
Movies => Bad Movies => Topic started by: claws on March 13, 2012, 04:18:15 PM

Title: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: claws on March 13, 2012, 04:18:15 PM
So I watched Alien Arsenal (1999) today not knowing it was a David DeCoteau movie.

Plot: two outcasts discover alien weaponry in their high school and turn into superheroes of some sort. Meanwhile three martians in human disguise searching for their weapons wanna destroy earth. 2/5

Partly dull and mildly entertaining Sci-Fi teen adventure made for TV. It's rather harmless but not without hidden (obvious) homoerotica DeCoteau is known for to include in almost every movie he makes. In this case its tight shirts on young guys

Thank god no tighty whities like usual because yeah, the movie is aimed at a younger audience.
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: RCMerchant on March 13, 2012, 04:37:57 PM
I've seen PUPPET MASTER 3 and CREEPAZOIDS....don't recall too much about CREEPAZOIDS...PUPPET MASTER #-well-it was ok.

Oh-DeCockteau started his carrear directing gay porn films.
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: Jack on March 13, 2012, 05:50:55 PM
Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama is actually one of the first bad movies I really got into.  There's a scene where Brinke Stevens (Taffy) is getting paddled on her bottom - I highly recommend this movie   :thumbup:

Shrieker is a fav'e too.  Good old b-movie cheese there.

Creepozoids is a minor favorite as well.  

Ancient Evil: Scream of the Mummy - oh my god.  There's a scene in that thing that I did not not make it through this one unharmed, that's for sure   :bouncegiggle:

Totem - not a bad little zero budget thing.

I think I've seen Talisman, that kind of had the wrong people gettin' sexy if I remember correctly.  

I've probably seen one or two of the Puppet Master movies he directed too.  
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: Keir on March 13, 2012, 06:52:47 PM
I love all of David DeCoteau's movies that I've seen: Creepozoids, Dr. Alien, Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama, Nightmare Sisters, The Girl I Want, Murder Weapon, Assault Of The Killer Bimbos... OK, Petticoat Planet was rather lame.  Of course, there are loads I haven't seen but in general when I see one I know I can count on some truly awful cheesy fun.  In fact, I have a date with Dreamaniac tonight. :)
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: claws on March 14, 2012, 03:11:07 AM
He made quite a few decent C-Flicks throughout the 80s but I dare anyone to watch his movies made after 1997  :teddyr:
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: Mofo Rising on March 14, 2012, 03:36:05 AM
I was surprised to see David DeCoteau's name pop up in a lot of Charles Band Empire/Full Moon productions. He's been at this b-movie game for a while.

I think the first gay-themed film I saw of his was The Brotherhood, watched during a period I was systematically making my way through every horror movie at the Blockbuster in alphabetical order.

I'm not gay, so a lot of toned guys in tighty-whities does nothing for me. However, I will say that a very large part of why I watch b-movies is to see naked ladies. I'll watch almost anything that promises cheesecake. It wouldn't be too far-fetched to say that the promise of naked ladies was a key-point in engendering my love of the genre.

I won't be picking up any of DeCoteau's films, but I am fully in favor of him making them. Cheesy, illicit sex is a staple of b-movies, why not make bad movies for the gay audience? I don't need to watch them, but I'm not the target audience. He's carved out his beefcake empire. I prefer cheesecake, but that's just me.
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: Andrew on March 14, 2012, 08:58:04 AM
I have not escape unscathed from Mr. DeCoteau's more recent films (in the past 10 years).  In fact, Voodoo Academy ( was a complete and unpleasant surprise.  Many years ago, one of the folks at Full Moon contact me about reviewing some of their films.  They specifically requested "Voodoo Academy" and I agreed.  He sent me the screeners, and (for the love of young men in tighty-whities) that movie caught me off my guard.  I've never forgiven DeCoteau or Full Moon for doing that.

That incident was a major reason I decided to stop accepting screeners.

Funny that you should bring him up, because the next review I am posting specifically mentions him.  Not due to him having any involvement in the movie, but just because it seemed like a movie he would make.  Belay that, Mr. DeCoteau is not as in-your-face as they were in this film.  I've just come to associate him with movies created to appeal to a homosexual audience.  Although, this mini-movie (it's part of an anthology film) is so bad, I don't know if anyone would like it - regardless of their orientation.
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: Mofo Rising on March 15, 2012, 03:41:40 AM
Quote from: Andrew on March 14, 2012, 08:58:04 AM
I have not escape unscathed from Mr. DeCoteau's more recent films (in the past 10 years).  In fact, Voodoo Academy ( was a complete and unpleasant surprise.   I've just come to associate him with movies created to appeal to a homosexual audience.  Although, this mini-movie (it's part of an anthology film) is so bad, I don't know if anyone would like it - regardless of their orientation.

I surprised myself with my spirited defense of gay-themed b-movies, but I should also say that the sole DeCoteau movie I saw, The Brotherhood, was awful. I don't remember if I saw the sequel, I think I did. But, yes, his movies are terrible. If all you want to see is guys in their tightie-whities, learn to use the internet, there's no reason watch a DeCoteau "film."

I think the sole b-movie I saw that made actual use of homosexuality as a plot point was Cthulhu. That was a retelling of an old H.P. Lovecraft story where the bad guy needed to transmit his consciousness through his offspring to achieve eternal life. Just his bad luck that his latest progeny was gay, so ain't no children coming from this kid. It wasn't a very good movie, but at least it made the gay stuff a part of its story.

So, yeah, the gay audience needs a much better filmmaker working on their behalf. DeCoteau is not good.
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: bob on March 15, 2012, 10:50:09 AM
I saw  House of Usher years ago  2.5/5
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: Keir on March 15, 2012, 04:03:23 PM
OK, I finished watching Dreamaniac and it was definitely not on par with the other movies I mentioned.  There were a few parts that were entertainingly bad but most of it was just bad.

Also, despite what everyone says, movies like Sorority Babes and Nightmare Sisters are chock full of great T&A.  Unfortunately that is not the case with Dreamaniac which, in addition to the obligatory guys running around in tighty-whities, actually has more male nudity than I've probably seen in a single movie (and I don't there was any female nudity!)
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: retrorussell on March 18, 2012, 04:08:27 PM
Quote from: Keir on March 15, 2012, 04:03:23 PM
OK, I finished watching Dreamaniac and it was definitely not on par with the other movies I mentioned.  There were a few parts that were entertainingly bad but most of it was just bad.

Also, despite what everyone says, movies like Sorority Babes and Nightmare Sisters are chock full of great T&A.  Unfortunately that is not the case with Dreamaniac which, in addition to the obligatory guys running around in tighty-whities, actually has more male nudity than I've probably seen in a single movie (and I don't there was any female nudity!)
I caught Dreamaniac last night on Netflix.  Yeah, pretty dull and bad throughout.  Poor FX, poor dialogue, poor delivery, and a retarded ending.  Very, very sucky.
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: Trevor on March 19, 2012, 06:16:13 AM
A friend of mine, the great SA cinematographer Vincent G Cox ASC worked with him on the film The Raven.
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: Saucerman on March 21, 2012, 01:20:35 PM
I adore Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama, to the point where it was briefly an in-joke with some of the movie nerds I hang out with in real life.  I'd written a review of Scarlet Fry's Nightmare Alley which, while attempting to remain positive, boiled down to "this is painful-to-watch crap.  It's so painfully obvious that the filmmaker involved just threw a bunch of s**t at the camera and hoped something stuck."  I'd referenced Sorority Babes early in the review as an example of "so bad it's good" and once the review was posted, Scarlet Fry launched a series of vicious ad hominem attacks on me for disliking the film, called me a homo, told me I was unfit to review his urine, and at one point said something akin to "What do you know, your favorite movie is sorority babes in the slimeball bowl a rama"

I used Leeches!, one of Decoteau's more....flamboyant....films to "test" myself at one point, to see just how much I could endure. 
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: BoyScoutKevin on March 22, 2012, 04:26:00 PM

So, yeah, the gay audience needs a much better filmmaker working on their behalf. DeCoteau is not good.

There is one, or, I should say, there was one, since he died last year. British film director and heterosexual Ken Russell.

Who not only worked with a great number of gays, both before and behind the camera, but whose films often contain a gay vibe.

"Women in Love"
Either the 2nd or the 3rd main stream film to contain full frontal male nudity.

"Music Lovers"
or, the tale of a homosexual married to a nymphomaniac.

"The Devils"
If not the full French court, then many of the French king's courtiers, if not the king himself, are seen as being gay.

Uncle Ernie (Keith Moon), or, at least, he is seen reading the "Gay Times." Which scene created some controversy in certain gay circles.

Was he gay, or wasn't he gay? Only the filmmaker knows for sure.

The gay Dr. Polidori (Timothy Spall) has a "thing" for the bisexual Byron (Gabriel Byrne.)

"Salome' Last Dance"
The gay Oscar Wilde (Nicholas Grace) attends a performance of his controversial play "Salome" with his lover "Bosey" (Douglas Hodge),which play is put on ia a London whorehouse and performed by the inmates of said house.

"Lair of the White Worm"
The last scene featuring Lord D'Ampton (Hugh Grant) and Angus Flint (Peter Capaldi) has a gay vibe to it.

And all that gayness does not include all the bisexuals and lesbians Ken worked with, both before and behind the camera, and as characters in his films, nor all the male nudity in his films.
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: Rev. Powell on March 22, 2012, 05:03:38 PM
I survived CREEPAZOIDS and probably some others I didn't realize by DeCocteau.

However, I mainly post here to respond to Saucy:

Quote from: Saucerman on March 21, 2012, 01:20:35 PM
I'd written a review of Scarlet Fry's Nightmare Alley which, while attempting to remain positive, boiled down to "this is painful-to-watch crap.  It's so painfully obvious that the filmmaker involved just threw a bunch of s**t at the camera and hoped something stuck."  I'd referenced Sorority Babes early in the review as an example of "so bad it's good" and once the review was posted, Scarlet Fry launched a series of vicious ad hominem attacks on me for disliking the film, called me a homo, told me I was unfit to review his urine, and at one point said something akin to "What do you know, your favorite movie is sorority babes in the slimeball bowl a rama"

Were you aware of this infamous thread ( before you reviewed Frye's movie? If you had been, you probably wouldn't have tried to remain positive!
Title: Re: Post here if you made it through a David DeCoteau movie unharmed
Post by: Saucerman on March 22, 2012, 07:17:08 PM
I'd forgotten that thread! I knew the guy was a scumbag from seeing his reactions to other people's reviews of his work, but I tried not to let the fact that I knew he was a scumbag prejudice me against the work, and judge it on its own merit.  And I always try to throw indie filmmakers a bone because I recognize what a challenge it can be to actually make a movie.  Scarlet Fry had a much easier time because he simply threw feces at the camera for 88 minutes.