
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: Sleepyskull on July 22, 2010, 01:05:45 AM

Title: DVD/Movie Organizing Software
Post by: Sleepyskull on July 22, 2010, 01:05:45 AM
I don't have a massive DVD collection, but I do own about somewhere from 200 to 400 movies (I'm no good at estimating anything.) on a mixture of DVD and VHS.  Can anybody recommend a safe and free software for organizing movie inventories or at least DVD inventories?

It would be nice to use something that will let me sort and search using multiple categories.  For example: I could look up a particular actor and a genre, or a particular crew member and a time range.

It would be great if the software could fill in information about the movie for you after you've selected it.

For example I put in They Live and it fills in the director (John Carpenter), actors and their roles (Meg Foster as Holly), year of release, movie production company and so forth.

I think there are some that work with IMDb and that would make things much easier!

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: DVD/Movie Organizing Software
Post by: The Burgomaster on July 23, 2010, 05:38:09 AM
There is some software available, but I always just used Excel.  You could use different columns for title, actor, year, director, or whatever and then sort the movies however you want.  I have 3,500 + movies on DVD and Excel worked fine for me.  Unfortunately, my hard drive died last year and I lost the Excel file with my DVD collection in it.   :hatred: