
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: bob on March 06, 2011, 12:56:49 PM

Title: coffee appreication thread
Post by: bob on March 06, 2011, 12:56:49 PM
There is nothing like a good cup of coffee to help you wake up.

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Mr. DS on March 06, 2011, 02:51:26 PM
Word to this...though I'm not sure if it really helps gets me going per se.  I could drink a few cups and take a nap right after if needed.  However, I do love the taste of coffee after a nice long rest.  Matter of fact, I'm going to go brew a cup now.

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Sister Grace on March 06, 2011, 04:08:58 PM
I had been out of coffee the last few days until i went to the store earlier. Saying that the mornings around here haven't been pretty, would be a serious way of putting things lightly.

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: SPazzo on March 06, 2011, 04:30:46 PM
I love coffee.... a lot.  I drink about 3-4 cups a day.  I basically live on the stuff. :thumbup:

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: lester1/2jr on March 06, 2011, 06:25:56 PM
imagine if like al queda went after our coffee supply. It would be complete and utter pandemonium.

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Doggett on March 06, 2011, 06:42:41 PM
I'm more of a Hot Chocolate person.

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Raffine on March 06, 2011, 07:05:19 PM
I just woke up from a nap and am waiting for the coffee to brew.  :thumbup:

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: indianasmith on March 06, 2011, 07:19:18 PM
Nasty foul smelling stuff . . . give me DR PEPPER, the true nectar of the gods!!!! :cheers:

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Ed, Ego and Superego on March 06, 2011, 11:06:29 PM
Years of experimentation, addiction, inebriety, and crapulence...and all that stuck was a love of coffee.  I can't live without the stuff.  Not JUST the caffeine... I like the smell, taste, and feel of it.

From Bach's Coffee Cantata.

Aria - Lieschen
Mm! how sweet the coffee tastes, more delicious than a thousand kisses, mellower than muscatel wine. Coffee, coffee I must have, and if someone wishes to give me a treat, ah, then pour me out some coffee!

Recitative - Schlendrian
If you don't give up drinking coffee then you shan't go to any wedding feast, nor go out walking. oh! when will I get my way; give up coffee!

Oh well! Just leave me my coffee!


Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: claws on March 07, 2011, 12:04:50 AM
I used to be a coffee drinker (2-3 cups a day) but my doctor recommended to quit coffee after I got a nasty, stress-related gastritis. That was several years ago.
I still drink coffee but its more like two cups a year, and I usually pour more milk than coffee in my cup.
Every Christmas season I head to Starbucks to get me Mocha Pralinés or Gingerbread Latte. Love that stuff more than regular coffee  :smile:

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Trevor on March 07, 2011, 02:28:04 AM
I would appreciate a good cup of coffee right about now.  :smile:

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Mofo Rising on March 07, 2011, 03:02:29 AM
Nasty foul smelling stuff . . . give me DR PEPPER, the true nectar of the gods!!!! :cheers:

It's weird. When I was growing up in Alaska, I never drank Dr Pepper. Then I moved to the sweltering state of Arizona, and I became a Dr Pepper convert.

Now, I just want caffeine, and it doesn't really matter how I get it. I love a finely brewed cup of gourmet coffee, boy do I ever. But I'll drink two-day-old coffee that's been sitting in a pot. Just give me the caffeine!

I do love good coffee, though. I'm not a coffees snob, but there is a world of difference between the 24-hour brew and a finely crafted cup of coffee.

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Flick James on March 07, 2011, 09:35:33 AM
Count me among the coffee lovers. And tea as well. My lovely Irish wife made me more appreciative of tea. It's par for the course in Ireland, where they drink loads of the stuff and not much coffee. Tea is absolutely automatic there anytime you drop by to visit anyone, doesn't matter what the reason is. If you drop by, the tea kettle gets going right away, along with a few nibbles. It's nice. It's just a part of the culture. It's expected. Kind of nice when you think about it, manners and good graces being an expected thing, that is.

Anyway, I got off the topic a little.


Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: venomx on March 07, 2011, 11:00:57 AM
I buy Dunkin Donuts coffee beans then grind them at home. IMO it's the best.

Maybe with some nice Krispy Kreme doughnuts, even though I have to buy them in Philly, I'm in NJ.


Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Mr. DS on March 07, 2011, 11:34:09 AM

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Flick James on March 07, 2011, 11:52:31 AM

Do you like your coffee dark like your name?

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: The Burgomaster on March 07, 2011, 11:52:39 AM
Coffee has very little effect on me.  For years, I drank it at work out of habit.  About 10 cups every day . . . maybe more.  But I only drank it at work.  If I was at home or on vacation, I would rarely drink coffee (maybe a cup with breakfast, but some days I didn't even have one cup).  I never noticed a difference if I had 10 cups or zero cups.  I can also drink coffee late at night and go right to sleep.  I've cut down quite a bit recently.  Sometimes I drink decaf or no coffee at all.  But I don't come anywhere near 10 cups a day anymore.

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: bob on March 07, 2011, 02:57:31 PM

I was just about to post that.

