
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Weird News Stories => Topic started by: ER on May 19, 2009, 08:21:07 PM

Title: University of Texas Undie Run
Post by: ER on May 19, 2009, 08:21:07 PM
What, don't Texas college students just plain streak anymore?  The night TRHCP played when I went to school a lot of guys went around with only one sock on. Tsk, the young generation...such prudes. My faith in the future stands diminished.

Stressed? Run around campus in your underwear

By Joshunda Sanders | Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 06:12 PM

Term papers. Final exams. Campus life is intense, especially this time of year with the end of the semester mere days away.

Dozens of students have decided that streaking through the University of Texas campus in their underwear is just the thing to let off some steam.

On Friday, May 8, the second annual Undie Run will start from a secret location on campus. Weston Carls, 23, and Dan Stone, publisher of Study Breaks magazine, organized the charity run this year. (Carls said he borrowed the idea from some California campuses.)

The mile-long run will start after 8 p.m.

Why streak, we asked.

"For stress relief," Carls said.

Students will show up overdressed in layers of clothes that will be donated to charities such as the Trinity Center, St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store and LifeWorks. Sororities and other organizations will collect the clothes. Students donated 1,400 articles of clothing at last year's Undie Run, Carls said.

The event caused a bit of a stir last year when unsuspecting students called campus police to report that there were students running around in their underwear outside of the library.

The event is expected to end around 10:30 p.m. There will be music — "Two bands will be playing for free ... in their underwear, which is cool," Stone said — and prizes, including one for the person who donates the most clothing. Last year, that prize went to a woman wearing 47 articles of clothing.

"She showed up with eight shirts, and we had to help her pull them off," Carls said.

Organizers have purchased 500 backpacks to hand out to students who might not want to run around campus holding cell phones, a change of clothes and car keys.

Students who want to participate in the Undie Run can text 11SBVIP to 64842.
Title: Re: University of Texas Undie Run
Post by: Rev. Powell on May 19, 2009, 08:59:27 PM
I sense a Trevor joke coming.   :bouncegiggle:
Title: Re: University of Texas Undie Run
Post by: Trevor on May 20, 2009, 12:53:08 AM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on May 19, 2009, 08:59:27 PM
I sense a Trevor joke coming.   :bouncegiggle:


Here's one: if I had to run around in my undies, I would get arrested for indecent exposure.

So many holes in them there undies and too much to show........  :buggedout: :buggedout:
Title: Re: University of Texas Undie Run
Post by: AndyC on May 24, 2009, 07:35:17 PM
Big deal, holding an undie run in Texas in May. There's a winter festival near my hometown where they hold underwear races in the middle of February. Helps that it's later in the day, when the participants have been drinking since breakfast. I used to cover the festival for the paper, and I once got this hilarious shot of several local volunteer firemen hightailing it down the frozen street in their gitch. One of the guys got into a bit of trouble with his more conservative Mennonite parents when they opened up their paper and saw him in his little teeny tiny briefs. The pic didn't show any faces, but I made sure the names were there. :teddyr:
Title: Re: University of Texas Undie Run
Post by: Doggett on May 26, 2009, 10:24:10 AM
I'm running around in my underwear right now...

*doggett turns and freaks out !*

Trevor ! What the freak are you doing in my room  !
Title: Re: University of Texas Undie Run
Post by: Trevor on May 29, 2009, 02:30:10 AM
Quote from: doggett on May 26, 2009, 10:24:10 AM
I'm running around in my underwear right now...

*doggett turns and freaks out !*

Trevor ! What the freak are you doing in my room  !

:bouncegiggle: :teddyr: :smile: :bouncegiggle:

"And where did you get my undies?"
