
Other Topics => Weird News Stories => Topic started by: Raffine on December 08, 2013, 08:29:30 PM

Title: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: Raffine on December 08, 2013, 08:29:30 PM
As a offering of penance for my long absence here's this... (

Title: Re: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: indianasmith on December 08, 2013, 09:04:09 PM
If that was true, Willie Nelson would look like Dolly Parton!

Title: Re: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: Rev. Powell on December 08, 2013, 09:19:52 PM
Must... resist temptation to make breast puns... must... resis tit...

Title: Re: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: indianasmith on December 08, 2013, 11:40:36 PM
Don't be such a boob, man!

Title: Re: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: Umaril Has Returned on December 14, 2013, 12:13:18 PM
If that was true, Willie Nelson would look like Dolly Parton!

Yeah and Toronto mayor Rob Ford would look like Candy Samples!

Title: Re: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: retrorussell on December 14, 2013, 04:13:46 PM
I remember a 1981 flick called Fear No Evil, where a high school student was Lucifer and two female students were angels trying to stop him from committing deadly shenanigans.  In the film one of the students remarks to a pot-smoking jock that it would make him grow tits.  Well, Lucifer makes it happen!

Title: Re: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: ChaosTheory on December 14, 2013, 04:48:30 PM
I'm guessing it's not the marijuana per se but the "do nothing but sit around while high" that caused it. 

If that was true, Willie Nelson would look like Dolly Parton!

Yeah and Toronto mayor Rob Ford would look like Candy Samples!

Fun fact: Robert Mitchum was a stoner; he got busted for weed use in 1948 and did 60 days in jail. (It wasn't the first time he'd been in trouble with the law either.  As a teenager he got arrested for hopping a freight train and got put on a chain gang --- from which he escaped.)

Looks flat enough to me.

Title: Re: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: Trevor on December 15, 2013, 07:17:32 AM
*COUGH* [Adjusts 44D black lace bra] :wink:

Title: Re: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: ChaosTheory on December 15, 2013, 03:31:41 PM
*COUGH* [Adjusts 44D black lace bra] :wink:

 :buggedout: :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:

Title: Re: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: Umaril Has Returned on December 17, 2013, 04:38:08 PM
I remember a 1981 flick called Fear No Evil, where a high school student was Lucifer and two female students were angels trying to stop him from committing deadly shenanigans.  In the film one of the students remarks to a pot-smoking jock that it would make him grow tits.  Well, Lucifer makes it happen!

I remember that one. seen it in the theatre when it came out. The star of the movie was Stefan Arngrim (brother of Allison Arngrim who played Nellie Olsen on Little House On The Prairie.)  Irwn Allen fans may also remember him playing Barry, the youngest passenger on the Spindrift in Land of The Giants.

Title: Re: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: zelmo73 on December 17, 2013, 04:45:00 PM
Fun fact: Robert Mitchum was a stoner; he got busted for weed use in 1948 and did 60 days in jail.


I believe it. He just had that "look" about him. Especially around the eyes.  :teddyr:

Title: Re: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: Rev. Powell on December 17, 2013, 05:31:34 PM
My ears are burning.

Title: Re: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: Trevor on December 18, 2013, 12:59:48 AM
Must... resist temptation to make breast puns... must... resis tit...

LOL  :bouncegiggle: :bouncegiggle:

Title: Re: Marijuana Causes Man Boobs! In Men!
Post by: bob on December 18, 2013, 07:07:25 PM