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Mr. DS on March 07, 2011, 03:53:59 PM

Do you like your coffee dark like your name?
No but I like it black like my men.  (that joke never gets old to me)

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Ed, Ego and Superego on March 07, 2011, 06:10:25 PM

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: bob on March 08, 2011, 09:11:41 AM

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Mr. DS on March 08, 2011, 09:38:38 AM

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: dean on March 09, 2011, 01:48:42 AM
My ode to coffee, well kinda.  Short film I did a few months ago: (

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Killer Bees on March 09, 2011, 04:52:35 AM
Coming from an Eastern European family full of mad, chauvinistic violent ethnic nutballs, I grew up on coffee.  Been drinking the thick Turkish coffee in demi-tasse cups since I was about 12 years old.  And I mean coffee so thick you could stand up your spoon in it.  :thumbup:

One thing that always brings a smile to my face:  a well made cup of coffee.

One that that always makes me scream with rage:  a badly made cup of coffee.

Living in this country we are absolutely spoiled for choice when it comes to good coffee.  Even the tiniest little hole in the wall street coffee cart serves up a cup that the Gods themselves would weep over.

Okay, so I'm waxing lyrical a little, but it's no word of a lie.  I always buy my own beans and brew a pot at home.  So if any of you are at my end the world, you're very welcome at my place to try a smashing cuppa joe.  :cheers:

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Trevor on March 09, 2011, 05:01:29 AM
Coming from an Eastern European family full of mad, chauvinistic violent ethnic nutballs, I grew up on coffee.  Been drinking the thick Turkish coffee in demi-tasse cups since I was about 12 years old.  And I mean coffee so thick you could stand up your spoon in it.  :thumbup:

When I was in Turin in 2003 for a conference, they served coffee so strong and dark you could dye your socks in it.  :buggedout: It was good though but the Fanta orange they served tasted like p*ss.  :buggedout: :buggedout:

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Killer Bees on March 09, 2011, 05:11:06 AM
Coming from an Eastern European family full of mad, chauvinistic violent ethnic nutballs, I grew up on coffee.  Been drinking the thick Turkish coffee in demi-tasse cups since I was about 12 years old.  And I mean coffee so thick you could stand up your spoon in it.  :thumbup:

When I was in Turin in 2003 for a conference, they served coffee so strong and dark you could dye your socks in it.  :buggedout: It was good though but the Fanta orange they served tasted like p*ss.  :buggedout: :buggedout:

Okay Trevor, I don't even want to know how you know what p*ss tastes like  :teddyr: 

For my own sanity's sake I'll just pretend it's one of those logical assumption  things  :bouncegiggle:

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Leah on March 09, 2011, 09:58:19 AM
I'm more of a Hot Chocolate person.

Same here, though I do like some PJ's frozen blends- (

Nasty foul smelling stuff . . . give me DR PEPPER, the true nectar of the gods!!!! :cheers:

I like Dr Pepper as well, but I like Barq's Root Beer just a tad bit more. :twirl:

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Ed, Ego and Superego on March 09, 2011, 01:35:24 PM
Coming from an Eastern European family full of mad, chauvinistic violent ethnic nutballs, I grew up on coffee.  Been drinking the thick Turkish coffee in demi-tasse cups since I was about 12 years old.  And I mean coffee so thick you could stand up your spoon in it.  :thumbup:

One thing that always brings a smile to my face:  a well made cup of coffee.

One that that always makes me scream with rage:  a badly made cup of coffee.

Living in this country we are absolutely spoiled for choice when it comes to good coffee.  Even the tiniest little hole in the wall street coffee cart serves up a cup that the Gods themselves would weep over.

Okay, so I'm waxing lyrical a little, but it's no word of a lie.  I always buy my own beans and brew a pot at home.  So if any of you are at my end the world, you're very welcome at my place to try a smashing cuppa joe.  :cheers:

Whimper.... Forget  Manard's fascination, I'm hooked.  Anatomy is anatomy, coffee is forever.

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Ed, Ego and Superego on March 09, 2011, 01:37:09 PM
I the strip of civilization from Eugene Oregon to VAncouver BC, sublime coffee is easily available, and I don't mean in stores featuring a badly drawn mermaid iover the door. 

Coffee, fog, fruit and beer, its why I live where I do.

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Flick James on March 09, 2011, 01:49:45 PM
I the strip of civilization from Eugene Oregon to VAncouver BC, sublime coffee is easily available, and I don't mean in stores featuring a badly drawn mermaid iover the door. 

Coffee, fog, fruit and beer, its why I live where I do.

Those are all reasons why I love the PNW. I do want to move there one day. The microbrews I drank steadily while in Portland and Eugene were wonderful.

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: bob on March 11, 2011, 08:59:31 AM
Aparently if women drink coffee it lowers the odds that they will get a stroke.

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Flick James on March 11, 2011, 09:39:36 AM
Aparently if women drink coffee it lowers the odds that they will get a stroke.


Coffee. Is there anything it CAN'T do?

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: AndyC on March 11, 2011, 11:22:24 AM
I like to start the day with a couple of large coffees. And I'll grab another one in the afternoon. More than that and I start to get jittery, but if I could, I'd probably drink coffee all day. I like it.

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: venomx on March 11, 2011, 12:09:23 PM
I think I had TOO much coffee today... I started with 2 large cups and now with lunch I had a large Pepsi.

Now I have the "caffeine shakes". :twirl:

Title: Re: coffee appreication thread
Post by: Used Meathook on March 11, 2011, 02:20:48 PM
I like coffee, but my toilet doesn't like the punishment I rain upon it after a couple cups of joe.  :hot: