:25 PM
Dirty shame.  I remember a long time ago a corporate websites that I managed was hacked.  The hackers put up anti-Bush propaganda.  It horrified my conservative bosses; they didn't want our clients to think we were what Cheeze would call "loonie lefties".  Fortunately our hosting company, Interland, had been hit so many times by these guys they had figured out how to restore everything.  5 minutes with support, they told me which files to delete, and everything was back to normal.