
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: kakihara on March 07, 2009, 07:43:16 PM

Title: Buckaroo Banzai, deadly spawn and HANZO!
Post by: kakihara on March 07, 2009, 07:43:16 PM
first of all, hello everyone. its been awhile, hope all is well. ive seen quite a few bad movies over the last couple of months, these are a couple that come mind right now.
 THE ADVENTURES OF BUCKAROO BANZAI ACROSS THE 8TH DIMENSION. what piece of steaming crap! its been awhile since i have seen something so ridiculous and cheesy. you can watch it for free right now on demand. i remembered watching it as a kid, it probably stunted my social development. buckaroo is a samarai, rockstar and a scientist. he has jet powered truck and an entourage of actors that you have seen in alot of other movies, including jeff goldblum dressed like howdy doody. the movie stoopid, but funny at times (unintentionally).

DEADLY SPAWN. yes! i finally saw it. not bad, it was long and slow at times, and it was no where near as gory as it looked like it would be. i think it was ahead of its time though. really innovative with the attention to detail in the creature design. i believe they squeezed everthing they could out of a out of a nothing budget.

HANZO: SWORD OF JUSTICE.  this ones free on demand right now. i was in the mood for a little martial arts action one night and decided to check this one out. the action is just pathetic. what made this movie interesting is the main character and some of the questionable things he does. like torturing himself, whacking his penis with a stick and interrogating women by raping them. they resist at first but they beg him not to stop by the end.  some kind of penis kung fu or something. i think tarantino studies these kind of movies. later.

Title: Re: Buckaroo Banzai, deadly spawn and HANZO!
Post by: RCMerchant on March 07, 2009, 09:11:06 PM
DEADLY SPAWN (also known as the RETURN of the ALIEN'S DEADLY SPAWN) is one of my favorite early '80's independent horror films! The Monster Kid hero,the tea party crashed by spawns, the disembodied hand gag,...and lotsa blood! A classick!  :cheers:

Title: Re: Buckaroo Banzai, deadly spawn and HANZO!
Post by: Javakoala on March 07, 2009, 11:37:15 PM
And "Buckaroo Banzai" is one of those weird films that grow on you. I saw it in the theater and basically understood what it was doing, but didn't like it.  I've made myself sit down and watch it a couple more times and have started to understand the unique concept behind it, but damned if I can explain it rationally.

Same thing happened with "Napoleon Dynamite". I freaking love that movie now, but I originally thought fans of it were brain damaged.

Title: Re: Buckaroo Banzai, deadly spawn and HANZO!
Post by: Jim H on March 08, 2009, 03:24:06 AM
Worth noting that Hanzo is part of a trilogy.  I gather the later films have more, and better, sword fighting.  Been meaning to see the trilogy for a while, since it stars Shintaro Katsu, most famous for playing Zatoichi.  The Zatoichi series is one of my favorites.

Title: Re: Buckaroo Banzai, deadly spawn and HANZO!
Post by: Wag on March 08, 2009, 05:55:17 AM
Buckaroo Banzai - I watched that the other week with Circus and I did not have a clue what was happening. We were drunk at the time but I don't think sobriety would have helped my understanding. It was completely random and bizarre. Thinking back, it was like three episodes of a cancelled TV series that someone has tried to edit together into a comprehendable plot. They failed though, obviously.

It's a shame though, as John Lithgow is ace - he was the best thing in it, even though I could not understand his motivation, actions or accent.

Title: Re: Buckaroo Banzai, deadly spawn and HANZO!
Post by: Derf on March 08, 2009, 08:49:57 AM
I've loved Buckaroo Bonzai since the first time I saw it. Yeah, it's goofy and pretty random, but it's got a lot of charm. The performances by the actors are top-notch, the storyline is convoluted but followable (at least I had no troubles with it), the special effects fit the overall feel of the movie, and it is highly quotable. I still call people monkey-boys to this day (and get odd looks since so few people have seen this movie). I'm a bit surprised at the BB hate here; I would have thought this film would garner near universal love on this board. Live and learn, I guess. . .

Title: Re: Buckaroo Banzai, deadly spawn and HANZO!
Post by: Doggett on March 08, 2009, 09:26:58 AM
Buckaroo Banzai - I watched that the other week with Circus and I did not have a clue what was happening. We were drunk at the time but I don't think sobriety would have helped my understanding. It was completely random and bizarre. Thinking back, it was like three episodes of a cancelled TV series that someone has tried to edit together into a comprehendable plot. They failed though, obviously.

It's a shame though, as John Lithgow is ace - he was the best thing in it, even though I could not understand his motivation, actions or accent.

BB is great !!! :thumbup:
John's character comes from the same place as the art guy from Ghostbusters II. Hence the accent...

John Small Berries is a great name  :teddyr:
My 2000th post!

Title: Re: Buckaroo Banzai, deadly spawn and HANZO!
Post by: kakihara on March 08, 2009, 11:25:02 AM
i dont hate buckaroo. i dont think theres anything quite like it. i woulg love to sit down and watch it with some friends, im pretty sure it would be a good time. do you really think it was made like that on purpous? it would have to be. peter weller killed me in that movie! bb is portrayed as the coolest person to ever walk the planet, one minute hes doing brain surgery then he just gets into a jet powered truck! one of the parts that got me was the club scene. he starts out the song with a cheesy guitar solo, then, hes playing this little trumpet thingy!! i have never in my life witnessed something like that. i dont have the words to desribe it.  then he just stops and asks "is there someone out there thats not having a good time?". imagine how much  film they wasted during filming, because nobody could keep a straight face.oh god the cheese.

and hanzo: are the other movies like that one? ill bet they were controversial at the time.

Title: Re: Buckaroo Banzai, deadly spawn and HANZO!
Post by: Wag on March 08, 2009, 02:45:44 PM
BB is great !!! :thumbup:
John's character comes from the same place as the art guy from Ghostbusters II. Hence the accent...

John Small Berries is a great name  :teddyr:
My 2000th post!

I never thought of that - that explains it then  :teddyr:

Title: Re: Buckaroo Banzai, deadly spawn and HANZO!
Post by: dean on March 09, 2009, 06:59:18 AM

Ah Buckaroo, what a movie!

Anything involving rock star scientists is ok by my book.

John Big Booty!!!!!

Ah good times...

Now the opinion which edit is preferred?

Title: Re: Buckaroo Banzai, deadly spawn and HANZO!
Post by: Skull on March 25, 2009, 12:15:13 PM
DEADLY SPAWN (also known as the RETURN of the ALIEN'S DEADLY SPAWN) is one of my favorite early '80's independent horror films! The Monster Kid hero,the tea party crashed by spawns, the disembodied hand gag,...and lotsa blood! A classick!  :cheers:

I agree its one of the better independent horror films!


(short story)

When my dad suppose to take me to see Return of the Jedi back in 1983, I ended up seeing RETURN of the ALIEN'S DEADLY SPAWN...

He then told his friends that this was the worst Star Wars film... :)

I own a copy of RETURN of the ALIEN'S DEADLY SPAWN partly because of my little story which gives me a smile when I remember being excited to see Return of the Jedi and end up watching this gore flick! It was great to be 13!

My other reason, I do like the movie... :)