
Other Topics => Entertainment => Topic started by: hellbilly on January 21, 2010, 02:59:08 AM

Title: Urban Legends
Post by: hellbilly on January 21, 2010, 02:59:08 AM
After watching Madman (1982) the other day I couldn't help but wondering if there was any truth to the Cropsey legend on which the movie (and The Burning) was based on. From what I could gather from the internet "The Cropsey Maniac" was an escaped mental patient and was mentioned in the New York Folklore Journal Vol. 3 (1977). If anybody has more insight on this or other legends, please share  :smile:

Title: Re: Urban Legends
Post by: zombie on January 22, 2010, 10:33:25 AM
After watching Madman (1982) the other day I couldn't help but wondering if there was any truth to the Cropsey legend on which the movie (and The Burning) was based on. From what I could gather from the internet "The Cropsey Maniac" was an escaped mental patient and was mentioned in the New York Folklore Journal Vol. 3 (1977). If anybody has more insight on this or other legends, please share  :smile:

hah Madman, I couldn't stand that film. :smile: there's a hilarious bit though where some guys are by a fireplace in a front room and start having some weird dance/orgy (if I've remembered that right?)

dunno if you found this website seems to be some interesting stuff on that urban ledgend there and a DVD about it

Title: Re: Urban Legends
Post by: hellbilly on January 24, 2010, 02:07:37 AM
Thanks for the link. I must've missed that on my first search.
Looks like the Cropsey Legend remains a mystery though, but I'm interested in checking out that docu. The trailer was kinda creepy  :bluesad:

Title: Re: Urban Legends
Post by: Ken on February 16, 2010, 01:00:27 AM
I was one of the searchers looking for the girls, specifically my friends sister Jennifer Schweiger who was the last girl taken by Andre Rand. The sick son of a b***h who was left to pray on the children of Staten Island. I have not seen the movie but have seen the trailer and can tell you he was a mental patient who was released from Willow brook nut farm because of Heraldo Riveras report on the horrible conditions the patients were in. I searched every tunnel, every building and all through the woods. All the patients that were released had nowhere else to go so lived in the tunnels and the grounds of Willowbrook facility. Andre Rand lived in a make shift hut that he built by one of the buildings that was run down. He killed Jennifer and buried her in a shallow grave where she was found after a night of heavy rain that left her arm sticking out of the ground. I don't know if he was the bougie man but if there is one then Andre Rand would be the Bougie Man.

Title: Re: Urban Legends
Post by: The Burgomaster on February 18, 2010, 04:10:55 PM
Well, there's the very famous urban legend about the teenage couple who drive into the forest for some "alone time."  They start kissing, then it gets really hot and heavy.  Suddenly, they hear strange sounds outside the car.  The guy gets out to investigate, the girl hears him scream just as blood splatters across the windshield.  She jumps in the driver's seat and drives home, completely hysterical.  When she gets out of the car, she sees a pair of torn underpants hanging from the door handle with the name "Trevor" printed on the waist band.