
Information Exchange => What Was That Film? => Topic started by: Danielle on August 06, 2009, 03:55:00 PM

Title: What horror movie is this?
Post by: Danielle on August 06, 2009, 03:55:00 PM
I wanted to know if anyone knew this horror movie. I don't remember the name only parts of it.
There's a woman who falls asleep with a kitchen knife under her pillow and she puts a video camera on the dresser or something to video tape her sleeping. When she overlooks the video she she's the camera coming closer towards her as if someone picked it up and comes up to her pillow. Then the knife that she had placed under her pillow comes into the frame and is pointed at her face and neck.
Later there is a thunderstorm and the lights go out and she crawls her way towards the kitchen and she's sitting on the floor with her back to the cupboard. There's this monster or spirit or something that starts crawling toward her and she's crying so she doesn't see it. It's then at the side of her face with its mouth open and has it's teeth showing toward her. She doesn't see it because she's looking the other way.
And I don't know what this movie is or remember it so I was wondering if anyone else did.
P.S. From what I can remember she might have been attacked at the beginning of the movie so she no longer trusts the outside world and she works from her apartment on her computer.

Title: Re: What horror movie is this?
Post by: venomx on August 06, 2009, 04:29:23 PM
At the end does the lady turn around when her husband comes home, and her teeth are sharp? looks a little a bit like the statue, She also had a knife in her hand ... I cant remember the name though ... anyone?

Title: Re: What horror movie is this?
Post by: akiratubo on August 06, 2009, 04:32:29 PM
At the end does the lady turn around when her husband comes home, and her teeth are sharp? looks a little a bit like the statue, She also had a knife in her hand ... I cant remember the name though ... anyone?

You're thinking of the Zuni doll segment of "Trilogy of Terror".

It isn't the movie Danielle is describing because there is no video camera in it.

Although ... hmm ... there is a "Trilogy of Terror 2", also featuring the doll.

Title: Re: What horror movie is this?
Post by: Jordan on August 20, 2009, 11:39:05 AM
No, it's not "Trilogy of Terror 2," I'm pretty certain of that. That one has the Zuni fetish doll attacking a woman in a research lab.

Title: Re: What horror movie is this?
Post by: Joe on November 11, 2009, 06:46:32 PM
the second part of the first part (yeesh)  sounds like "Bobby" from trilogy of terror 2. a woman brings back her dead son but he is a demon. there is a thunderstorm and he chases her all around the house and there are 2 stalk sequences involving a garage and a kitchen. at the end the boy walks down the stairs and turns into his true form then the story ends. but no video camera so probably no go.

the second part sound like the ending of "Amelia"(TOT) / "he who kills" (TOT2). in both movies both sotries have the same ending. in the first movie karen black is sporting the sharp teeth and is waiting for her mother, i believe could be her boyfriend, to come to her home and is going to kill her. no one is physically in the scene with her. in TOT2 the end of the story is the same but it has the lab woman equipped with the sharp teeth, only this time someone, the detective, finds her and she kills him and the story ends.

Edit: i read the post over again this is definitely NOT either trilogy of terror.