I had the title of this film saved on my bookmarks of an old computer but the screen crapped out on me.
i don't remember the title of this movie but i know it's about members of a corporation who are sent to a weekend retreat that's supposed to teach them about being good corporate drones, team players, and overall good character.
Of course they face an evil woman that seems to know everyone's dark secrets. She makes people lay in a coffin, forces an overweight man to eat out of the garbage, and has two 2 hunky hoods that stand by her and help her do her "training."
I know this sounds crazy! LoL but it's a real flick. I appreciate any help i can get.
Got no clue, but I think you would get better help if put this into the What Was That Film section.
Boy, talk about your once in a blue moon poster.
How long has it been Chopper?
HAHA! I know...the past few years seem like a blur to me. i just turned 30! Time to get my act together. But I know i always have my fellow movie dorks to talk to. ;)
Quote from: Chopper on December 16, 2010, 08:40:41 PM
HAHA! I know...the past few years seem like a blur to me. i just turned 30! Time to get my act together. But I know i always have my fellow movie dorks to talk to. ;)
Oh...you just turned 30? Ouch...the joints must be hurting.
You young whippersnapper. :tongueout:
Interestingly, 30 bothered me more than 40. I think 30 is about where you start to think you are getting old...you realize at 40 you were wrong; so take this decade and partay. :thumbup:
LOL! Yeah i don't feel old mentally, thank you for the heads up. i just got back from atlanta, did quite a bit of drinking there! HAHA!
Sorry, I moved the post to "What Was That Film." I want to know the name of the movie if you come up with it. Carry on gentlemen.
Quote from: Menard on December 16, 2010, 10:00:13 PM
Quote from: Rev. Powell on December 16, 2010, 09:53:38 PM
Carry on gentlemen.
I see no need for name calling.
You kill me. Honestly. You do. Im murdered. My body is made of lamp shades.
In Exit to Eden, Dana Delaney has two big dudes who help her discipline people and I'm pretty sure Dan Akroyd has to eat out of the trash at one point. It's not about a corporate retreat though, at least not that I remember.
I'm 99% sure that this is MYSTIQUE aka CiRCLE OF POWER aka BRAINWASH. Check out this review from Stomptokyo to see if it sounds familiar: stomptokyo.com/movies/brainwash.html