
Other Topics => Off Topic Discussion => Topic started by: claws on April 06, 2011, 01:36:02 AM

Title: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: claws on April 06, 2011, 01:36:02 AM
Honking horns, rude gestures, or verbal insults is one thing. Getting out the car is another. Ever gone that far?

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: Mofo Rising on April 06, 2011, 03:13:05 AM
Not I, but a friend of mine is now a convicted felon for getting out of his car and causing some structural damage with a golf club.

Some times you should just let things go.

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: Mr. DS on April 06, 2011, 06:39:43 AM
Glad to say no, have come rather close to getting out of the car.  Some people are just rude a-holes.  One guy had his high beams on me for about 5 miles.  I did nothing to this guy, he just decided to be a d!ck to me.  When he passed me I flipped him off, luckily my wife calmed me down.  I probably would have beat the snot out of him.

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: Jack on April 06, 2011, 06:58:09 AM
Nope, the middle finger salute is about as far as I go.  One time I was driving to work, cruising along in the left lane of the freeway at normal speed, slowly gliding past some guy in the right lane.  Then suddenly another guy was driving along the shoulder and swerved back on the road and was gesturing like he wanted me to pull over.  He seemed extremely agitated  :bouncegiggle:    I guess he was mad because I was in the left lane but going less than 100 mph, like he wanted to go?  I dunno, I thought it was pretty funny actually.

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: Olivia Bauer on April 06, 2011, 07:11:12 AM
No but my Father was cut off once. In a rage he drove up next to the guy and pushed him into a ditch and drove away.

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: El Misfit on April 06, 2011, 07:25:29 AM
No but my Father was cut off once. In a rage he drove up next to the guy and pushed him into a ditch and drove away.
DAMN! :buggedout:

Once I was up on the highway, going up to LSU to pick up my sister, and this A-hole of a trucker kept tailgating me. I looked down and saw I was doing 85 MPH!  :buggedout: on the friggen Spillway! :buggedout: :buggedout:

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: Olivia Bauer on April 06, 2011, 08:46:59 AM
No but my Father was cut off once. In a rage he drove up next to the guy and pushed him into a ditch and drove away.
DAMN! :buggedout:

Once I was up on the highway, going up to LSU to pick up my sister, and this A-hole of a trucker kept tailgating me. I looked down and saw I was doing 85 MPH!  :buggedout: on the friggen Spillway! :buggedout: :buggedout:


Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: Criswell on April 06, 2011, 09:03:06 AM
I've not really gotten mad at anyone, other then when people on small backroads keep the highbeams on when they pass you. but I have been flipped off a few times

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: Flick James on April 06, 2011, 09:15:50 AM
Never. Would I ever? Good question. If it was an accident and the other driver was grossly negligent and my kids were in the car, I may have a harder time controlling my rage. I'm grateful that's never happened.

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: SPazzo on April 06, 2011, 10:18:58 AM
Sort of.  I was driving down the highway, at the speed limit, when this guy cam weaving in and out of traffic, going about 130 (km/h).  Driving like crazy and all.  So he speed off, and about 15 minutes later I see his car in a ditch and he's trying to thumb a ride.  I pulled over, rolled down my window, just looked at him, laughed and drove off.

I'm a terrible person. :lookingup:

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: Hammock Rider on April 06, 2011, 10:41:44 AM
I've heard too many stories about this from my brother who is a police officer. You never know who you'll be dealing with or what their motivations are so it's just a lot safer to never get out of the car.

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: bob on April 06, 2011, 11:47:41 AM
No, but this does remind me of something I saw once on my way home from highschool.

For some reason where I went to high school every student driver for the most part drove fast as hell (I know real strech). Once for some reason this car was going aroud what I guess was 70 in a 35 behind this other car for a good four blocks. The guy going 70 had happy hands and kept honking the horn as the person in front of him dared to go 40. I was behind this speed demon.

Once we reached a stop light. The woman being pesterd got out of her car and shouted at the guy behind her to stop honking, althought she used much more colorful language. Happy hands didn't oblige to this request and kept honking.

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: lester1/2jr on April 06, 2011, 11:50:59 AM
I drive for a living and talk alot of s**t but I never take it personally. I can give someone the finger and be next to them at the next sotop light and feel nothing. It's just communication.

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: The Burgomaster on April 06, 2011, 12:50:59 PM
I am a very uptight, impatient driver.  I frequently complain and swear about other drivers.  I love it when people have vanity plates so I actually have a name to use during my tirade.  "Come on, SARA K, move your ass!"  But I've never been involved in any physical violence related to driving.

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: Flick James on April 06, 2011, 01:55:07 PM
Funny related story. I tend to just vent when driving, always have, but it doesn't ever mean any more than that. So, if somebody cuts me off, or anything else that annoys me on the road, I tend to say something profane, not even loud enough for them to hear, just for my own venting purposes. Examples would include "Way to go dickhead," "nice signal, numbnuts," or "stupid f**k."

About a year ago, when my oldest son was about 2 years old, I was pulling into a parking lot trying to find a pool supply store to buy some bromine tablets for our hot tub. Some idiot cut me off and I said "you dumb f**k," as I wasn't fully used to censoring myself for my kid yet. My son Miles immediately repeated the f-word and I thought "oh no, we're going to get home and my wife is going to kill me when she hears him repeating that."

Luckily, when we got in the store, there was a display of floaty things for holding chlorine tablets that had frogs on them, so I immediately diverted him into say "frog" instead of "f**k." It worked, and he went home saying "frog" over and over instead of the other.


Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: lester1/2jr on April 06, 2011, 01:57:03 PM
If a driver is driving bad I call them lady even if I can't see what they are.

Title: Re: Road rage: ever got out of your car?
Post by: The Burgomaster on April 06, 2011, 02:09:34 PM
Luckily, when we got in the store, there was a display of floaty things for holding chlorine tablets that had frogs on them, so I immediately diverted him into say "frog" instead of "f**k." It worked, and he went home saying "frog" over and over instead of the other.


I can see it now . . . he'll be a teenager and he'll ask some girl if he can frog her.